The pet king of the city

Chapter 612: The Bear King's Roar


Ren Qing asked: "Our equipment here is better."

A Bao pointed to Chen Lie's half chicken in the computer, and then pointed to the snowy area. He did not continue to speak, but shook his head.


After all, Ren Qing was half a chef, and quickly understood.

Gu Xiaoyu questioned: "Senior Sister, what are you doing with Abao? It was Brother Lie before, so why is it your turn now?"

Ren Qing questioned: "Don't you understand? A Lie said it several times before."

Gu Xiaoyu and the others shook their heads together.

Ren Qing explained: "First of all, the difference in materials. Nasha half chicken is said to be the top ingredient that can be compared with [Heavenly Dragon Meat]. Secondly, that snow is the environment, so cold and primitive environment, it tastes such iron. Spicy chicken with plate is more delicious from the soul."

Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat in the underground.

Many people know these statements.

Many people have eaten donkey meat, but dragon meat is not that simple, because the dragon meat here refers to hazel grouse.

Hazel grouse, nicknamed the Flying Dragon, is a national protected animal.

Naturally, not many people eat.

"that's true."

"Even if we have half chicken, but without the environment, it tastes completely wrong."

All the girls are smart people, and they instantly realize the difference.

"I really envy Brother Lie!"

"Now I finally know why the boss likes going to the wilderness to do shows."

Among the women's sorrows, Chen Lie had an accident.



The sound of the wolf horn brought out a roar.

"Not a tiger roar!"

Chen Lie suddenly woke up.

He increased the flame for the first time, but immediately removed the iron plate and took out the weapon.

Only when Chen Lie looked at the fierce tiger who was still devouring, and the ghost squirrel who was still slowly gnawing on the spicy muscles, he felt relieved.

"The fierce Jiaohu and the ghost did not move, proving that each other is far away."

Chen Lie squeezed the fierce Jiaohu's head and continued: "The source of the sound just now was from the side where I came from. There are two species. The wolf pack is obvious. The other is probably a brown bear."

"If it's a brown bear, then I have to be careful."

Chen Lie decisively handled all the remaining materials.

Then he fired him up and looked over there warily.

of course.

The Mini Apache turned on the patrol function for the place immediately.

"In the Greater Xing'an Mountains, apart from the Siberian tigers and wolves, the brown bears most need to worry about."

"They are the largest carnivorous mammals on the land. The tallest can stand more than 3 meters, and the heaviest is more than 1 ton. With their natural strength, basically no animal can compete with this level of brown bear. "

Chen Lie was a little nervous.

The queen drove to comfort and said: "Pet brother, that voice is so far away from you, don't you need to be so nervous?"

"Do not."

"I must be nervous."

Chen Lie said seriously: "Under normal circumstances, brown bears are hibernating at this time. Secondly, brown bears are very smart animals. Under normal circumstances, they will avoid wolves. But hearing the sound, it is obvious that they are not compromised. That kind, then there is only one reason to explain."

The queen drove nervously and asked: "What's the reason? If it's too dangerous, you should avoid it first. Don't try to top it every time."

"Thanks for caring."

Chen Lie first thanked him and then explained: "The reason is that it has just entered winter, but the brown bear is not hibernating. According to reason, it is impossible to starve. The only explanation is that wolves have invaded its territory and threatened its safety. Don't fight."

Speaking of this, Chen Lie became more serious and said: “Don’t think that bears are very irritable, but under the threat of life, no one will be able to shrink back. There is a [bear-like] in our common saying, which means timidity. It can show that the bear will be a turtle when it threatens its safety."

"You look like a bear, yes, it's really fun."

"The Emperor of Knowledge is mighty."

"I found the secret of some common sayings in life again."

Chen Lie ignored the words of the fans and continued: "But now, this bear dares to stand up, which means that the other party is not afraid of wolves at all. The bears who are not afraid of wolves are definitely not ordinary bears, they are very likely to be bears. Remind that the biggest brown bear in the class may even be the bear king."

Everyone immediately became nervous, without the frolic before.

"Although brown bears are not good at climbing, I don't want to bet on my life."

"So I have to make a simple trap and keep the campfire strong."

Chen Lie immediately began to operate.

Simple traps are not difficult.

After all, we don't want to kill the enemy, just serve as an early warning, so it's very simple to make.

Chen Lie said while making: "If I don't have enough food, I will make traps. In fact, the materials I discarded today are excellent bait. After all, we are at the stage where food is most scarce."

"Such traps can be made before I take a break."

"Get up and watch the next morning."

"If you have, you can take your prey and continue your journey. If you don't, it doesn't matter. You won't lose anything anyway."

Chen Lie was talking about the simplest warning trap last night.


"Next is the other materials."

"Fortunately, there is enough dry wood."

Chen Lie collected more dry wood and said, "The wild beasts in the primitive environment are very afraid of life, especially in this kind of weather. A sound of fur is the root of their protection from the cold. If they are burned, it will kill them. So. When there are options, I believe they will weigh in and weigh in."

"about there."

"I just finished eating, so I'll digest it at that time."

Chen Lie looked at the ghostly squirrel who was eating round belly and asked, "You guy! I'm busy working on the side, but you are here to taste delicious food, and the position has not moved."

The ghost squirrel can't walk, can only wave his hand and make a gesture of peace of mind.

"Killing me."

"I can't help smiling when I see the look of a ghost."

"Ghosts are so cute! I really envy Pet Brother."

Fans who are not young girls have their eyes glowing again, and they are more and more envious of Pet Brother.

Just as Chen Lie was ready for the trap, the battle on the other side came to an end...

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