The pet king of the city

Chapter 604: Traces of Thousand-Year Ginseng

"It doesn't seem to be a good deal!"

Chen Lie thought for a while and shook his head.

He responded to this exchanger with his thoughts.

As a result, the other party responded immediately: add another random potion lottery ticket.

"The most common random potion lottery ticket..."

Chen Lie shook his head.


Chen Lie also had such a lottery ticket before.

At that time, it was still a larger all-round random lottery, with a lower chance of winning.

But what did Chen Lie get?

A level 7 tyrant gene medicine.

This is a huge explosion.

Super red hand.

This is the same as the first prize or special prize winners of the Chinese lottery, who always have inexplicable confidence in their luck.

Chen Lie did not hesitate to finalize the transaction immediately.

Chen Lie doesn't care much about 5,000 fan points.

He is more concerned about the random lottery tickets for the household pet machine and the random potion lottery tickets.

Both are the most common lottery tickets.

It is possible to draw something worth a few fans, but it is also possible to draw a super treasure worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of fans.

Although Chen Lie felt that he was lucky today.

But he didn't dare to draw a lottery rashly, so he wanted to see if his hand was red.

This random lottery ticket for a family pet machine with a deadline is the best solution.

No nonsense.

Chen Lie draws a lottery right away.

"Ding, congratulations to the customer for getting a plant finder from 100 years later."

"No way!"

"So unlucky!"

Chen Lie used to randomly draw a lottery before, which one is not a high-tech product 200 years later.

now what.

Just a mere searcher.

It's about the same as the [Future Turtle Search Software] that Chen Lie bought before.

This thing is basically to use more powerful computing power than the current world combined to calculate, and then cooperate with various tools, especially the satellites of the world to locate and monitor.

To put it bluntly.

This thing is a rogue software with the name of a supercomputer.

Oh, no.

To be precise, it is a rogue machine.

But don't tell me.

The price of this rogue machine is really expensive.

It was all the rage 200 years later.

Even now, its selling price in the system mall is close to 20,000 fans.

Plus those 5000 fan points.

The cost of Chen Lie's 50% discount coupon for advanced pharmacy came out.

There is even worse.

There is also an extra random potion lottery ticket.

"I want to see why you are so expensive!"

Chen Lie checked the description of the plant searcher, and immediately understood, with a little bit of discomfort, he said: "The operation is simple, and it claims that as long as it is a plant on the earth, it can be collected."

Chen Lie turned his mind and set something very outrageous: "Millennium ginseng! I want to see, how do you search for it!"

OK to search.

The plant finder starts operating.

The operation process is also very simple, just like a little game.

The end of the game means the end of the search.

The game is successful.

Chen Lie was immediately silly after receiving the prompt of successful search.

Thousand-year ginseng.

That's a thousand-year ginseng!

If one hundred years of ginseng can be met, then a thousand years of ginseng can only be encountered by the smoke from the ancestral grave.

Without saying anything, Chen Lie immediately clicked on the area.

Not in South China.

Expanding to the whole country, the red dot came out.

The dazzling red dots representing thousands of years of ginseng crazily stimulated Chen Lie's nerves.

If someone can really come up with a thousand-year-old ginseng now, there will be people snapping up even 100 million yuan.

But the problem is no.

The most famous ginseng is more than 800 years old, and it has not reached the true millennium.

Chen Lie remembers ginseng very clearly.

After all, he had collected wild century-old ginseng before, and he planted a lot of life in the paradise. Naturally, he has a relatively complete understanding of this knowledge.

Whether it is his century-old ginseng or the massively planted garden ginseng, the effect and price are not at the same level as the thousand-year ginseng.

"Now I finally know why this machine is so expensive!"

Chen Lie sighed and said, "But then again, I seem to be able to broadcast the wilderness live again this time."

Thinking of this, the corners of Chen Lie's mouth rose slightly.

After resting for such a long time, I can finally experience the scenery of nature again.


There is just a hint of coolness in the south, but the northeast is already icy and snowy.

The current prevailing temperature is below minus 10 degrees.

If it's a little bad.

Minus 20 degrees is also normal.

Such an atmosphere is basically the extinction of life.

So Chen Lie had to make some preparations.


"Collect wild ginseng?"

Ren Qing was all stupid when he heard Chen Lie's purpose of traveling.

Gu Xiaoyu worried and asked: "Brother Lie, now the Northeast is full of ice and snow. We are not short of money or ginseng. Why bother to take risks?"

Chen Lie asked back: "Do you think I went for money?"


"That was not what I meant."

Gu Xiaoyu hurriedly explained, but couldn't find an excuse for the explanation.

"Xiao Yu means it is unnecessary."

After Ren Qing helped Xiaoyu explain, he questioned: "Alie, I know you have made a decision and you will not change it. But this time are you seeking survival or treasure hunting?"

"Treasure hunt!"

Chen Lie said: "I will bring pets. The little red-handed ghost who can help me find ginseng will definitely go. If other pets want to go, it's okay."

Ren Qing said relaxedly: "If you bring Jiaojiao with them, then I won't worry about your problems."

Chen Lie smiled and said, "I thought you still wanted to go with me."

"I thought about it."

Ren Qing looked at her body and said, "But then we have to keep up with your rhythm! We have seen you fight countless times, and know that you are really active, even special soldiers can't keep up with your speed. "

"I think so."

"I feel very depressed when I think about going to the south suddenly from the hot weather."

"If I go to a tourist area to play, I will definitely follow it. But for the cold northeast, forget it."

The girls shook their heads together.

"You do know yourself."

Chen Lie reduced his worries, looked at the pets, and asked, "My dear, who of you wants to go to the ice and snow world with me to hunt for treasure?"

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