The pet king of the city

Chapter 570: Collecting Condensation

The Tofu Royal Chef sneered at the Ghost Chef: "Pickled radish has its own advantages. What you don't like does not mean that others don't like it."

"That's right, such a good tofu brain, don't pick it up."

"Don't think that bringing a few foreigners is very high-end, it's not new now."

Many customers in the store are regular customers here.

Naturally help the Tofu Yuchu to speak.

The Ghost Chef ignored the other diners and said straightforwardly: "This delicacy can indeed be called a delicacy, but it is not the limit."

"I think you are picking the bones in the egg."


The Tofu Royal Chef wants to embarrass the Ghost Chef, but he doesn't want the Ghost Chef to pinch the Tofu Royal Chef first.

"I know you guys want to say I'm picky, but I think you also know the shortcomings."

The corner of the ghost chef's mouth turned up and he said evilly: "Presumably you should all know that gypsum is needed to make tofu brains, but eating gypsum naturally has a bitter and astringent taste, so how to remove the sourness and astringency in tofu brains? , Is a very particular technical job."


"I feel that I have done perfect in this regard."

Tofu Yuchu first panicked, then proudly opened.

"Your Excellency has done very well in this regard."

Ghost Chef said: "Your Excellency uses special edible gypsum tofu brain, so the bitterness is only a little bit. And you also use natural spices to cover up, and at the same time make the tofu brain more smooth."


Ghost Chef's words came here, and stopped maliciously.

But when he saw that no one wanted to be appetite at the scene and showed impatientness, he immediately went on to say: "But the natural spice you use only serves as a cover and cannot be completely eliminated. The bitterness still exists. ."

"Hehe, nonsense, we can't eat it at all."

"Your taste is too good, it has nothing to do with us."

The diners seized the opportunity to give a hard blow.

"When I ate this kind of tofu brain, I didn't feel it at all because of the weak sense of taste, so I didn't feel it."

"But after eating 3 bowls in a row, the bitterness and astringency will be superimposed, and the taste will become stronger and stronger, and it can't be concealed. It will eventually seriously affect the taste of tofu.

"Although this kind of influence is very small, after all, there are not many diners who eat 3 bowls in a row. But flaws are flaws after all. As a representative of this small field, ignoring is tantamount to irresponsibility and desecration of this field."

The last sentence of Ghost Chef, like a knife, pierced the Tofu Yuchu's heart fiercely.

The other diners looked at the ghost cook, and there was an unspeakable hesitation in their hearts.

"The most important thing is that for someone with a particularly sensitive sense of taste like me, your irresponsibility is an unwelcome signal."

Ghost Chef asked: "I haven't done anything yet. You just don't welcome me. It doesn't seem to be a way of hospitality."

After being said by Ghost Chef, everyone felt that Tofu Yuchu's actions were a bit too much.

"Since you don't welcome me, then I'll leave."

"Today's hospitality, I will write it truthfully."

Ghost Chef got up proudly and left.

He has achieved his goal.

When he left, the diners were still talking.

"It's a pity, such a good tofu brain is actually flawed."

"This person is so powerful, he only took one bite and he got blemishes. We haven't eaten so many times."

"This person is right. The tofu brain he made is definitely delicious. I really don't know how delicious the tofu brain without any bitterness is."

Questioning, and discredited.

This is the effect the Ghost Chef wants.

Tofu Imperial Kitchen is the signature of oriental tofu cuisine.

This time Ghost Eye came to the East, just wanting to step on the signs one by one, causing all the banners of the oriental food world to fall down suddenly, discrediting the oriental food world, and giving people an image of dishonesty.

He didn't believe it.

Forcing the oriental food world in this way, Chen Lie cannot be threatened.

"So comfortable!"

"I slept extremely comfortably last night."

Chen Lie got up.

After checking your equipment, it is confirmed that it is correct.

After moistening his throat with water and gnawing on the last remaining cooked food, he decisively came to the neighborhood.

Before going to bed last night, he found all the nearby stones, put them in a small pit, and put them on top with the previous film, and put the remaining stones on the film.

And now.

He is about to solve the riddle.

It's okay to set the rocket to see Chen Lie's action, and immediately asked: "Pet brother, what is the point of doing this action last night?"

"The meaning is here."

Chen Lie carefully turned over the stones, and a layer of water droplets gathered on the film underneath.

"I wipe, what kind of magic is this?"

"Can a stone squeeze out water?"

Facing a big stunned mouth, Chen Lie explained: "This is the easiest way to collect dew."

Many people understand.

Many people are still ignorant.

Chen Lie continued to explain: "The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is huge, so at night, water will condense on the solids that protrude from the ground."

"I use this principle to let the condensation on the stone flow onto the film under the action of gravity. The accumulation of small amounts becomes more, and there will be a lot in the morning; and the condensation in the desert is clean and ready to drink. "

Chen Lie removed the stone while collecting the dew on the film.

Although the amount is not very large, it is enough to support more than an hour.

Chen Lie continued: "There are other ways to use this principle, such as using a clean and absorbent cloth to absorb and collect on the surrounding rocks, and finally just wring the cloth out of the water."

At the end of the day, Chen Lie added: "This self-made dew collector is a very practical method. Although it is impossible to get a lot of water, it can alleviate urgent needs. And the method is simple enough to be used anytime, anywhere."

"666, I teach people early in the morning. Pet brother deserves to be the emperor of knowledge."

"It's late at this time in China, but Brother Pet has just started, and he can't bear to sleep."

After collecting a lot of condensation, Chen Lie happily looked at the pop-up window to comment, but did not give any response, so he set off.

Start officially.

But the desert road is naturally not easy to follow...

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