But where is he looking for tools now.

He can't even find a stick now.

"No, my head is getting dizzy."

"I must leave immediately."

Feeling worse and worse, Chen Lie wanted to climb the skylight and escape from the palace.

However, the skylight with a height of 7 meters, there is no place around it, but the height of an impasse.

"The palace did not build a gate, showing a determination to ban the daughter of the Nile River forever."

"But now it's causing me a huge distress."

Chen Lie came under the skylight and looked at the high skylight, suddenly having a headache.

"But if I can't help it, I won't jump down stupidly."

Chen Lie saw that many fans were sending out various suggestions, and he happily pointed to the stone pillar just now and asked: "Everyone, do you think this thing can be used as a step?"


"It's luxurious enough to use antique stone pillars worth millions of dollars as steps."

"My pet brother in society, people don't talk harshly."

Nothing to release the rocket, everything is nowhere, and so on.

Even if they have money, they don't have enough money to use a million-dollar antique as a step.

The environment forced Chen Lie to be highly efficient.

Chen Lie struggled to push the steps under the skylight.

Even if the top of the steps is 5 meters away from the skylight, there is still enough gap.

5 meters!

The international standard is 3 meters 05.

Even if the NBA is a little higher, it reaches 3.15 meters.

But Chen Lie has to jump far beyond the height of NBA players.

This is simply difficult.

"The air is getting scarier."

"I do not have time!"

Chen Lie held his breath and kept backing away.

Just like before.

Thunder Step broke out at full speed.

The super fast speed gave Chen Lie a fierce acceleration.


Chen Lie leaped fiercely, like a tiger coming out of the cage, easily surpassing a height of two meters.


The heavy stone pillar shook because of Chen Lie's impact.

Even Chen Lie fell forward because of the impact.

But Chen Lie was not nervous at all.

He squatted under the influence of inertia.

But this action is just for the high jump.

Extreme high jump!

With the help of squatting, Chen Lie moved upward with all his strength.

He flew high.

Exceeding the height of the basketball hoop, exceeding the height of the top rebound.


He was still a little bit short.

Seeing that Chen Lie was about to fall again, his special dagger suddenly pierced out and pierced into the wall fiercely when he fell short.

Chen Lie did not fall.

He just hung himself on the wall like this.

"Good dagger! Strong enough!"

"But hanging like this, how do you get up?"

"I wipe..."

In the curiosity of everyone, Chen Lie, who was hung on the wall less than one meter from the skylight, actually lifted his body with one hand and one pole.


Chen Lie's head surpassed the dagger.

Immediately afterwards, the shoulders exceeded the dagger.

But he did not stop.

He even tilted his body and stretched out his left hand.

With the help of the tilt angle, the left hand kept grabbing towards the skylight.


Only one finger is left.

But this was already Chen Lie's limit, and his right hand could no longer support it.


"It's just a little bit short of it!"


Chen Lie shouted furiously.

Support the body again with the last strength of the body.

Make the angle of the body higher and the angle more inclined.


Chen Lie still grabbed the edge of the skylight.

With this catch, Chen Lie didn't want to let go.

After he tried hard to grasp, he just opened his right hand and once again supported his body with a single shot, letting his right hand get free and also grabbed the edge of the skylight.

With the role of hands.

Chen Lie was relaxed.

Soon he climbed onto the skylight and sat on the skylight smoothly.

"very dangerous."

"I overestimated my abilities and almost capsized in the gutter."

Chen Lie looked at the screen full of praise.


He is very tired at this time.

Originally, he rushed for more than 4 hours, and now he is exhausted by doing such heavy physical work.

"My dagger can't be thrown away."

After speaking, Chen Lie leaned his body on the skylight, half of his body was outside the skylight, and half of his body was inside the skylight.

Then he bent down and pulled out the dagger with difficulty.

Finally, he landed in peace.

"The air inside is poisonous. I have to let it circulate for a while before I can get in again."

"Now I take a break to look at that super-giant gem."

Chen Lie was resting while watching the live broadcast room.

The queen drove up and said: "It looks very simple, but it is full of danger."

Looking at you quietly, he said, "Exercising vigorously in the poisonous air, the kind of pain we can't feel. Pet brother's willpower is really good, I am afraid that I will give up long ago when I am an ordinary person."

"I am not strong willpower, but greedy."

Chen Lie awkwardly replied: "If I really want to be safe, shut down the lion head statue again, so that the air is not so poisonous. But I want to let the poisonous gas in the secret tunnel volatilize, and then I have a chance to go in and see. If I find it Treasure, then I will be rich."

"Facing treasures, it's human nature."

"Brother Pet has worked so hard this time. If there is no gain, who is willing?"

"I want to see if there is a moral emperor coming out to show off?"

Chen Lie’s iron rod naturally supports Chen Lie on such issues.

It's okay to release the rocket and snicker.

Everything else is unreasonable and followed: "The idiot who cursed the pet brother has been taken out of human flesh. Interestingly, this guy has a lot of dark history. He not only made fake laundry detergent, but also made a house by making fake milk powder. The police are investigating him now."

He was referring to the fool who had nothing to do with the rocket and offered a reward of millions.

I don’t want Liu Pengcheng to know more in detail: “That person has already run away and the police are pursuing it. If they can’t be traced, an online arrest warrant will come out, and everyone can help bring justice at that time.”

"I'm going to make fake milk powder!"

"Such unscrupulous money is also earned, this person can't let it go."

"This kind of scum should be dragged away for humanitarian destruction!"

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