The pet king of the city

Chapter 557: Coming to the Sahara Desert

Chen Lie really forgot the wilderness to survive.

And once you play, you can drill in the most dangerous place.

The most important thing is that Chen Lie is alone now. He wants to be a pet but not a pet, and has no logistics. This is a joke about his life.

But it was Chen Lie's "willful" behavior that won the support of many fans.

After all, such a serious anchor.

There is too little now, too little.

"This tortoise shell in my hand has been treated with a special process, and it is said to be non-corrosive for thousands of years."

"In ancient Egypt, and even the whole of West Asia, this mysterious treatment method was circulated."

"But these are secondary, the most important is the lines on this tortoise shell."

Chen Lie has analyzed this tortoise shell.

Know a little secret.

He told the live broadcast room: "The information revealed by the lines on the tortoise shell is very simple, that is, in a place where the sun disappears, there is a mysterious imprint of an ancient Egyptian nobleman."

Chen Lie said.

The imprint on the black tortoise shell is a combined language, namely [Moon] and [Tears]. The combination is the tears of the moon, which means the Nile.

Looking at the entire ancient Egypt, only the mysterious and powerful Nile family is qualified to have this mark.

The Nile family.

A mysterious family with a long history and extremely powerful.

It is said.

This ancient family has a connection with a certain god.

"Now I am going to start."

"I don't know where the goal is, I only know the general direction, but I am ready to face the cruelest danger."

"There are many incredible relics of civilization in the desert, and there are also many unexpected dangers, such as...oh yeah, look, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Chen Lie looked at an open circus similar to acrobatics.

And the trainer is waving his whip, letting a few Nile monitor lizards perform.

Attention in the live broadcast room was all focused on the Nile monitor lizard.

These Nile monitor lizards are about one and a half meters long. They look brutal in appearance, but under the threat of the whip, they cleverly perform various designated actions.

Although there were few visitors at the scene, the trainer still performed very hard.

After all, after the trouble a few years ago.

Egypt’s tourism industry has been hit hard, and now he still has a chance to perform, that’s pretty good.

Many of his colleagues are out of work now.


A relatively large Nile monitor lizard was given a whip severely because of its slow response for a few seconds.

It looked at the trainer angrily.

But the trainer's whip fell again, making it unable to resist.

"Look, everyone, these are the Nile monitor lizards."

"Don't look at them as they are a bit horrible now, but they are still small."

Chen Lie said: "They should have lived in sub-Saharan Africa, living in rivers, lakes or wetlands, feeding on fish, shrimps, shellfish, etc., and they also prey on some mammals and birds. Even the smaller Nile crocodile that preys on the smaller Nile crocodiles has extremely powerful biting power and is a very dangerous animal. However, because of artificial domestication, their living habits have been forced to change, and they are naturally not big in such arid environment."

"Explain by the way."

"The large Nile monitor lizard is 3 meters long and is the second largest reptile on the African continent, second only to the Nile crocodile."

"But also because the larger the body, the greater the need for food, and the more aggressive they are naturally; and their intelligence is not low, and they will attack hostile humans or other potentially threatening enemies."

"So in the wild, it is best to avoid them when you encounter them."

Chen Lie finished the live broadcast of the show, then gave the animal trainer a decent reward and left.

He could have rewarded more.

But in a different place, I still understand the simple truth of not showing money.

The next step is very simple.

Chen Lie directly rented the only helicopter in the city (for hospital ambulance), and then left the city.

The helicopter flew into the desert for two hours.

"In two hours, I flew for two full hours."

"Don't say it's a village all the way, you can't even see an oasis."

"Such a Jedi, I think everyone feels it?"

Chen Lie armed himself, checked everything, and said seriously, "I know there must be many people who want to persuade me, but don't waste your words. Since you want to survive in the wilderness, you also have the task of finding the ruins. Then be authentic and reliable."

The fact is as Chen Lie said.

The persuasion in the live broadcast room stopped abruptly under these words.

Ren Qing and the others were not stupid either. Seeing that Chen Lie's cell phone signal was still on, they didn't talk nonsense.

of course.

They have already learned that Chen Lie's trip abroad was secretly supported by Mr. Zhu, otherwise it would be impossible to reach Egypt in such a short period of time, to the so-called tourist city that has never even heard of the name.

And they also understand.

Mr. Zhu has already mobilized and has stationed manpower in several nearby oases, and can take over Chen Lie at any time.

If nothing happens in the live footage, they will travel as Chen Lie.

If something happens, they can also support the past with the fastest efficiency.

At this time.

The pilot of the helicopter said in English: "Sir, are we going back? Now it will take at least 3 hours for us to go back. If we hover, there will be no gasoline."

"At this time my final commission."

"You lower the height, put down the rope ladder, I want to go down."

Chen Lie took out the promised final reward.

The pilot happily accepted the reward, and then reminded: "Sir, it's too dangerous to go on like this. It's at least a day and a half away from the city. If you get lost, I'm afraid it will be miserable. Are you the host of the show?"

The pilot was not a fool, and watching Chen Lie keep talking to a camera, he knew that Chen Lie was doing a show.

"I'm doing survival in the wilderness show."

"In order to achieve the effect of the show, I will walk from here to my destination alone."

Chen Lie opened the hatch by himself and then put down the rope ladder

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