The pet king of the city

Chapter 582 Poisonous Dark Path

It's like there are countless eyes staring at yourself?

This feels that everyone will be creepy.

Chen Lie actually still thought of jokes and said: "Of course, when I remember that there are tens of millions of viewers paying attention, this feeling is not the same."

"Brother Pet is really optimistic."

"We all saw it in front of the computer."

"Brother Pet, you should stop making trouble and leave early after watching."

The female fan group headed by the Queen's arrival, have persuaded.

They thought they were watching ghost movies just now.

no way.

Such a contradictory scene is too uncomfortable.

"Feelings are just feelings. I won't leave because of a vague discomfort."

"That's just a mentally retarded behavior."

Chen Lie's words blocked the retreat.

Didn't his words just show that he was also mentally retarded?

"Let's talk about the golden basin."

Chen Lie didn't think so much, and continued to return to the theme: "I said just now that the golden plate is only the second. The real head dish is this stone pillar that supports the golden basin."

Everyone turned the lens to the stone pillar under the golden basin.

This stone pillar is full of many ancient paintings.

No text.

But each picture is the best text.

Chen Lie turned around and said: "The meaning of the four paintings on this stone pillar should be that the daughter of the Nile River tried to change the status of the gods and was punished by gods, so she was suppressed in this cemetery after her death."

"What kind of suppression is nothing more than settling accounts after Autumn."

"It is estimated that they will retaliate after the death of their greatest support."

"It is probably the last counterattack of those religions, but the counterattack is a bit funny."

Most of the fans in the live broadcast room are smart people, who can tell the truth of the story at a glance.

After all, after so many conspiracies and tricks of novels, serials, and movies, it has long been invincible.

"It seems that I don't need to explain it. Everyone knows that these religions took advantage of the death of the pharaoh's husband of the daughter of the Nile River and settled accounts directly after the autumn.

"This stone pillar represents the final outcome of this period of history, and a twisted revenge."

"So it is a historic antique and very valuable."

Chen Lie smiled and said, "I'm sure, there must be people in the world who are very interested in this stone pillar with a history of more than 3,000 years."

Sure enough.

A group of English words for bids came out.

Sure enough, there were foreigners in ambush at the scene.

Interestingly, the local tyrants in Egypt also jumped out.

What they say is very emotional, in order to protect the things left behind by their ancestors and to safeguard the dignity of the country.

of course.

The local tyrants in Egypt are really bold enough to directly buy millions of dollars.

"You guys don't bid anymore."

"I can't sell it anyway."

Chen Lie said, "Look, where is this place, can I ship it? What's more, there is a more exciting thing above that I haven't explored clearly."

Everyone realized that they were short-sighted.

If the gem above is real.

As long as you cut a corner, you can buy countless such stone pillars.

"Brother Pet, don't rush away."

"The secrets in the palace have not been explored yet! Especially the coffin of the Nile daughter, this is a secret treasure!"

Professor Gu shouted anxiously before.

In order to brush his presence, he also rewarded the Rockets to attract attention.

Many local tyrants were very interested in the tomb and immediately helped convey it.

Chen Lie finally saw it.

"I know the palace has not been explored yet, but you have seen it too."

Chen Lie turned the camera around and said, "This is how it is, except for stones or stones, there is nothing to be exquisite. If you ask me to be like an archeologist, it will be difficult for me to be strong."

Professor Gu said eagerly: "Brother Pet, we can study from the architectural style."

Chen Lie asked back: "Then I ask you, how long will it take you to research the signs?"

"This one……"

Professor Gu became embarrassed.

"You have no bottom, let alone me."

"So I'll go and see the true face of that gem and why it became a forbidden place for life."

Chen Lie left after speaking.

Don't give Professor Gu any chance.

"Found a secret door."

"Hehe, I know it's not that simple here."

Chen Lie went around a few times and found a statue of a god that was asymmetrical to the other furnishings.

The gods here are all integrated with the wall, and they are all cat gods.

Only in the northeast corner is a lion statue.

Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense, and after directly losing an appraisal, he knew that there was a secret path inside.

However, he did not continue to identify where the organ was, but dig through his own way: "It's empty inside! I knew there was a problem!"

Chen Lie knocked several times in front of the camera.

The hollow sound is special.

I heard it all at once.

"Wow, the treasure is finally coming out."

"My pet is so witty."

Many words of praise and expectations swarmed.

of course.

They just wanted Chen Lie to speed up and reveal the truth inside.

"it's here."

Chen Lie kept knocking on the wall and the idols melted in the wall, and found the opening of the mechanism.


The eyes of the god are wrong.

Chen Lie pressed it down.

The idol immediately bounced away slowly.

"It's still usable for over 3000 years, it's amazing!"

Chen Lie shrank while shouting.

The passage of the idol was directly exposed.

"Heavy smell of mercury!"

"I can't go in. After years of storage, it's all mercury!"

Chen Lie immediately retreated.

"No, the smell is too strong!"

Chen Lie felt a nausea.

"The phenomenon of mercury poisoning is very direct, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, fever, etc. In severe cases, symptoms such as coma or mental disorders may even occur."

"I feel nauseous right now, showing the high mercury content here."

"I can't delay any longer, I must go out immediately."

"Or make the air more circulating."

Chen Lie looked around.

To allow air to circulate more, there must be a door.

But the doors here are all sealed with stone bars.

Unless Chen Lie uses modern tools, it is impossible to move those large stone bars that add up to at least 3 tons with his current methods.

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