"The real meaning of that picture is that the daughter of the Nile, who is also the daughter of the sun god, dedicated her body to the pharaoh, and reached an agreement with the pharaoh to change the history of ancient Egypt."

"And this agreement is to make the sun god the greatest weight of the only supreme god in ancient Egypt."

Professor Gu's words made countless people bewildered.

In the eyes of most people.

Egypt has worshiped the sun god since ancient times.

All their myths seem to be related to the sun god.

"I understand this."

Chen Lie explained earnestly: "The sun god Atun was originally an ancient but not important Egyptian deity, but was later elevated to the most prominent position by a super powerful pharaoh."

"The process of evolution is very simple. In the early stage, Atun was the supreme god, but at the same time, it did not deny the comprehensive religious model of other gods, which did not conflict with the traditional Egyptian religion; but in the later stage, other religions were compressed. It almost died out, and Atun naturally fell into a primitive single religion."

"Because I did my homework before coming, so I understand it more clearly."

Chen Lie's supplement made everyone suddenly come over.

The old man of Greentown smiled and said, "This is a standard slow knife cutting meat and boiling frogs in warm water. The wisdom of the ancients is really extraordinary!"

"This is a precious documentary record."

"The meaning is similar to the Dunhuang murals."

The ancient professor deciphered all the ancient Egyptian characters, and stopped speaking after leaving these two sentences.

Because he has also cut out all the murals broadcast by Chen Lie, ready to interpret.

of course.

He also sent an email to the ancient Egyptian writers who had the meeting together.

"This tells us an interesting story."

"It's a pity that we are not ancient writers."

"SO, I'd better find water."

Chen Lie smiled and shifted the target.

Just now.

The pile of plants on the side moved suddenly.

Chen Lie is almost instinctive.

The dagger flew out of his hand.

The dagger turned into a cold glow, and with a "poof", it pierced directly into the bush.

Over 8 million viewers in the live broadcast room were frightened by Chen Lie's sudden violent actions.

Some of them followed the camera to look over, but they didn't see any prey, and even the dagger was gone.

Immediately laughed.

"Haha, Pet Brother's throwing knife stunt, lost his only weapon."

"It's not a false case, and the pet brother will never get back."

"Without the dagger, let's see how you play next?"

Chen Lie ignored the ridicule in the live broadcast room and turned the camera around:

The flying knife pierced deeply into the bush, and a poisonous snake whose color resembled sand was hit in the head.

"When a snake hits seven inches, it doesn't have an effect directly through the brain."

"Because snakes can attack people even if they don't have a body, with only one head left. I believe many people have heard similar news, so I won't repeat it."

The previous mockery and subsequent face slaps made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room drop drastically.

But Chen Lie's words finally brought back the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Pet is Brother Pet after all."

"A poisonous snake with a color similar to sand, we haven't seen more than 8 million eyes, but the pet brother was recognized at a glance."

It's okay to let the rocket sigh: "Plus this kind of throwing knife skills, it's really scary."

Liu Pengcheng said: "From the very beginning, Pet Brother's wilderness live broadcast was completely a snake nemesis. Whether it is a hidden viper or a super python, none of them can escape Pet Brother's poisonous hand."

Many people agree.

Chen Lie took advantage of everyone's active discussion and looked around.

"The search for water is over, now there is news."

Chen Lie sighed: "The first one is bad news, that is, the plants here can't be eaten; the second is worse news, there is no water here."

"I know some people say that there are patches of vegetation here, so there is a good chance of water."

"But you obviously took it for granted."

Chen Lie personally demonstrated and kept digging into the sand. He dug a full 60 centimeters deep before seeing a little bit of moist sand and dust in front of him. The root system of the plants was more developed, and there was no sign of the end.

"Here, everyone sees it."

Chen Lie asked: "There is only a slight sign of moisture in such a deep ground. How deep do you say you have to dig to see the real wet soil?"

The audience was silent.

"According to my estimation, it must be at least 3 meters deep into the ground to see the wet soil."

"Don't doubt the root system of desert plants. Their root systems are extremely developed. In order to draw enough water, ordinary plants may extend to 5 meters underground."

When Chen Lie said this, he sighed: "But the more this is the case, the less good news is for me. There may be water sources underground here, but do you think I might dig that deep?"

"Then what to do?"

"My pet will die without water!"

"Brother Pet, ask for help!"

"This is a desert. When digging, the sand will fill the hole again, and the work will be endless."

Many people began to be anxious, forgetting that Chen Lie hadn't finished speaking yet.

The queen drove up and asked: "Pet brother, you are being talked, and there is no human pollution in the desert. Everything is crisp. You can quench your thirst with those plants. It may be a bit bitter, but it is better than dying of thirst."

"As I just said, these plants cannot be eaten."

Chen Lie sighed: "In fact, there are not many plants in the desert, and because of the environment, the plants in the desert have evolved to carry certain toxins, at least that the human body cannot adapt to."

"If you eat a wrong plant like this, you will die faster."

"Under normal circumstances, unless it is a desert lost person who is dying of thirst, he will bet whether his body can bear it."

In the end, Chen Lie's mouth was full of wry smiles.


"There is a cactus there. I remember that the meat of the cactus is edible."

Knowledgeable people keep copying their own words, hoping to be seen by Chen Lie.

Chen Lie did see it.

He replied: "There are many types of cacti in the desert, and there may not be many cacti that can be eaten. Unfortunately, the cactus in front of me is the type that cannot be eaten."

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