The pet king of the city

Chapter 566 The Jackal Is Here

Chen Lie then cut the slices of snake meat that were thin enough to allow light to pass through and put on the slices of snake meat that showed the skill of the sword.

There are no spices, that's all.

But the purely natural meaty fragrance with the beating oil star crazily urges an original fragrance.

Chen Lie sniffed fiercely.

Then turn the snake meat slices over at the right time.

After so many times, Chen Lie finally picked up the snake meat with his own branch chopsticks, blew the meat a few times, and sent it to his mouth.


Chen Lie was reluctant to speak, and expressed his satisfaction with his nose and nodding.

"Why do I have the urge to beat my pet brother like this?"

"Me too!"

"I was so worried about him before in vain!"

Countless people gritted their teeth.

With the witness of more than 6 million viewers, Chen Lie cooked an original delicacy in the simplest and most primitive way.

"Haha, good food."

"Although in my eyes it is at most 70 points, but in such an environment, I can't ask for too much!"

"Don't ask me how the score is judged. I can't explain too much."

Chen Lie looked outside and said, "The temperature outside has dropped very quickly, and I can almost leave."

Chen Lie set off like this.

It's okay to put the rocket in question: "Brother Pet, there must be some antique relics in this ruin. Are you willing to give up like this?"

Chen Lie asked back: "Do you think I will dig more than a dozen meters here with my bare hands, looking for dispensable antiques? Or, you think I will pry the precious murals in front of millions of people. Come down and take away?"

It's okay to put the Rockets and then I realized that I asked a silly question.

"set off."

"Next, I will hurry up as soon as possible, do not speak as much as possible, and save water."

Chen Lie is already familiar with the rhythm of one-handed blind beating while on the road.

So in terms of communicating with fans, at best, it’s just a little slower and it won’t have much impact.

Simple all the way.

It took more than 20 minutes.

"The temperature has dropped by at least 20 degrees."

"But I still feel very hot."

Chen Lie took off the towel to prove his words: "Look, my towels are all dry. When I came out, the towels were all wet. The evaporation speed is so unbearable for humans."

"Fortunately, the temperature dropped very quickly, and I was getting cooler."

Chen Lie had already seen the end of the mountains, especially the desert bathed in the sunset, which was almost like a sea of ​​golden sand, and couldn't help sighing, "Such a beautiful scene suddenly made me feel that everything was worth it."

"Haha, if you want to take a screenshot, please take a screenshot."

"Otherwise, it will be a hurrying scene again."

Chen Lie found that he stopped to take screenshots for everyone.

He is also observing the terrain.

This mountain range is the mountain range where the ruins are located.

Not very big.

Otherwise, Chen Lie would not be finished so quickly.


As long as he climbed over the mountains, Chen Lie could see a wider desert sunset.


Chen Lie found something wrong.

An animal like a dog and a fox appeared on the top of the mountain.

"Audiences, please look there."

Chen Lie focused the lens on the animal and introduced: "That is the jackal, one of the most dangerous animals in the desert. Don’t think it appears abrupt here. They are animals that appear at night, especially at dawn and It’s most active at dusk."

Many people are curious that carnivores can also be raised in the desert.

Chen Lie explained blindly: "They are both carnivores and scavengers. Because the desert cannot raise too many, they basically hunt alone or in pairs. However, their noses are super-smart and much more sensitive than ordinary hounds. Under a downwind, you can smell rotten flesh ten kilometers away."

"Although they don't like to attack prey larger than them, those animals that die of thirst are their favorite food."

"But without food, they can become extremely crazy."

"I have plenty of food and water now, so there is no need to conflict with them. Leaving now is the best choice."

Chen Lie started on the road after speaking.

In the desert.

Every bit of stamina is vital and should not be wasted.

Not to mention, Chen Lie had to hurry.

Also find a new shelter before the coldest hour comes.

The jackal stood on the top of the mountain and watched Chen Lie leave.

The old king of Greentown asked: "I said Brother Pet, the desert is so barren, how did the jackal survive?"

"That mountain range."

Chen Lie explained by blind typing: “There are always shady places, cracks and depressions in the mountains. There will be patches of small green spaces in these places, which will give limited small mammals such as gerbils and jumping. Rats, hares, desert hedgehogs, etc. provide sufficient habitat. Jackals rely on these and carrion corpses to survive until now."

Then Chen Lie walked in this way for a long time.

"Wow, it's a lot cooler."

The sun has set, and night is falling, Chen Lie is so cool that he doesn't need to wear a towel.

Chen Lie looked at the dazzling starry sky and sighed: "Look at the sky. When will you see such a beautiful night sky in the city?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was embarrassed.

Such a bright starry sky will only appear in movies.

Unexpectedly, with the help of Chen Lie, they could enjoy the extremely beautiful scene of stars that this computer special effect could not produce.


Chen Lie suddenly showed his dagger.

Because, in the darkness in the distance, two pairs of green eyes appeared.

They gradually approached.

It's Jackal.

They actually followed.

Obviously, they regarded Chen Lie as their prey.

"M's, I don't treat you as prey, but you treat me as prey."

"It's true that the birthday star hangs himself-it's too long!"

Chen Lie was a little bit grind.

He even dared to design an Inca giant snake that was more than 20 meters long, and the front was rigid, not to mention two jackals.

"Brother Pet, be careful, they are two wolves after all."

"Fart wolf, the combined combat effectiveness of these two jackals is probably not as good as the big python in the Amazon jungle that was used as dinner."

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