The pet king of the city

Chapter 613: The Terrifying Bear King

While Chen Lie was ready for the trap, the war on the other side came to an end.

And the place where the war broke out.

Amazingly, it was the place where Chen Lie buried the remains of the Shabanji.

This is the presence of 11 adult wolves, but there is only one giant bear on the other side.

This bear is really big, much bigger than the bears in the zoo.

The female black bear that Chen Lie met in the Hengduan Mountains before stood in front of this brown bear. She was simply an older child beside an adult, completely out of proportion.


The battle has come to an end.

The giant bear was full of scars, but still did not flinch, because the wolves also paid a terrible price. Two wild wolves were smashed to pieces, three wild wolves fell to the ground and kept twitching. The remaining 6 were timid.


The giant bear takes a step, and the wolf pack shrinks a step.


The giant bear next made a move that shocked the wolves:

The giant bear slapped a tree with a thick bowl, ignoring the falling snow, grabbed the broken tree and started sweeping.

The strong wind whizzed past.

A felled wolf that hadn't died just now was swept away 6 or 7 meters away.

The wolves still wanted to continue their offensive, but the giant bear turned around and swept away, and another swooping wild wolf was swept away in the stagnant air, with a clear and loud clicking sound.

The wolves were scared.


Turn around and run like a bereaved dog, and don't want to go with the company.

And the wild wolf that had just been swept away was struggling in pain.


The trunk smashed down.

The wolf brain was smashed away like a watermelon.


The giant bear roared wildly, declaring the victory of the battle.

Very high profile.

But there is no refutation.

Singles out 11 wild wolves and can blow the opponent out, this kind of strength, the legendary Tiger King Lion King is nothing more than this.

The bear king looked at the wound, then looked down at his stomach. Without talking nonsense, he dragged a wild wolf to his cave.

These wolf corpses are rare carnivores in winter.

Can not be wasted.

As for whether the other corpses will be picked up, it is not afraid at all.

Anyway, anyone who dares to snatch its prey will eventually become its prey.


King Xiong's nose moved, and he looked in the direction where Chen Lie was, showing a trace of hesitation.


It already feels something.

Early the next morning.

Even if the temperature was terribly low, Chen Lie still got up early to boil water.

In such a hot day, even if it is boiling water, it will be extremely cold.

After a simple breakfast, let the body warm up a little bit.

Chen Lie carried everything he could carry and set off directly.

"Friends in the south may not be able to appreciate how I felt last night."

"That's a process of waking up from cold, sleeping tired, and then waking up again."

"So I'm very tired now, I have to wake up."

After Chen Lie finished speaking, he took Xue Xue in one hand and began to wash his face.

The cold snowflakes pressed against the face, it felt really exciting.

Chen Lie was shocked all over.

Sober instantly.

"Although the fatigue of the body cannot be changed, the spirit is much better."

"This will at least let me lift my spirits and continue walking."

Chen Lie's pace is faster.

Many people looked sad, and some people persuaded Chen Lie to stop and rest.

"Can't rest."

Chen Lie said: "The daylight hours are short, and I must hurry up."

It's okay to put the rocket and ask: "Pet brother, is the position of the wild ginseng calculated by your computer really reliable?"

"do not know."

"But the first destination is not far away, you can check it out then."

What Chen Lie said was not the location of the thousand-year-old ginseng, but a hundred-year-old ginseng.

This century-old ginseng is Chen Lie's first test.

Whether the plant search machine is reliable depends on this wave.

It’s okay to put the rocket and continue to ask: "Then you don’t have to hurry so fast? Didn’t you say yesterday that the efficiency of rushing on the snow is low, and the faster you go, the greater the consumption."

"I am not afraid of consumption now, just the bear of last night."

Chen Lie went on.

It’s okay to release the Rockets even more confusing, and questioned: "Last night was last night, now the distance is so far, the bear will always chase it? What's more, last night the bear, why can he win the wolves."

"It's impossible."

Chen Lie explained: "I heard last night that it was the bear king who won. The bear that can pick out the wolves is definitely a horror, and I can't take it lightly."

However, many people still think Chen Lie made a fuss.

"Do you think I'm unreasonably worried?"

Chen Lie looked at the pop-ups of some die-hard fans and replied: "Brown bears are also quite fast when running, and their advantages in the mountains are more obvious, so they can easily catch up with their prey."

"Furthermore, the brown bear territory is very large. The male bear's territory is nearly 700-1000 square kilometers. Even the adult female bears have 100-450 square kilometers to patrol. I definitely belong to their range of strength."

"The most deadly thing is that although bears are not very sensitive in sight and hearing, they have a very developed sense of smell. Their sense of smell is about 100 times stronger than that of humans. Among them, polar bears can start tracking smells at 20 miles (about 32 kilometers), which is very scary."

"You said, if I don't leave its territory and stay nearby, what would it think?"

Chen Lie's words are very realistic and sharp.

The noisy people in the live broadcast room calmed down.

Many things don’t need to be said too clearly, you can think about the results with your knees.

"Now I have at least two days' walk from the nearest human settlement."

"So I can't afford any accidents."

Chen Lie climbed over a mountain, but he saw a more majestic mountain range, and he was speechless.

He sighed into the camera and said: "Next, besides mountains or mountains, the vast expanse of white will be the most dangerous place. Because I don't know when the thick branches above my head can't withstand the pressure of the snow, and move towards my head. Smash it down."

Walking in the snow forest.

The most important thing is not the ground, but the top of the head.

The branches weighing a hundred kilograms and snow fall down, even hard qigong has to eat a pot.

Not to mention ordinary people.


Fierce Jiaohu suddenly entered a state of alert.

Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense, immediately took out the dagger, and the special flying knife began to prepare.

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