Chen Lie agreed and confessed: "In fact, I couldn't achieve this level, at best, it is to make you eat delicious and novel. The biggest hero today is this glass of water. Without this glass of water, these kway teows The soup base is at least inferior."

The highly diluted Faerie Condensation is not so powerful.

At most, it is very comfortable to drink.

This comfort can evolve into a kind of "deliciousness" after cooking.

after all.

Even if it is highly diluted, Faerie Condensation is after all Faerie Condensation.

It is sweeter and purer than any kind of spring water in the world.

"This kuey teow is just like noodles, it can have countless combinations, which is really rare."

"Yeah, the taste is so good, I really want to eat another bowl."

"Me too, obviously very full."

Chen Lie's Kuey Teow won the praise of all pet shop owners.


After the ghost eyes heard the news, they actually said something like "I have to find an excuse to go there."

This left Chen Lie speechless.

But leisurely days are that simple.

Chen Lie seems to have forgotten the super eye-catching method of the wilderness live broadcast, and Ren Qing and the others do not need to worry about Chen Lie's adventures.

Everything seems to be back to the most primitive stage.

The days of peace and ease always pass quickly.

Just as fast are the so-called gourmet countries.

According to the message sent by Fatty Chen, Nie Long, the master stealer, was invited to participate in a secret meeting.

In this secret meeting.

The ghost chef hosted as the King of Huaguo, and there were also Italian chefs, French chefs, JP chefs, Spanish chefs, Mexican chefs, British chefs, Israeli chefs, German chefs, and Brazilian chefs. , Singapore Kitchen King, Thai Kitchen King, etc.

This lineup is huge.


What they said and what they planned was all betrayed by Nie Long.

Chen Lie, who got the first-hand information, put down the file, took a sip of tea, and sighed: "Old Zhu used Fatty Chen as a chess piece. This hand is really good."

Old Li sighed: "Yeah, if this is not the case, we still don't know about this secret meeting."

"It's just a small trick."

Guiyan smiled and said: "The most important thing is to rely on you."

Old Li looked at Chen Lie and asked, "Now that you know their plan, what are you going to do?"

"Aren't they trying to divide the region and destroy the food in each region?"

"Then we will do the opposite."

Chen Lieyin smiled and said, "Let the famous chefs all over the country know about this, and then let them choose a country and step on the face of that country."

Old Li asked: "Can you be more detailed?"

"Aren't they going to attack the signature delicacies from all over the East?"

Chen Lieyin smiled and said, "Then we will use the food of these countries to challenge these countries, and we must challenge them in front of the world."

"This is good."

Guiyan exclaimed: "If they don't even dare to pick up their best cuisine, what qualifications do they have to challenge us Eastern cuisine? If they pick up and lose, it will be even more embarrassing."

"But it's their signature delicacy after all."

"To win them, the difficulty is not ordinary."

Old Li asked, "Are you sure?"

"If I make a move, it is absolutely certain."

"But I never thought about it."

Chen Lie said naturally: "Such a young man wants me to go out. Then I, the God of Cooking, is too cheap?"

Old Li questioned: "Do you want other domestic chefs to replace you?"

"Not to replace me, but to represent the food industry."

"After all, the food world is not my food world, they are also a member of the food world."

Chen Lie was very high-sounding, but Lao Li and Guiyan felt a little weird.

Old Li asked: "Xiao Lie, why do I think you are doing this for laziness?"

"I feel the same way."

Ghost eyes can't help nodding.

Facing the doubts of the two seniors, Chen Lie laughed haha: "You must be thinking too much, how can I be such a person. If those people are willing to gather together to Pengcheng, I will host a World Kitchen Wang Zhenghe, see if these people are enough to discuss with me."

"So bold, I remember your words."

"The King of Chefs of the World is fighting for hegemony. I didn't expect Xiao Lie to have such a passion!"

The two old men were surprised.

A gimmick alone is enough to fight for hegemony in the IWC Chef King.

The most important thing is that the entire focus of world cuisine is in the East, above Chen Lie, the God of Cooking.

Calling up in his name, it is really possible to succeed.

Even those chefs who know it is a trap and don't want to come, but see the arrival of the chefs from so many countries, will he not come equal to being rejected by the gourmet world?

"It's settled like this."

"As for who you want to target the chef of which country, you can play as you like, and I won't mix it up."

Chen Lie makes tea lazily, and invites everyone to drink tea.

"Ok, we know how to do it."

"But we are more inclined to fight for hegemony with you, the king of chefs."

Lao Li and Guiyan looked at each other, and both showed the old fox's understanding smile.

And Chen Lie didn't know the secret.

After bidding farewell to Lao Li and Gui Yan, Chen Lie in a good mood decided to give up the last reward of the anniversary celebration.

Chen Lie’s last reward is a 50% discount coupon for advanced medicine.

Because it is self-designated consumption.

So Chen Lie has never had any good goals.

Originally he wanted to find a reasonably suitable medicine at random before buying it.

But he thinks it feels good today and may have good luck.


As soon as Chen Lie entered the system mall, he hadn't made any moves in a hurry. He received a tempting public exchange advertisement.

5000 fans plus a random lottery ticket for a family pet machine in exchange for a 50% discount coupon for a premium medicine.

The value of 5,000 fans is a big deal.

Not to mention there is a random lottery ticket for a family pet machine.

However, the 50% discount coupon for high-end medicine is very valuable.

If you make good use of it, you can save 230,000 fans.

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