"Many plants in the desert are not edible."

"Unless you can identify which plants are edible and which are inedible, once you eat them, you are probably gambled."

Chen Lie said in the end, embarrassingly said: "Although I have done a lot of understanding, I am not a botanist after all, so I chose a more practical way: I don't eat all."

"It's a dumb but practical way."

A man named [Wenshan Shuke] used a rocket to reward him and asked: "But the question is how do you solve the water shortage problem? This is your life."

Chen Lie knew that this Wenshan scholar was probably an acquaintance, so he replied: "When you go to the desert to do a wilderness survival show, you naturally have to have three tricks, otherwise you will come to die."

Everyone will wait and see.

Chen Lie came to the cacti.

"These cacti are inedible types, and I can make them so that I can barely eat them, but I don't want to do that."

"First I can't afford to lose, and second I have other options."

"I just want it now..."

Chen Lie began to cut off some of the extra branches of the cactus and threw the extra branches into the hot sun. Finally, he explained: "The temperature difference in the desert is very large. It can heat people to death during the day and freeze to death at night, so I need some materials to catch fire now. And these are good choices."

He picked up a lot of dried plants and gathered them together.

It's okay to put the rocket and ask: "Pet brother, why dig down? If you are afraid that the sand will slide down and bury it again, then build a fence."

"The method you said sounds reasonable, but it's not quite right."

Chen Lie replied: "Look at the surrounding environment, even if there is water, it is at least about 5 or 6 meters underground. Do you say that the sweat I dig up the sand can offset the water I can get? "

It's okay to put the rocket and shut up immediately.

"So you guys see how I get water in the desert."

Chen Lie was talking and went out and looked around.

It’s okay to put the rocket and asked: "Pet brother, what are you looking for? We have so many eyes, we can help you find them."

"Thin film, wood boards, slates, etc. can be used to block sunlight."

Chen Lie answered hard against the harsh sun.

He noticed that his throat was dry again.

It's blazing.

When the queen drove, she cursed directly: "It's okay to release the rocket, you shut up, don't let Pet Brother talk anymore."

"found it!"

Chen Lie picked up a very common large plastic bag from the crack of the stone and said, "Hey, human pollution is everywhere."

"How is that possible? It's in the middle of the desert, isn't it a pre-prepared prop?"

"Is the one upstairs here to sell cute? Plastic is used as a prop. You must have clipped it when you gave birth to you!"

"Brother upstairs's scolding method is very novel. I thought about it for a long time before I figured it out."

In the midst of doubts, Chen Lie zealously flashed the label on the plastic bag to the camera and said, "Here, this is a Huaguo product, a packaging bag for an off-road tent. It is estimated that which desert expedition group dropped it, and then it It came here with the wind and sand, stuck in the cracks of the stone."

After talking, Chen Lie searched the plastic bag.

"Hey, I have good luck."

"This is a stone table top commonly used by ancient Egyptians and nobles. The carvings on it have almost disappeared under the millennia of wind and sand, while making it smoother and thinner."

"Look, everyone, only the nails are thicker."

"But I may need it, put it away first."

Chen Lie struggled to push the heavy and smooth panels back into the previous temple.

Without the evaporation of sunlight, Chen Lie felt much better.

He took out the branches and branches of the plants he had collected before and soaked a little bit of juice from them.

a long time.

He explained: "These are food for gerbils, so the possibility of poison is very low."

"The throat feels better."

Chen Lie was relieved.

Living in a big city all the year round, where can I experience the feeling of being so thirsty that I want to kill?

All the previous survivals in the wilderness, including the one in the Amazon jungle, all add up to this time.

"I must get water right away!"

Chen Lie randomly found something that seemed to be a shovel, and started digging frantically in a relatively low-lying location nearby.

It's okay to release the rocket and couldn't help asking: "Brother Pet, didn't you say not to dig sand before?"

Chen Lie did not answer.

He dug a hole more than one meter deep and not very wide in length and width, and stopped when he saw a lot of wet soil.

At this time, his throat was already burning.

He was speechless.

Taking advantage of the break time, I typed and replied: "I just said that there is no need to dig so deep, here, this pit is the best place for me to collect water resources."

A pit, a film, a kettle.

How do you collect water like this?

Chen Lie said: "In the desert, as long as you find wetland sand, you can use solar distillation to collect valuable potable fresh water."

In order to save energy and water, Chen Lie quickly placed his water bottle at the bottom of the sandpit.

Then cover the top of the sandpit with a layer of transparent and clean plastic film, press it with rocks or sand around it, and put a small stone in the middle of the plastic film to make it funnel-shaped.

And the tip of the funnel is exactly at the mouth of the kettle.

Chen Lie quickly returned to the temple.

Looking at the headless yellow sand-colored viper, Chen Lie was eager to drink snake blood.

After all, he was so thirsty.

But in the end.

Chen Lie still endured it.

He tried to find in the grass.

Hope to find a fruit, or an edible plant.

Everyone was worried about him when they saw him actually crawling into the bushes with poisonous snakes.

It’s okay to put the rocket on behalf of everyone reminded: "Pet brother, be careful, there are poisonous snakes there."


"Snakes have a strong sense of territory."

Chen Lie explained: "Especially in the desert where food is scarce, if you have one more competitor, you may starve yourself to death. Therefore, the owner of the territory is extremely sensitive to foreign competitors. So you don't have to worry about other poisonous snakes. ."

"I go!"

As soon as Chen Lie finished speaking, he scolded.

Immediately afterwards, he picked a hand out of the bush with a branch...

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