"I came late, and if I delay it, I will have to stop as long as I have gone."

Chen Lie pointed to the mountain in the distance and asked: "Look over there, see over there, what do you think of?"

Everyone followed Chen Lie's point of view and immediately turned over.

"I didn't expect Brother Pet to be so direct."

"Brother Pet's taste is really outstanding."

Chen Lie looked over in wonder.

It turned out that my finger was pointing at the bottom, but it was pointing to the top of the mountain when it was pointing to the sun. The most overwhelming thing was that there happened to be a round stone on the snow-white mountain bag.

There is a little more on the snow-white round object.

what is that?

It is estimated that anyone can imagine.

This is not.

Chen Lie was misunderstood.

Chen Lie quickly explained: "I mean the sun. It's only 3 o'clock in the afternoon and less than 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The sun is already so low. I guess it won't be a few times before the sky will get dark. I don't have much time to spend here. ."

"Brother Pet, we know, no need to explain."

"Explanation is to cover."

Unfortunately, everyone did not listen to Chen Lie's explanation.

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense, and immediately started slaughtering.

Although he is not a butcher, he is a god of cook, with first-rate killing techniques and efficiency.

"Because of the earth's rotation, when the northern hemisphere is winter, the sun directly shines near the Tropic of Capricorn, so the more southerly the earth is, the longer the day will be. At this time, the Arctic region will have a polar night, and the Antarctic region will have a polar day."

"So now the daylight hours will be very short, so short that it will be dark after 5 o'clock."

"This knowledge of the ground must be understood by everyone."

Chen Lie swept out at the fastest speed, creating a fire during the time he was speaking, and after boiling water at the fastest speed, he began to kill chickens and pluck his hairs.

A half chicken can be cleaned in less than a minute.

High efficiency throughout.

That speed makes the full screen 666.

Chen Lie takes less than an hour, at most 45 minutes, to process all the half chickens.

"All right."

"It was a bit sloppy."

"But I don't have much time to spend here, I must fight quickly."

Chen Lie began to choose what he could carry.

"Shaban chicken is rare and delicious. Many things can be made into delicacies, but I can't bring too much."

"These cleaned internal organs have been selected, and the ones that cannot be taken are here."

"I have brought all the materials that should be brought, and the rest must be buried."

"Although it will be found by the hungry beast sooner or later, it can be delayed for a while."

Chen Lie quickly processed the remaining materials, buried all the remaining in the snowdrift, and then cleaned up his hands and even the ground with snow, and left quickly.

The reality is as Chen Lie predicted.

Chen Lie couldn't walk out for half an hour.

The sky quickly dimmed.

"No, I have to find a shelter."

"Xiaoxinganling in winter, if there is no heating and no shelter from the wind, people can freeze to death."

Chen Lie kept moving forward.

He was avoiding the woods.

It’s okay to release the rocket and ask: "Pet brother, why do you always avoid choosing the woods? I remember that the woods block the wind, and you will suffer less at night."

Chen Lie asked, "If a strong wind suddenly hits the snow on the top of the tree while you are sleeping, what will happen?"

The audience was speechless.

Chen Lie asked again: "Also, if it is too low-lying, a slightly larger snow will come at night to cover your tent, all the vents will be blocked, and you will fall asleep until midnight. How would it feel."

The whole live broadcast room continued to be speechless.

"So, those camping in the ice and snow, please try to avoid tall bushes and low-lying low ends, so as to avoid the fate of being buried alive and suffocated by snowdrifts."

Chen Lie searched for the target while giving advice.

Don't tell me.

He found a hillside in a leeward zone.

And he stopped on the hillside in a groove that was similar to the inside of the mountain wall.

"Haha, nice place."

"It is pure luck to be able to find such a high slope with leeward wind before it gets dark."

Chen Lie cleaned the surroundings triumphantly, and explained: "I know many people are confused. Isn't it just a leeward hillside? There are so many places like this. I just passed by a lot?"

Many people sent out nodding emoticons one after another.

Chen Lie further explained: "If the wind is good, the high slope will be relatively dry first, and it can also prevent the night attack of wild animals to a certain extent. The most important thing is that the high slope can avoid the accumulation of snow, so that I can rest on my mind. No worries."

Speaking of the last, Chen Lie pointed to the groove area behind and said: "This groove is equivalent to a relatively shallow cave. If I take preventive measures, I can open up a passage, even if I encounter a snowstorm, I can pass through the passage. You can get out of here if you are vented or even buried."

"So there are so many benefits."

"There is so much knowledge in life."

Chen Lie’s hardcore members lamented, some were talking about Chen Lie’s erudition, and some were lamenting Chen Lie’s difficulty.

Chen Lie quickly set up the marching tent to protect against the cold.

"I'll collect firewood first."

Chen Lie did not hesitate.

take action now.

There is no shortage of firewood here.

Lots of dead branches, even dead trees.

Not long.

Chen Lie found materials for the bonfire.

"Next is everyone's favorite show!"

Chen Lieze smiled and started to set up the camping pot with a bowl and pot.

Chen Lie said triumphantly: "The meat of the Shaban Chicken is tender and delicious. It is a first-class delicacy, and it is also a well-known hunting bird at home and abroad."

"Oh yes, artificial breeding of sand half chickens has become a very promising industry."

"Many people like this kind of bird that can hunt and grill."

Chen Lie said as he spoke, and deliberately said: "Oh, yes, there is a saying nearby [I would rather eat two taels of birds than half a catty of beasts], and the birds here refer to the half chicken, which shows how delicious the half chicken is. ."

"Don't talk about pet brother, I'm hungry."

"Brother Pet is so cruel, don't you know that the South is officially hungry at this time, but it hasn't been eaten yet?"

"Brother Pet is going to poison again, everyone quickly withdraw."

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