The pet king of the city

Chapter 571: Encountering an Old Camel

The desert road is naturally difficult to follow.

The temperature difference in the morning is too big, it will be too hot in the afternoon, and it is too tired and too dangerous at night.

This is the pain of driving in the desert.

"The temperature is rising very fast!"

"The temperature difference in the Sahara Desert can reach 30 degrees a day, which is very exaggerated."

"And now, I'm enjoying this kind of journey where the temperature rises sharply."

Chen Lie is actively seizing the time.

Even though he has increased his speed as much as possible now, he still can't catch up with the second ground coordinate depicted on the ring:

Moon Lake.

This is a crescent lake.

According to the scale of the map, Chen Lie felt that he should have arrived half an hour ago.

But the truth is so cruel.

And the sequelae of this high-speed rush came out.

Water consumption is serious.

When the queen drove to see Chen Lie's dry lips again, she reminded distressedly: "Brother Pet, you can drink another sip of water, and see if your lips are like this."

Other local tyrants and irons are also persuading.

Chen Lie shook his head helplessly.

He was really thirsty, but he insisted on licking the water for 10 minutes.

He himself encouraged: "What is needed most in the desert is willpower. If you can't control it, what else do I talk about persistence?"

"I want to drink up all the water in the kettle now."

"But I must restrain."

"Because I only have this little water left."

With that said, ten minutes have come.

Chen Lie picked up the kettle and really only licked it.

He also explained: "There is a devilish voice in my heart, urging me to drink water, urging me not to ration, and drink it all."

Speaking of this, Chen Lie smiled bitterly besides.

He licked his slightly hydrated lips with nostalgia, and his face couldn't help but struggle.

But he quickly screwed up the kettle and moved on.

But he felt a crisis.

Chen Lie picked up the kettle, shook it to the camera, and asked, "Did you hear the sound?"

"I heard, there is not much water."

"Brother Pet, hurry up and find a place to rest."

"I feel sorry for my pet brother."

When everyone saw that Chen Lie was shaking the kettle to death, they all realized that Chen Lie had not much water left, and naturally worried for him.

Just now.

A camel appeared on the sand dunes in the distance.

It’s okay to set the rocket and immediately smash the rocket and reminded: "Pet brother, look, there are camels, you can find water by following them."

Pengcheng Dali also exclaimed excitedly: "Brother Pet, it's time to give full play to the strength of your first beast-taming king."

Nothing works out, and then shouted: "Yes, tame the camel, pet brother doesn't have to work so hard."

The audience let Chen Lie chase the camel.

But Chen Lie only shook his head.

Under countless "whys", Chen Lie can only explain: "There are a lot of fears in the desert. The top three is not to blindly follow large animals, especially camels."

"I know that many people have read the text on the Ship of the Desert, and they all know that camels can always find water in the desert, so I think that they can find water by following the camel."

"Isn't that so?"

It's okay to let the Rockets wonder.

He always felt that when he met Chen Lie, a lot of knowledge could not keep up with the times.

Chen Lie nodded and said, "That's it, but you have to think about another point: do we humans have the physical strength of camels or other large desert animals?"

The audience was silent.

Chen Lie reminded: "The camel itself saves a lot of water, and its range of movement is much larger. Moreover, the camel's physical strength is extremely exaggerated, so it is the humans who are the first to die of thirst following the camel to find water."

The live broadcast room was cleared instantly, without a sound.

Immediately after.

Countless people played 666, or looked ashamed.

Chen Lie continued: "Moreover, many water sources in the desert contain too much minerals. Most of the water in the desert is saline-alkali water, which is not suitable for people to drink, but some wild animals can barely bear it. This is also worth noting."

Chen Lie concluded: “Animals in the desert can find water on their own. If you see a certain number of animals moving nearby, it means that there is a water source nearby, so you can follow along. Unfortunately, all I saw was just one Lonely camel."

Chen Lie's blind typing speed is getting slower and slower, but it saves him a lot of saliva.


The temperature is getting higher and higher, and it is no longer possible to rely solely on moisturizing, and Chen Lie has to drink water.

He raised his head and took a sip of water, listening to the voice inside, Chen Lie's expression could not help but become bitter.

"The water is getting less and less."

"And I haven't found a place to rest yet."

Chen Lie is a little irritable now.

But he quickly shook off the irritability that affected his judgment and moved on.


Chen Lie walked for a while and found that the camel was also following behind.

It seems that they are in the same direction.

"I'm going to Moon Lake."

"Is this lone camel going to Moon Lake?"

Thinking of this, Chen Lie looked at the camel suspiciously.

He stood still.

The camel didn't stand still and moved on.

As the distance narrowed, Chen Lie could see the camel clearly.

This is an old camel.

It is really old.

And it is believed to have been raised.

Because of its hunchback and neck, there are obvious signs of the rope strangling-the hair is dense and the color is different from other skins, and the rope can't grow hair in places with severe wear.

Chen Lie didn't know why an old camel appeared here.

But encounter is fate.

Chen Lie issued a command whistle commonly used by camel herders.

The old camel looked at Chen Lie suspiciously, but gradually approached.

Seeing the effective Chen Lie, there was no nonsense, and he immediately sent out a few friendly command whistles.

Chen Lie issued a command whistle commonly used by camel herders.

The old camel became more curious.

A little closer.

Chen Lie took off the blocking tree branch he had pinned on his turban.

This thing was taken off by him yesterday, ready to be used to block the sun and protect his eyes.

The branches full of green leaves were sent to the old camel.

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