"I'm not afraid of pet brother losing, I am afraid that pet brother will be injured. There is a desert, and a slight inflammation can be fatal."

"Seriously support the views of the brothers upstairs. Pet brother is now living in the wilderness. There is no pet, no weapons, no medical conditions, nothing."

"Thank you for your concern."

Chen Lie listened to everyone’s kind reminders, and after thanking them, he said proudly: “It’s just two jackals. Guess how soon I can end the fight?”

But Chen Lie took it for granted.

It's not that his fighting level has fallen, but the Jackal has no intention of attacking Chen Lie now.

They just stared at a distance, but didn't attack.

When Chen Lie took one step, they took one step.

"They are going to consume with me."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly.

He saw many in the live broadcast room saying jackals were naive, and he had to explain: “Everything has an aura and can survive in such a harsh environment as the Sahara Desert. It’s really not cheap.”

"Look at their feet, are they larger? And their limbs are very tacit, they are very suitable for long-distance running, and can maintain a speed of 16 kilometers per hour. They are the most famous long-distance hunters in the desert."

"If I guessed correctly, they are going to kill me."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly: "I can't chase them. Once I chase them, they will definitely run. So I can only continue my journey and bet against them who is more patient."

"I rub, are jackals so cunning?"

"It's really a poor mountain and a bad water."

"Brother Pet has a headache now."

"I do have a headache."

As he walked, Chen Lie replied blindly: "Humans cannot have the same physical strength as wild beasts, but humans have wisdom that wild beasts don't. So I can fly kites while they are on the road now."

"I know some people will laugh at my performance during the day, but I have changed my strategy."

"On the next journey, whether I am thirsty or not, I will moisten my tongue and lips with water for 10 minutes. This is not for thirst, but purely not for dry mouth. This is the most economical and correct way to drink water in the desert. ."

"Also, the second way to preserve body water is to eat fewer meals. Overeating, the body needs more water to digest food, but it will accelerate the loss of water."

"And I can't walk too fast because of Jackal's peeping, because walking too fast will cause shortness of breath and consume more water, so I try to control the walking rhythm and breathing speed."

Chen Lie is not just talking.

He followed this rhythm and drove quickly under the stars.

The two jackals followed closely behind.

Those two pairs of green eyes made people shudder, even if they weren't in the game, their nerves were tense.


Everyone's topic inevitably falls on Jackal.

From the scope of their activities to their multiplication.

"On the normal side, let alone a mountain range feeding two jackals, it's okay to feed even a jackal tribe."

"But here is the Sahara Desert where resources are scarce. With so few resources, it is very difficult to feed one, let alone two."

"Jackal's living habits are also different from other canines. In terms of marriage, it maintains a strict monogamy system. In terms of raising offspring, males and females not only have equal responsibilities, but also have similar tasks. When going out to hunt, the male animal stays at home to look after the young."

"So according to the current situation, they belong to the stage where there are no cubs, ready to become pregnant or already pregnant, and need a lot of food."

"That's why they risk hunting me who is taller than them."

"Now I can only hope that they can hold on to their own territory, and will not chase after the border of their territory."

Every word of Chen Lie seemed to open the door of learning, so that everyone could listen to it with joy and sigh with long-sightedness.

Seeing that Chen Lie's blind hits were getting smoother and smoother, fans no longer suppressed their questions, and started asking questions.

It is this kind of question and answer.

Two hours passed.

Don’t look at it for two hours.

But Chen Lie was in a desert, and the Lieutenant General never stopped.

"They are still following."

"This is definitely out of their territory. It seems that they are going to die with me."

Chen Lie depressed: "Jackal usually occupies a territory and uses the smell of his urine to delineate the boundary, and he rarely walks out of his own boundary in his lifetime. I did not expect that my luck was so good that it happened to meet this extreme. Rare circumstances."

"They are not exhausted at all."

"It seems they followed easily."

"If I let the situation go on like this, I will be very passive and can't even sleep at ease."

Chen Lie searched around and saw a lonely weathered rock in the distance.

No nonsense, he immediately walked over.

The queen drove to remind me kindly: "Pet brother, you are going in the wrong direction."


"There is where I solve hidden dangers."

Chen Lie replied briefly and quickly approached the weathered rock.

This piece of weathered rock towering in the desert is at most 7 or 8 meters tall, but it covers an area similar to a basketball court. It appears to be a weathered mountain debris.

The rocks here are so loose that they are not suitable for crawling.

Moreover, animals such as poisonous scorpions, snakes, gerbils, etc. may be hidden in the middle of the rocks and in the cracks of the rocks.

But I have to say that this is indeed an excellent anti-kill location.

Chen Lie came to the weathered rock.

I didn't bother to pay attention to the abnormal danger here, cut a dozen pieces of cactus that seemed to have been severely dehydrated, and then used the bark I collected before to make a rope and simply weave it into a series of traps.

At last.

Chen Lie began to climb the rock.

"There are many rock climbing skills, which can be adapted to local conditions."

"The kind of large-shaped climbing method that is very popular, with both hands and feet propped up, can also be applied here."

Chen Lie said at the end, he smiled evilly: "But I really don't dare to bet on how strong the weathered rock is, so I plan to use parkour to play handsome."

"Parkour? Isn't that just an excitement-seeking exercise?"

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