The pet king of the city

Chapter 581 Life Forbidden Zone

After Chen Lie kicked a stone away, his expression suddenly became serious, and he suddenly asked everyone: "Look here, everyone. Although the riverbed here has dried up, the groundwater resources have not been completely exhausted. These wet sands are the best explanation. But everyone looked at everything here and found anything unusual?"

Many people began to speculate wildly.

But cleverly, he set off the rocket cleverly and asked: "There are no plants, there is enough water underground here, but there are no signs of plants."

"Not only plants, but also animals."

"This is like a restricted zone of life."

Chen Lie added and said with a smile: "This place is more terrifying than I thought. Maybe there will be some surprises waiting for me."

"This is not the right rhythm, Brother Pet!"

"What is the danger in the latter sentence waiting for you, right?"

It was okay to release the rocket and was immediately amused by Chen Lie's words.

"That's right."

"Crisis crisis, this opportunity exists in crisis."

Chen Lie said evilly: "It must be something extraordinary to be able to protect this place with such an absolute means. In ancient times, this meant that there were secrets or treasures hidden in the world."

"I see the back is the point."

"I always feel that Pet Brother has been brooding since the last time the treasure of the Giant Serpent Temple was picked up first."

"Hey, what can we say, blessings!"

Everyone can only watch the show.

Many people know that the pet brother, who looks very good, is an extremely assertive, stubborn guy who will not change easily once he makes a decision.

Chen Lie crossed the artificial river channel full of crocodile remains.

"Look, everyone."

"It has a history of at least 3000 years, but it still hasn't suffered much damage. It can be seen that no human has ever set foot here."

Chen Lie said this, smiling bitterly: "Of course, there is another possibility, but I don't want to see this possibility."

Many people asked.

But Chen Lie was busy with vigilance and searching, and had no intention to answer.

"This is the best goddess in ancient Egyptian mythology!"

Chen Lie entered the palace wall, looked at the guardian statues, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Although after 3000 years of wind and sand baptism, many of the statues have been mutilated, but there are still many intact. It can be seen that these are cats and lion head statues.

Nothing can help but grievingly replied: "Pet brother, I read few books, but I also know that this is a cat and a lion."

A new local tyrant [quietly looking at you] joked: "Brother Pet will definitely show off his knowledge next. This routine is already old."

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from a smart person."

Chen Lie was very impressed with this [quietly looking at you].

She is a rare female local tyrant.

He is also a very popular rookie singer who just debuted.

When she first appeared, she rewarded Chen Lie with 100 rockets, and then she chatted privately that Chen Lie bought a lot of tea, and wanted to buy wine with Chen Lie.

It was also at this time that she revealed a lot of identity information, and Chen Lie knew so much.

Chen Lie explained: "The Goddess Best in ancient Egyptian mythology is the god of cats. She has two-sided powers. One side symbolizes the warmth and feminine charm of the moon, and the other represents revenge and destruction. In the legend, she often used cats And the image of a lion descended on the world."

"Learned again."

"Brother Pet, this wave of pretense, I will take it!"

Everyone showed such expressions.

"It's more than that."

"Later, because cats can subdue the poisonous snake that the Egyptians fear most, and the poisonous snake is a symbol of evil, cats have derived their identity as a national animal incarnation of light."

Chen Lie concluded: "So here, with cats and lions, it is absolutely evil characters who suppress them."

The live broadcast room immediately discussed this issue.

For a time.

Everyone has substituted the storyline from "The Mummy".

"Let's go."

"Everyone is here, it is impossible to back down."

Chen Lie came to the palace.

It's just that the gate of the palace was closed. Chen Lie tried it but couldn't open it at all.

"It won't be difficult for me at all."

Chen Lie looked around and smiled evilly.

He kept backing away.

Suddenly accelerate to the statue of the goddess at the gate of the palace.

Then a flying tiger leap, violently stepped on the goddess statue, and then quickly climbed to the top of the 7-meter-high goddess statue with this support.

Finally, he jumped suddenly, spanning a full distance of 3 meters, and grabbed the edge of the palace's outer wall.

"Pet brother's parkour is so good 6!"

"This flat-bottomed leap, it seems that athletes can't do it."

"This is evidence of martial arts masters again!"

In the blink of an eye, Chen Lie was afraid to reach the top of the palace wall nearly 10 meters high. This agility made people admire.

Chen Lie came to the top smoothly.

"The architectural style of ancient Egypt likes to leave skylight-type vents on the leeward."

"This habit has been left from ancient times to the present."

"Now it's cheaper for me."

Chen Lie got into the skylight.

The lighting inside is sufficient, so that Chen Lie can see the situation clearly without any lighting.


Except for the idols, there are no other furnishings.

Not right.

At least Chen Lie saw a basin in the middle of the palace, a basin of pure gold.

"I know someone will say that this pot alone is worth the promissory note."

"But I just want to say..."

Chen Lie deliberately lost his appetite.

He took the lead in slipping into the palace, and then said slowly: "The role of this golden basin is not yet clear, but it is definitely not the meaning of the oriental golden basin for washing hands."

Tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room did not laugh, and everyone couldn't laugh at this time.

Because this palace is filled with a weird breath.

This breath is invisible.

But it makes people uncomfortable, as if there is a force in the palace entwining the palace.

"I think everyone feels wrong?"

"I am at the scene, and I feel very strong."

Chen Lie pointed to the surroundings and said, "It's obviously bright here and there's no one here, but I can feel a very strange force imprisoned here, as if countless eyes are staring at me, as creepy."

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