The pet king of the city

Chapter 247 The Storm Before the Match

Fatty An naturally knew what Chen Lie's core business was, and he didn't have the slightest panic, but he was not as excited as a child.

He cheerfully asked about A Baolai who was drooling, "Your name is A Bao, right?"

Abao nodded.

Fatty An asked: "If you want to eat, I'll give it to you first."

After talking, Fatty Ann pushed the noodles to A Bao.

A Bao instinctively reached out to take it, but he shrank back and crawled out of the paradise quickly.

Because the white monkeys went to wash their hands and eat together.

"I wipe, they know how to line up to wash their hands."

When Fatty An saw a group of pets headed by white monkeys, he actually knew how to line up to wash his hands, giving him a hell expression.

"Eat quickly."

"Otherwise, it will be our pot."

Wang Yishan was also surprised.

But he is young after all. He has watched many live videos of Chen Lie and he is prepared for this.

Wang Yishan took the lead in taking a bite.


good to eat.

Take another bite.

Stop, because it's so delicious!

After eating the third bite, Wang Yishan's movements slowed down.

Fatty An seemed to be more careless. He praised the first bite: "The meat is so fresh that the noodles are fine, and the meat smells fragrant for a long time. The noodle soup alone is enough to be well-known in the world. "

"You have another bite."

Wang Yishan did not comment, but asked Fatty An to eat more carefully.

Fatty An made Wang Yishan's expression different, and immediately took a second bite.


It feels stronger.

Fatty An couldn't help but took three bites, and finally settled down.

If the first bite is [delicious], then the second bite can be regarded as [unbeatable], and the third bite can only be described by one word:


This soup is absolutely perfect.

Obviously it was only cooked with ordinary noodles and ordinary ingredients, but it became the best noodle soup of their two pasta masters in their lives.

"How did Mr. Chen do it?"

"You ask me, who am I asking?"

Wang Yishan wondered, Fatty An was even more shocked.

The craftsmanship of the noodles alone is enough to cross the eastern noodle world.

If Chen Lie uses better and more refined materials, he won't be able to shake the sky?

At this moment.

They finally knew why Chen Lie refused their help.

Because you don't need it at all.

Wang Yishan and Fatty An thought of this very much, they were immediately ashamed and ashamed, they wanted to find a hole in the hole.

"Eat it."

Lao Li sighed and said, "It's rare to come to Pengcheng once and bump into such an event again. How can I miss it."

"Yes indeed."

"Mr. Chen doesn't need our help, but we can speak out for help!"

Wang Yishan figured it out and felt relieved.

Fatty Ann shook his head with a wry smile.

His original intention was to step on the face of the emperor of Ramen to make his reputation internationally, and no longer need to sneak in the southwest.

it's good now.

He has no chance at all.


Fatty An looked at Chen Lie.

This is Chen Lie but it is very troublesome. He kept yelling: "Abao, why did you have the same old problem again? Eat slowly, don't worry, no one will rob you, I have prepared a lot this time."

Seeing Chen Lie's head burnt for a few pets, Fatty An laughed somehow.



Pengcheng Radio.

This is the main venue for the production of large-scale variety shows. The scale is even larger than a regular basketball court, enough to accommodate 3,000 people.

And this time.

President Hu of Shark Live is directing employees excitedly.

Qin Tiancheng, Chen Lie's queen editor, is cooperating with the live director, bringing in some exclusive live broadcast equipment, and constantly adjusting the angle according to the director's requirements.

It's not just shark live streaming that is busy.

The team with Ramen Emperor at its core is even more busy.

They brought in pieces of specially made kitchenware, including special charcoal stoves for cooking, ancient ceramics, etc., all of which were private products shipped by the emperor of Ramen by air from JP.

It is said that only the most distinguished people will use this set of things.

"President, what the hell do you think the JP people are doing?"

Qin Tiancheng looked at the enemy's movements in a daze, and asked: "I just heard them say that having a set of porcelain is very expensive, and people who are so expensive that we want to help are expelled. Do you think we are kindly struck by lightning?"

"What do you care about them doing so much?"

"Doing our live broadcast well is the biggest benefit."

President Hu knows a little bit.

The Ramen Emperor's porcelain set, converted into RMB, has a market value of close to one million, which is an exaggeration.

But money is of secondary importance.

The most important thing is that this set of porcelain is said to be only used to entertain the most noble guests. In the past, only the core figures of the JP consortium and senior government officials were eligible to enjoy it.

This time I took it out to entertain the referees, and it was a bit to please the referees.

after all.

This trick gave the referee a lot of impression points innately.

"The enemy has calculated to this point."

"It's not easy for Pet Brother to win."

President Hu sighed.

But he is not much friendlier than ordinary websites in cooking, and even worse.

At least ordinary netizens can cook a few side dishes.

But President Hu can even burn the fried eggs, wash the rice and cook the porridge will be half-baked, only the noodles will not cause trouble.

"Are you ready?"

The director came to urge.


President Hu replied: "But Brother Pet has not come yet."

"We are done."

Saburo Tobe came out on behalf of the emperor of Ramen and said, "You can test it first. We will make the soup base later."

"Make the soup base first?"

"Isn't this cheating publicly?"

Qin Tiancheng was taken aback and looked at other people suspiciously.

"That's not cheating."

The golden spoon and the silver spoon come together.

Golden Spoon explained: “For a chef of our level, the noodle soup is the real soul. It’s normal to simmer a cup of clear soup for a few hours.”

Silver Spoon added: "But in the show, do we dare to make the audience wait for 4 or 5 hours?"


"So some pavement recording must be taken."

The director concluded by saying: "This is what I discussed with both parties, and neither of them has any opinion."

"Your cooking knowledge is so poor, you are embarrassed to do live broadcast here?"

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