The pet king of the city

Chapter 568 Thunder Spike Kill

"Yeah, I can't understand how parkour applies to the climbing in front of me."

"Pet brother, please don't make trouble. I would rather you just pass it head-on, rather than risk climbing this kind of weathered rock that can fall off at any time."

The audience said so.

But Chen Lie didn’t listen to them. He carefully probed the weathered rock in front of him and said: “This weathered rock has many wrinkles, so there is no shortage of lending points; and this point is very strong enough for me to step on it without breaking. The height is only over 5 meters, which is the lowest side here and the easiest to jump on."

Chen Lie focused on the word "jump".

Because he really wanted to jump on it.

Chen Lie took the lead to throw the things on his body onto the weathered rock, and then backed away.

Thunder stepped up.

Chen Lie's body suddenly exploded, smashing into the weathered rock at a super fast speed.


Chen Lie flew high like a fierce tiger.

It is more than 3 meters high.

At last.

Chen Lie steadily landed on the hard fold previously selected.

But as soon as he fell, Chen Lie, who had found a support point, jumped up again and finally caught the top of the weathered rock.

Chen Lie used the side-pull technique to turn his body sideways to the rock wall, pressing the center of gravity on the rock wall in an inclined manner.

The other leg is straightened to adjust the balance of the body, and the body is pushed up by the strength of one leg.

The whole process is very simple.

But Chen Lie didn't use much effort.

Because he gave all his strength to the rock wall, all he paid was the support of one leg.

"Come up!"

Chen Lie said cheerfully: "This time, the selected skills are more practical and didn't use much effort. Now I am basically condescending and have a high degree of advantage."

Many people didn't say anything, and quietly watched Chen Lie stay on top of the weathered rock.

Want to see how he hunts down two jackals.


Chen Lie left his food.

Then he disappeared.

Let it not jump, but turn to another weathered rock about 6 meters high two meters away on a run-up.

For the same reason, he put down his food.

So again and again.

No explanation was given, and the intention was unknown.

a long time.

The two jackals that Chen Lie hadn't moved seemed extremely hungry.

Quietly touched the weathered rock.

They sniffed fiercely and discovered the smell of slate snake meat.

Then they sniffed twice more and found the smell of slate rat meat.

So cycle.

There was a tempting smell of meat everywhere, and there were traces left by Chen Lie everywhere.

This confused them.

Hunger, tired, plus food confusion.

Brought irritability to them.

Although they didn't go crazy because of it, there was also a little confusion.

At least there were differences in opinions.


Suddenly something fell from the sky.

The distance was too short, and the male jackal suffered a heavy blow to the spine and screamed.

This is a stone.

It is like a sharp rock that was forcibly broken off from the weathered rock.

All of a sudden, the Jackal's back was smashed.

The Jackal looked at the location where she launched the sudden attack warily.


But the next moment, there was a strange noise from the weathered rock between them.

The jackal rolled her head warily.

As a result, two sharp stones suddenly fell down.

The precautionary female jackal easily avoided.

But the male jackal, who has become a frightened bird, avoids far.


There was a strange noise from the weathered rock to their right.


Two pieces of slate rat meat landed on the weathered rock in the middle.

Gourmet current.

The two hungry jackals looked at the sky hesitantly, and then at the food in front of them.

The female jackal, who was in desperate need of nourishment, was sure that there was no peculiar smell, and began to swallow.

Seeing the female jackal's ecstasy, the male jackal slowly approached.

It licked.

After confirming that it was an unprecedented delicacy, he began to devour it.


A figure suddenly landed from their left, where they had attacked the male jackal.

The terrible coercion scared the two instinctively back.

But they are too hungry and greedy, and they still bite the food.



Two jackals fell into Chen Lie's trap.

This is not a trap.

In the absence of suitable means, Chen Lie used the simplest trap to trap the wolf.

Two holes that any fool can avoid.

The two cunning jackals will naturally not fall.

Because there is only the way between the holes to avoid the two holes, they did not fall into the holes, but stepped into Chen Lie’s cash:

There is a simple trigger mechanism on this full road.

After a branch was smashed open, a net of dry cacti was immediately illuminated.

The thorny cactus screamed two hapless jackals.

But this can only hurt them.

Cause them only a little interference.

Cannot be fatal.

And Chen Lie never thought that the Jackal could be killed by relying on such a simple trap. His real killer was himself.

Flying knife.

See also flying knife.

Chen Lie's dagger was like a well-known Xiao Li Fei Dao, which led a poignant trajectory under the starlight, directly piercing the female jackal's eyebrows.

The next moment.

Chen Lie's whip kick came.

This leg is like a heavy weapon on the battlefield in ancient times, and it can sweep a man with a horse in one sweep.

This time Chen Lie had more legs than others.


Accompanied by a "click" sound.

The male jackal's neck was lying directly on his forelegs, his body flew a dozen meters away, and finally he plowed a hideous blood ditch on the ground before stopping.


Chen Lie ended the fight.

However, the two jackals were covered by the cactus net just now, and his attack was unavoidably stabbed.

Fortunately, this is just a trivial matter.

When Chen Lie plucked out several cactus thorns one after another, the live broadcast room only woke up like a dream:

"My pet is too NB!"

"Kill two ferocious desert jackals in two seconds! It's cruel!"

"Who would dare to say that Brother Pet is not a master of martial arts, I will definitely teach him to be a human being."

These are all emotions that can be ignored.

But some people just want to come over and pick it up: "I am the descendant of Northwest Tiger Boxing. There is a martial arts hall under his name. The teacher's inheritance can be traced back to the Shaolin Temple in the late Qing Dynasty. I hope to have the opportunity to learn from my pet brother."

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