The pet king of the city

Chapter 561 Ruins in the Desert

The Sahara Desert covers an area of ​​9.06 million square kilometers, making it the second largest desert in the world after Antarctica.

Just by looking at its area, you know how vast it is.

A desert ruin covered by wind and sand in front of me.

When I was not careful, I thought it was a very common desert ruin.

But after seeing it, I have to sigh the majesty here.

This ancient town that has been deserted for at least a thousand years is really big enough, it is simply an ancient capital.

Although the main building is buried by sand, some severely weathered mountains around, including the dunes where Chen Lie is standing, form a screen-like barrier, reluctantly protecting this place and letting it be in a big valley. The towns are not completely buried.

"It seems to be the top of a building."

"It looks like a tower, but it collapsed."

"The sand is at least ten meters deep, and some places may be close to 20 meters."

Chen Lie slowly slid down the sand dunes.

He can be sure.

If the sand on the surface of the sand dunes is peeled away, there are definitely Cui Wei peaks under these dunes.

"Hey, look."

"There is some green near the tower in the valley, and there may be groundwater there."

"This is a godsend opportunity!"

Chen Lie only left for a long time, only to be dizzy from the heat.

If it wasn't for him to drink a lot of water before setting off.

And there are relatively sufficient supplies, otherwise he would have smoked from his throat now.

Interestingly, Chen Lie, who came to the bottom of the valley, found a collapsed city wall, which happened to isolate the main building from the desert.

City wall!

In ancient times, a city wall was definitely a symbol of a large city.

In desert areas far away from rivers, cities with moats may only have special places, such as pharaoh’s cemetery, the original price of large families, or shrines, temples, and so on.

"Look at everyone, I am now at the core of this ruin."

Chen Lie pointed to the collapsed tower and said: "According to the architectural style, this is an ancient Egyptian defensive tower, which is generally used for warning. It's just that its location is a bit wrong, not on the periphery, but in the core of the valley. , That means it wants to protect the building behind."

"Brother Pet, is this not what you care about now?"

"We've all seen your lips are chapped, so please don't say a few words and look for water quickly."

"Brother Pet, please don't pay attention to the live broadcast anymore. The water is important, and we all feel distressed."

"Thank you for your concern, but I can still support it."

Chen Lie smiled leisurely while listening to the words of concern from the fans.

To prove that he was okay, he took another sip of water.


He really only took a sip, and the water in the kettle ran out.

He pours down towards his mouth vigorously, but with the last drop of water drunk, his drinking water is over.

"It seems I really have to find water."

Chen Lie pointed to the kettle and said, "I planned to use this water for at least one day, save a little and still use it for one and a half days. As a result, I drank it in less than half a day. Hey, I still underestimated the difficulty of survival in the desert."


Chen Lie started to go inside.

He also specifically explained: "Look there, there is green near the main building in the middle, which proves that there is a water source nearby, and at least the soil is wetter."

The queen drove to persuade and said: "Pet brother, please hurry up to find water and stop chatting. Those booing people, you have no conscience, have you not seen that pet brother has no water and his lips are cracked?"

It's okay to put the rocket and persuade: "Others are coquettish to live broadcast, but Pet Brother uses his life to live broadcast!"

The gods and magnates all said this, most sane people stopped chatting and began to help find water sources.

Of course, there are also some who do not love themselves here.

As a result, they either became street rats or they were kicked, and a few particularly smelly mouths were sealed forever.

Chen Lie's earnestness and dedication, as well as the promptness of the administrator, is no wonder that Chen Lie's popularity has always been the first in the industry.

"found it."

"Look here!"

When Chen Lie spoke, he pointed to a bunch of bushes and said: "Finding such dense vegetation in the depths of the desert is like winning the lottery."

"Not so exaggerated?"

"I have never won a lottery ever since I was young."

"The Eastern lottery is world-class probability."

In the midst of many discussions, Chen Lie walked into a place that looked like a temple and said, “This is the highest and most majestic place in the entire ruins. You see, the wind and sand outside almost covered the roof, but here It’s just to the surface."


When he came inside, Chen Lie was shocked by it.

There are no majestic statues here, but there are stunning murals.

Every wall and every stone here are painted with wonderful murals.

Coming here is like being in an ancient gallery.

"Haha, I found a clue."

Chen Lie took the camera and came to a painting, holding a black tortoise shell, pointing to the screen and saying, "Look, is the mark of this painting the same as this one?"

Among the many "is", Chen Lie continued to analyze: "Although I don't understand ancient Egyptian characters, this mural means that the moon's daughter is married to a big man."

"Mr. Chen, my surname is ancient. I am a professor at a certain university. I happened to study ancient Egyptian for more than ten years. I can help you interpret it."

Said an old professor who was praised by a local tyrant and the administrator put it on top.

"Then trouble Professor Gu."

Chen Lie knew that there was a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in his live studio, and he even had a deep understanding of ancient Egyptian.

Professor Gu explained: "The picture that Brother Pet said is that the daughter of the Nile River is married to Pharaoh; and the next picture is related to the Sun God, but the details are not very clear. If Brother Pet wants If you understand, let me see more."

"it is good!"

Chen Lie completely forgot to find water and began to photograph all the murals here.

"I already understand it by and large."

"The meaning of the picture just now must be corrected, that is, the daughter of the Nile used herself to reach an agreement with the Pharaoh to change the history of ancient Egypt..."

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