The pet king of the city

Chapter 558: Waste is Shameful

After Chen Lie had finished speaking, seeing the pilot hesitating, he opened the hatch and then lowered the rope ladder.

"Sir, this can't be a joke."

The pilot still made a cautious suggestion: "Your professionalism is worthy of admiration, but I don't recommend you to do this, after all, it is related to your life. Any act of making jokes about life is shameful."

The pilot deserves to be the ambulance pilot of the hospital.

The heart is still relatively kind.

"Thank you, but I am prepared to the point where it is impossible to shrink back like this."

"Bless me!"

Chen Lie went down alone.

The pilot was also helpless, and could only choose a better angle to stabilize.

About two meters away from the ground, Chen Lie suddenly jumped down.

But he didn't find the place where he jumped was a hidden dune.

As soon as he got down, because of the impulse, this invisible sand dune with a slope of no more than 10 degrees took him down.

Chen Lie hasn't played this kind of game that can stand and slide.

Can play hard for a while.

It's a pity that the hidden sand dunes are not very big, and it only took more than 20 seconds to slide over.

"Haha, I finally came to the real desert."

While waving to the pilot, Chen Lie said to the camera: "No matter what your mood is, I have only one mood right now: It's really hot here!"

Chen Lie smiled bitterly: "The current temperature is at least 40 degrees Celsius. Normal people can't survive in such an environment. I'm unlucky enough to say that the annual average daily temperature in the Sahara Desert is about 20 degrees Celsius, but I It's easy to choose or not, but I chose the most unsuitable time to come."

"Over 40 degrees, my dear!"

"That is, before we were 40 degrees hotter than African blacks could not stand, let alone higher temperatures."

"I remembered the previous stalk: An African black uncle said that he tanned in the East. Now that the pet brother is killed in the Sahara Desert, will the pet brother become black when he comes back?"

Many people dreamed of Chen Lie, who was tanned, and couldn't help laughing.

"Everyone look at my equipment."

"A set of the most common clothes, plus a turban, a kettle and a dagger."

"This is all my equipment."

Chen Lie took out all his equipment.

"Brother Pet lied, how did you broadcast it?"

"I know that Pet Brother has a complete set of live broadcast equipment, as well as an ultra-stable live broadcast camera, and it hasn't shaken much until now."

"Anyway, Pet Brother will conduct live broadcasts for more than 10 hours. No one can fake this. Moreover, he is still in the Sahara Desert. Such conscientious anchors may not be able to find a second place in the world."

"I also want to see who will take the opportunity to jump out of the lower limit."

"Thank you for your support!"

"But in the desert, I can't talk too much, it will waste a lot of water."

"Fortunately, I was prepared before coming, so I can type in to chat with everyone."

Chen Lie continued: “Although this kind of communication speed will be slower, it can reduce the loneliness of being alone. You should know that when someone gets lost in the desert, he has to bear not only physical pressure, but also mental stress. pressure."

"Don't underestimate the mental pressure."

"If the will to survive is slightly weaker, unless you are lucky, you will end up in the desert."

"According to the statistics of a certain country's geographical impurities, among the 10 people in the world who hate in the desert, half of them are because of self-destruction and find a place at will to wait for rescue, and eventually die of thirst."

"These are manifestations of being unable to bear mental pressure."

After Chen Lie finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the live broadcast room.

Afterwards, many people started to avoid this topic actively, saying something interesting, and even some people moved over.

"Don't worry, everyone."

"The journey is still far away."

Chen Lie smiled and said: "And I just started, it is impossible to feel the mental pressure so quickly."

"Well, I can't waste any more saliva."

"I have distinguished the direction now. I was born to find the iconic coordinates and today's supplies."

Chen Lie's mind turned into reality.

At this moment, a small animal in front was frightened by Chen Lie and suddenly lifted up.

It's a mouse.

The mouse in the desert is called the gerbil, the scientific name is the fat-tailed gerbil.

They look a bit like hamsters, have a chubby lower body, and like to eat food with both hands.

Chen Lie came at the right time.

It just so happened that it was dying a desert plant with the sun behind it, and was reluctant to let it go.

"Haha, supplies are coming!"

Chen Lie flew over without saying a word.

"Brother Pet is merciful."

"Ah, such a cute mouse!"

In the exclamation of many people, Chen Lie entered the final hunting process.

The greedy fat-tailed gerbil realized that something was wrong and flew into the sand for the first time.

They use this method to avoid opponents.

However, it met Chen Lie.

Flying knife.

A distance of more than 20 meters passed in a flash.

The flying knife made a cruel scream, and the hunt was over.

Chen Lie came to the plant, pierced into the sand, and pulled out the dagger that was completely submerged in the sand.

And the dagger penetrated the gerbil's head.

The blood is flowing.

This cruel scene made countless people couldn't bear to look straight.

"Who just advised me not to start?"

Chen Lie looked at the live broadcast room with strong sarcasm and asked: "In the desert, you can't waste a drop of water or a little food. This is common sense. Those who have said so ignorant just now must read not many books. Lie to them."

"I report XX."

"That's you, don't hide it, I have something to talk to you."

The live broadcast room began to frolic.

Chen Lie's sneer was in a lively atmosphere, washing away a bit of blood in the scene.

After all, in his memory, there are a large number of children watching in the live broadcast room.

"This is called a fat-tailed gerbil."

"The characteristic mouse of the desert."

Chen Lie began to peel the skin quickly to get the meat.

Of course, he adjusted the angle as much as possible to prevent everyone from seeing his bloody movements.

"Waste is shameful."

"This is the same not only for me, but also for fat-tailed gerbils."

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