To ask for help from a national research team, it is not enough to have money.

Chen Lie was really lucky this time.

The contacts he previously managed played a key role.

And there are also many abnormal masters in the live broadcast room.

It was under the guidance of many powerful people in the live broadcast room that Chen Lie really discovered sulfur.

"Good luck."

Chen Lie picked up the yellow sulphur mine and was very proud.

Professor Wang explained: "This may be the sulphur mine left over for the construction of this cemetery and palace."


Chen Lie nodded.

Because these sulfur mines are piled up in gravel piles far away from the palace.

And the rubble can tell the leftover waste of the construction at a glance.

These east springs are almost buried under the sand.

If it weren't for sharp-eyed fans who saw the irregularities in the sand and pointed them out, otherwise Chen Lie would not be able to dig out the construction waste.

"Haha, with these, I can do things."

Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense, and tried his best to find more sulfur mines.

According to Professor Wang's instructions, he cut off a section of the trouser tube to make a simple mask.

Because the mask is sprinkled with a thin layer of sulfur powder.

Not only that.

Chen Lie also made a suggested stone staircase at the bottom of the skylight.

Moreover, Chen Lie shuttled the bark rope that had not been lost before into a tougher rope.

Then lifted up pieces of incomplete large stones and threw them into the palace.

After tossing for two hours.

When the flames were in the sky, the ground temperature absolutely exceeded 40 degrees.

Fortunately, Chen Lie has always worked in the sunless area of ​​the palace, otherwise he would have heat stroke now.

"The air inside still makes me uncomfortable."

"So I go in and I must open the palace gate as quickly as possible."

Chen Lie looked at the skylight, took a deep breath, and took another sip of water.

Professor Wang led the entire team to report the pictures that were just parsed out: "Xiao Lie, our technicians just cracked the structure of the palace gate and found that the gate was specially designed and can only be closed from the inside, and it is almost impossible to close it. Open, you have to be careful."

"I see it."

This is not what Chen Lie wants to hear.

"This may be related to the imprisoned person."

"Although this guess is extremely likely, there are other possibilities."

"If there is no accident, there should be one or how long corpses in the palace."

Professor Wang likes to make things clear, so he seems more verbose.

"I know."

Chen Lie nodded.

"Brother Pet, hurry up, I can't hold it anymore."

"I'll wait until the flowers are gone."

Fans are very anxious and constantly urge Chen Lie to act quickly.

The reason why Egyptian civilization gives people an ancient and mysterious feeling is that the book and film and television works have rendered this kind of atmosphere. Second, there are indeed many strange and mysterious records in Egyptian history.

Under this impression.

Naturally anxious.

In fact, Chen Lie was also a little anxious.

But it's not enough to wait.

He picked up a mask that was sprinkled with a little bit of water and made it super leaky, and said: "The corrosive gas emitted by sulfur is harmful to human eyes and lungs, and can even corrode my teeth. And like me Protective facilities cannot prevent poisonous gas from entering the human body."

"But there is no way. The two powers harm the lesser one."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly.

The queen hurriedly reminded: "Brother Pet, you should leave, call for support."

It’s okay to release the rocket and said: “There was no news before that it was the miners of Tianzhu who burned sulfur in the most primitive way, picked them up with their hands, carried them with their shoulders, and breathed the pungent gas. The average life span was less than 50 years. "

"I'm going, it's so dangerous!"

"Pet brother don't go, just listen to it once."

"The Tianzhu miners are barefoot, and the pet brother is a shoe wearer with billions of dollars. You can't play the same game with them!"

Everyone advises Chen Lie.

Professor Wang calmed down: "Xiao Lie, if it's normal, I definitely don't recommend this to you, but there is no way. Your current environment, this is already a sign."

The Professor Gu also said: "Sulfur is relatively weak in toxicity, and it takes many years to take effect, so as long as the pet brother cuts the mess with a knife, it will be fine."

"Listen to experts."

Chen Lie laughed.

Slowly walked up the simple steps, came to the skylight, looked at the inside of the messy palace piled up by him, didn't think too much, swung down cautiously.

It's easy to get down, but difficult to get up.

But Chen Lie made sufficient preparations this time.

This time, he put down so many stones and gravel, not only to pile up the steps outside, but also to pry away the institutions here.

I said before.

The total weight of the stone bars blocking the palace gates is at least 3 tons.

Although it is the total weight of a few.

But there are four in total, each weighing nearly 1 ton.

To pry these heavy wooden strips from the simple mechanism, the weight alone is enough to cause headaches.


But Chen Lie had already planned it.

With so many abilities in the live broadcast room, many people who are proficient in mechanics have made Chen Lie the simplest routine.

As long as he piles things up, he can perform that mechanics routine.


Chen Lie made a cameo.

He piled up a fairly solid lever model, then put a rope made of bark into a section, and then used the second weight to reduce the force structure.

If it is not that there is no long enough hard stone (mainly long enough stone is too heavy to be shipped in).

Otherwise, Chen Lie could use the mechanics of the balance to pry away all the heavy stone bars.


Chen Lie disdain to say any words of prayer.

He only believes in the power of reality.

He pushed up hard, and the other side of the stone bar naturally pressed down.

The force of the downward pressure drives the first set of levers to pry up.


The thickest and heaviest stone on the most chosen side was really pried.

Under the effect of the double force reduction, Chen Lie really moved the huge stone with tonnage.

"Pop it out for me!"

Chen Lie suddenly exerted force...

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