The pet king of the city

Chapter 611 Dragon Meat Grade Ingredients

"Brother Pet, do you have a conscience? Show off this to us at this time!"

"Brother Pet has to be habitually poisoned again, everyone quickly withdraw!"

"It's time to organize a wave of unsubscriptions."

Chen Lie habitually shows off food, and Chen Lie's hardcores also start to habitually make noise.

The scene is very joyful.

While manipulating the ingredients, Chen Lie said, “Like the Amazon jungle, I’m on a treasure hunt, so I bring a little spice on me, so I can cook a pot of hot soup to warm my belly. But in order to save time tomorrow, I have to grill some Bring it with you, otherwise it would be troublesome to set up a bonfire every time."

"As long as you know."

"Every time it stimulates us like this, morality?"

This time, not only ordinary fans, but also foreigners began to complain.

It seems that some of them have watched Chen Lie's live broadcast of the wilderness several times.

Have a deep understanding of Chen Lie's cuisine.

But Chen Lie went his own way.

He took the lead in squeezing fat out of oil before boiling water.

The snow water boils quickly.

"It's pure natural and pollution-free."

"Even snow is cleaner than tap water in big cities."

Chen Lie spilled a layer of animal oil before putting the muscles in.

"The meat of Shabanji is tender and fragrant, so it should not be cooked for too long."

"I didn't use much snow water just now, so the soup is not very sufficient, but this can guarantee the taste of the sand half chicken to the greatest extent."

Chen Lie cooked briefly, and finished cooking after adding a little spice.

He evened out the fierce tiger and the ghost squirrel who had been waiting for a long time, and said, "It's still boiling hot now, let's eat it after a little bit cold."

Chen Lie took a sip and nodded.

"not bad."

"The original ingredients raised in the original environment are delicious no matter how you make them."

At the end of the meal, Chen Lie added an explanation: "What's more, there are many resident birds in Xiaoxing'anling in winter. Only the sand half chicken has the reputation of being as good as the flying dragon."


Chen Lie showed disappointment in the end and said: "This kind of almost boiled in white water, does not show the deliciousness of the half chicken. If you want to score, I can barely even score 60 points, which is a pity."

"But in such an environment, it is also a kind of happiness to be able to drink a bowl of hot chicken soup."

"I can't force too much."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly.

After feeling that his stomach was warm, he decisively took out an iron plate that seemed to be used to block sharp weapons from the marching backpack.

Chen Lieyang raised the iron plate in his hand and asked, "Look at what this special alloy forged iron plate is used for?"

"Protective gear!"


Many people take these two as guesses.

But everything is unreasonable, but he asks: "Don't tell me that I make teppanyaki kitchenware?"

"you guessed right."

"But no reward!"

Chen Lie proudly pulled the iron plate apart, and the iron plate doubled instantly, and then Chen Lie put it on the bonfire and painted it with animal oil.

"This scene is so familiar, I have to withdraw first."

"Yeah, I don't want to be tempted to eat."

"Teppanyaki, slate-yaki, ah, I'm going crazy!"

Many people are instantly evoked many painful memories.

The fact is also true.

The beating animal oil, coupled with the fragrant meaty fragrance, even through the computer, countless people seem to ask about the fragrance.

"I brought a little pepper this time."

"Let me try the taste first."


Chen Lie first tested a piece of chicken with chili peppers. After biting it down, the juice spurted out, and the irritating smell that was fragrant and spicy, but made people reluctant to breathe, rushed into his throat. Lie couldn't continue.

"Seeing the expression of Brother Pet, I instantly understood."

It's okay to let the rocket lament: "I'm hit again! Why do you want to watch it stupidly!"

Many people uttered the same type of lament as if it had nothing to do with rockets.

"It's so cool!"

Chen Lie shouted: "I finally know why Sha Banji dared to yell with Feilong!"


Fierce Jiaohu had already drunk the chicken soup, and when he saw Chen Lie's appearance, especially when he smelled that gluttonous taste, he made a pitiful whine instantly.

The ghost squirrel is more direct.

Immediately ran to Chen Lie's shoulder and kept scratching him, hoping that he could feel sorry for his hard work.

Seeing the ghost squirrel like this.

Fierce Jiaohu also rubbed Chen Lie's thighs flatly.

"Good, good, I want to help you guys next time!"

Chen Lie ate a pass and was very satisfied. He also apologized to the fierce tiger and the ghost squirrel who had also put in a lot of effort.

He just patronized eating for himself, and forgot to give it to these two lovely guys.

He immediately started to fry.

But this time he puts fewer peppers.

Chen Lie said: "It's cold now. I'll give you some chili, which is considered to be a strong internal energy. If you don't adapt, then I won't add chili."

After all, Chen Lie didn't carry many peppers with him.

This consumes, 3 meals will be used up.

Fierce Jiaohu and Guicai Squirrel nodded repeatedly.

Then they also felt that Chen Lie couldn't stop, and even couldn't bear to blow away the heat in his mouth.

"Hey, seeing Jiaojiao and Guicai makes me feel like my life is not as good as a dog!"

"Not as good as a dog, but not a mouse."

"Does it make sense to care about this?"

Chen Lie's fans sighed frantically, but none of them left, instead they gathered more, and they were about to break through tens of millions.

"Seeing Lie doing this, I feel my worry is stupid."

Ren Qing looked at Chen Lie with a wry smile, and sighed: "He is so prepared and eats so well, better than us!"

Gu Xiaoyu nodded again and again: "That's right, we are in vain."

"Fortunately we have A Bao."

Liu Yifeng said seriously: "At least it's better than before, isn't it?"

Everyone looked at Ah Bao, who was also watching the live broadcast, and smiled unanimously.

A Bao smiled triumphantly.

Ren Qing asked: "Abao, can you make the same delicacy?"

Gu Xiaoyu said eagerly: "We will buy the materials."

Unfortunately, A Bao shook his head.


A Bao didn't answer, he just pointed at Chen Lie's sand half chicken, and then at the snow...

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