The pet king of the city

Chapter 580: The Fear of the Old Camel

"This gem is so big it is already a sin!"

"Brother Pet, you still don't take it, you will have endless troubles."

"Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime."

Many people were frightened by the size of this gem.

They almost lost control of their expressions. I don't know how many people are stuck in front of the computer, and they don't know how many cups in their hands have been poured out.

"Do you think this world has such a big gem?"

Chen Lie vaguely guessed.

But he didn't want to say it.

Wouldn't it be more exciting to let thousands of fans guess together?

"I have seen it, right now?"

"Brother Pet is funny, isn't it? Isn't it right in front of you?"

These words left Chen Lie speechless.

At this time, Pengcheng Liu, who usually rarely speaks, suddenly said: "Pet brother, I'm about to celebrate my birthday. Take down the gems and give them to me. My requirements are not high, and the size of a fist is enough."

"Ha ha."

Chen Lie hasn't answered yet.

Pengcheng Liu's mortal enemy sneered at nothing.

"Oh you MB!"

Liu Pengcheng cursed: "I have something to do with you for my birthday?"

It doesn’t work, and replied lazily: “It’s okay, but I think it’s a bit of a fool for a big man to ask for a birthday present.”

"Is it sin for a man to ask for a gift?"

Liu Pengcheng violently fought back: "Can't I give the gift I want to my wife?"

"Yes, at the same time I think it's quite suitable."

Nothing works, then he said: "But after being your neighbor for more than 20 years, I don't remember that you have a wife. If I remember correctly, your birthday is approaching, and your single anniversary is approaching. "

"Single Anniversary..."

"I don't want any woman, just MB!"

When Liu Pengcheng heard the word "single anniversary", the corners of his mouth twitched.

This kind of anniversary?

Who will commemorate?

It's just that the natural enemy can't get through.

Chen Lie ignored the scolding of these two live treasures and moved forward cheerfully.

But the old camel did not come.

"What's wrong with it?"

Chen Lie asked, "What makes it so upset?"


Puff puff!

The old camel was unlucky and uneasy, and kept calling Chen Lie, as if to prevent him from taking risks.

"Old man, what's the matter?"

"Is there something dangerous in it?"

Chen Lie came back, facing the restless old camel, and asked one after another.

However, the old camel just sniffed, and kept biting Chen Lie's hand and dragging it outward.

Chen Lie asked: "Are there super ferocious animals in it?"

The old camel continued to drag outward.

Chen Lie continued to ask, "Is there any poisonous monster inside?"

But the old camel didn't understand at all, only knew how to stop Chen Lie.

"M egg, it's difficult to communicate like this."

Chen Lie rubbed his eyebrows, wondering what to do.

Chen Lie gritted his teeth.

go ahead.

He didn't bother to care so much.

Life and death are indifferent, just do it.

Not to mention that he still has a system.

He has already told the system that if he finds any life threatening to him, and Chen Lie hasn't found it, he should be reminded as soon as possible.

at this time.

Not a time to save fan value.

The old camel looked sadly at Chen Lie who was going away.

It thought a lot, and finally knelt down and waited for Chen Lie's return.

What about the live broadcast room?

It's noisy now.

The queen drove and exclaimed excitedly: "Animals are the most sensitive. Did the animals run first before the earthquake? The old camel's performance must have something dangerous in it. Pet brother shouldn't go!"

"I don't think it should be so hasty."

"But when you come here, you can't just stay sluggish like this, at least get a side look."

It's okay to put the rocket on the choice of a compromise.

Pengcheng University Liu said: "People die for wealth and birds die for food. For such a big gem, this risk is worth taking."

Nothing works and cursed: "No matter how much money, what's the use of lifeless enjoyment?"

"Mentally retarded?"

Pengcheng University Liu replied: "Pet brother knows better than us to save lives. With this information, he dares to move forward like this. This is not stupid and bold, but full of confidence."


Pengcheng Lao Lu also expressed his opinion: "This time I definitely should not choose this way. Calling for support is the most appropriate method."

The most prudent Old King of Greentown said: "In the Hengduan Mountains and in the Amazon jungle, the pet brother encountered many signs of danger, even we have found many abnormalities. Especially the Inca giant snake, but you saw the pet brother Chaos?"

"Yes, the pet brother even had the Inca Giant Snake. This time it is definitely not dangerous."

"I believe in pet brother, he will definitely surprise us."

Many fans of iron bars and even local tyrants support this view.

And in their noise.

Chen Lie is already close to the destination.

"Look everyone!"

Chen Lie pointed to a dried up artificial river.

Thousands of spectators also quickly noticed the open artificial river.

Someone questioned: "No? There are still people making artificial rivers in the desert. Are you afraid of wasting water?"

What is most precious in the desert?

It is estimated that everyone will answer:


Under such hot weather, it is estimated that the river would also have to be dried.

Not to mention this kind of artificial river.

Chen Lie explained: “It is estimated that there was ample groundwater here, so some people used some of the water to make things like a moat.”

Chen Lie came to the river bank.


Chen Lie said: “There must have been a lot of groundwater here before, even enough to feed crocodiles. Look at these crocodile bones, the number of them is enough to imagine the prosperity here.”

Although the quantity can be accumulated under the accumulation of years.

But there are at least hundreds of crocodile bones here, which looks thrilling enough.

"Perhaps in ancient times, it was still a fertile soil."

Chen Lie made a joke to ease the atmosphere.

But he found an anomaly.

He came to a relatively low-lying place nearby and kicked a stone away fiercely.

Under the stone is the moist sand.

"This is a terrifying sign."

Chen Lie asked everyone seriously: "Look at everything here, especially here. Did you find anything unusual?"

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