The pet king of the city

Chapter 585: The Help of the National Research Group

"I know, the treasure of Zhenshan is something handed down from the world."

"There is a shadow of Ye Mingzhu in many biographies and legends in ancient times. I believe you all have heard of it."

"In the large mausoleum palaces, Ye Mingzhu is an indispensable decoration, at least a symbol of Zhang Xian's status as the master."

Chen Lie reminded: "But you will also say that it is ancient times, I am talking about modern times, so don't secretly change the concept."

The mineralogy professor retired in embarrassment.

"That's it."

"It's up again."

It's okay to put the Rockets and others nodded.

The presence of the emperor of knowledge, Chen Lie, really saved them a lot of conflicts.

If other anchors came over, the live broadcast room must be a mess.

It's shameless to know nothing, and he actually said: "Since this thing is not very rare, then there is no need to worry about too much. Pet brother, why don't you break this thing up and bring some back for souvenirs or rewards."

The modern night pearl is not rare.

Because the output of fluorescent stone is too large, and modern work can also be synthesized.

Although Yemingzhu’s chemical crystals are difficult to process into a certain shape, the processing cost is not high, and they can be sold per ton in the market.

Therefore, the modern night pearl is not considered a gem at all, and its value is not to say compared with diamonds, jade, etc. Even the more expensive metals can crush them in terms of price.

"how is this possible!"

Chen Lie shook his head and said, "Although I don't cherish them, they are all cultural relics. We still don't destroy them at will. Besides, there are so many choices for souvenirs and prizes.

"That's right, there is a specializing in making Ye Mingzhu near me."

"Now artificial night pearls are as easy as artificial marble, artificial diamond, and artificial crystal. Adding some luminous substances to ordinary ore can give off light. There is no need to toss."

"I also heard that Ye Mingzhu has radiation, so I advise everyone not to mess around at will."

"Radiation? Really!"

Many fans began to publish their own knowledge.

Many fans who want to buy some to decorate their homes have no choice but to stop after hearing the radiation.


"Many luminescent minerals contain radioactivity. If they have not been tested for radiological safety, it is best not to come close or have long-term exposure.

Chen Lie nodded in agreement and said: "The current fake night pearl will emit a faint fluorescence after being injected, and it can even maintain the light for five months to six months. Just because of the radiation, I advise everyone to converge a little."

Hearing this, everyone completely cut off the idea of ​​decorating with Ye Mingzhu.

"Although the results are disappointing, you can also see the wisdom of the ancients."

"The discussion on this gem ends here. Let's solve the secret path first."

Chen Lie continued as he spoke.

Now that you know the truth, there is no need to toss.

He knew that such a huge gem would be born in this world, it was a dream.

Unless you go to the kingdom of giants.

It is estimated that there is such a big gem.

Back to the ground.

Chen Lie's location near the skylight.

After a light sniff, he still shook his head and said, "No, although the poison gas inside emits a lot, you still can't stay for a long time. If you want to do research inside, unless you wear a biochemical suit or open the door to fully ventilate, this is not Will be recruited."

It's okay to let the rocket start and ask: "Pet brother, you won't go in again?"

When the queen drove there, she asked excitedly: "It's so dangerous inside, so don't go back."

"But I didn't get anything when I came here. I see all the truth, so I am not reconciled."

Chen Lie was indeed unwilling.

He had suffered so much, and even the most anticipated became the most disappointed. Now only the tunnel is the only expectation, how can he give up.

"There must be a way."

"There is no way out of the sky."

But after venting his emotions, Chen Lie began to clean up his mood and consider countermeasures.

Seeing Chen Lieming thinking hard.

Many people are anxious.

But some people are more anxious.

He is Professor Wang from the National Wildlife Medical Team.

While watching the live broadcast, it kept sending people information, but all the information fell into the ocean and no trace was seen.

At last.

A more clever person recharged and used the way of rewarding rockets to bring out a message: "Pet brother, please contact Professor Wang, he can help you solve the mercury problem."

Many people have seen it.

But Chen Lie, who was not attentive, did not.

So the local tyrants began to copy this sentence until Chen Lie noticed it.

"Thank you for your reminder."

"Administrator, give Professor Wang permission."

Chen Lie is the anchor after all. Although his mind is not at all, his attention will drift to the live broadcast room.

After obtaining the permission, Professor Wang immediately reminded: "Xiao Lie, mercury is mercury. The best way to neutralize the poisonous gas of mercury is to neutralize it with sulfur. The reaction between sulfur and mercury to produce mercury sulfide is not toxic."

"But where do I look now..."

"Wait, sulfur!"

Chen Lie suddenly woke up.

Professor Wang continued: “There are natural sulfur mines in nature, pure sulfur! In addition, volcanic rocks are also rich in sulfur minerals. According to a scientific report, it was found that ancient Egypt also knew how to deal with poisonous snakes with sulfur powder, and even liked to use some Sulfur construction items are used to expel snakes and insects. Pet brother can find them along this route."

"Thank you for reminding!"

Chen Lie had a direction, so it was naturally easy to find.

Let alone, there are a lot of sulfur mines in nature.

It is said that the sulphur ore in the earth's crust has almost reached the weight of the moon.

It can be seen how common this thing is.


"Things containing sulfur."

Chen Lie began to look for it with purpose.

"Since the ancient Egyptians knew how to restrain snakes and insects, they would definitely use them when building."

"And in ancient times, there were enough water resources here, which proves that there will be a lot of snakes and insects here."

"But now that one is missing, it is definitely not just the effect of mercury poison. After all, no matter how powerful the mercury poison is, it cannot expand so far. There must be signs of sulfur nearby."

Professor Wang and other great powers began to instruct Chen Lie.

Be aware that behind Professor Wang is the national research group.

To ask such a team to help, it is not enough to have money.

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