The pet king of the city

Chapter 614 Death Air Attack

The sudden alert of the fierce Jiaohu made Chen Lie instantly enter a fighting state. Without a word, he immediately took out his dagger, and the special flying knife was also ready to go.

A group of wild boars appeared in the distance.

The wild boar in the northeast can be very big.

Because they eat as much as possible to survive the winter.

Although they still live in groups, they do not gather on a large scale like in warm areas. They basically gather on a family scale.

Of course, if they suffer from strong external forces, there will naturally be large groups of wild boars united by several families.

In recent years, there have been news of wild boars going down the mountains and ruining crops in the Northeast.

"Not a big wild boar family."

Chen Lie adjusted the lens and introduced: "Although the number of wild boars in this group cannot be compared to what we encountered in Mount Emei, the largest one cannot be compared to the giant wild boar in Mount Emei. But look at the big one, How mighty."

The leading wild boar is two laps larger than the average big pig, and the whole body is covered with a thick resin layer, especially the pair of fangs, which look like daggers.

"Second brother, run!"

"Where to go? You have already joined the Pet Brother Deluxe Package!"

"This wild boar family is so pitiful, it actually crashed into the hunting world of pet brother, it seems that this is their calamity."

Among the sorrows of many people.

However, Chen Lie stood still and had nothing to do with the wild boar family looking for food.

The wild boar family, who didn't know that they were almost made into lunch, didn't cause trouble, just passed by with a hum.

The queen drove to tease and said: "Pet brother, why are you soft-hearted this time?"

Chen Lie asked, "I have enough food, why do I hunt them?"

This question made people speechless.

"Besides, that big wild boar is not easy to mess with."

"Although it is not as big as the giant wild boar I encountered last time, it is also very troublesome to deal with."

Chen Lie finally added: "I still have so much food, there is no need to toss so much."


Chen Lie stepped on the snow, struggling forward.

This is not acting as a show.

No matter who came here, he was definitely not as efficient as Chen Lie.

The next action is more boring.

Not to mention the rise in popularity.

The fact that Chen Lie didn't fall sharply is that he did a good job of field control.

of course.

If it weren't for some of the available materials that Chen Lie could always pick on the road, such as side dishes, or the ghost squirrel occasionally found some surviving berries in the snowdrifts or bushes, otherwise the popularity would decline rapidly.

It's lunch.

"Finally, I can rest."

Chen Lie sighed: "Everyone can't understand my tiredness. Now give me a suitable resting place. I promise to sleep within three seconds of lying down."

In order to prevent everyone from thinking that Chen Lie was crying miserably, Chen Lie immediately changed the subject: "But now the temperature is very good, I can't waste it, take a short rest and then flash the journey. After all, after 4 hours, I have to look for it again. A place to stay."

The queen drove to feel distressed and said, "Brother Pet, take a rest."

"It's okay."

"I also rest like this."

Chen Lie ate the dried meat that was first made yesterday, while drinking cold water, and said: "This place is not far from the first goal. If I keep on working hard, I can prove my set of searching for wild ginseng..."

The moment Chen Lie was about to explain it carefully.

A dangerous breath surged from the depths of his heart, and he almost instinctively moved aside.


As a result, when he was sitting in his original position, he suddenly smashed a section of a tree trunk that was thicker than the mouth of the bowl, and the tree trunk with the snowdrift completely submerged the place where Chen Lie was not.

"so close!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Lie was just taking a break, and he could encounter danger.

If he hadn't been alert just now, at least he would be dizzy now.

"I'll go, Brother Pet is almost alive!"

"It's too dangerous. I thought Brother Pet was just making a fuss."

"Visually detect that Pet Brother's agility is twice that of ordinary people!"

The calm live broadcast room boiled again, and a lot of messy words popped up.

Chi Chi!

The ghost squirrel was not surprised, and ran over for the first time.

As a result, several pine cones were taken out of the snowdrift.

But the ghost squirrel did not monopolize it, but generously divided Chen Lie two, and gave it to the fierce tiger, it only had one.

"Thank you."

"I won't eat, I will give you all."

Chen Lie blurred the ghost squirrel affectionately, and returned the pine cones to it.

Chi Chi!

The ghost squirrel danced happily.

The audience also burst into laughter:

"Ghosts have made me cute."

"A ghost is so good, such a caring squirrel can only be raised by Pet Brother."

"The most favorite food is divided into people, it is simply the modern version of Kong Rong Rangli."

"I have decided to go to the Super Pet Shop decisively to see if I can buy the squirrels trained by Pet Brother. The requirements are not high, as long as there are ghosts, only half the thoughtfulness will do."

Those who say these are all female fans.

All of them made up their minds and prepared to try their luck at the super pet shop.

"It's a ripe pine cone."

"Pine cones, also known as pine cones, are the seeds of the pinaceae plants. They contain pine nuts when they mature. They are one of the favorite foods of squirrels."

"The squirrels all over the mountains here will bear countless pine cones every time they mature. This can be said to be a paradise for squirrels."

Chen Lie started to popularize science again: "Pine nuts can be used for medicinal purposes. They have the effects of dispelling wind and pain, anti-inflammatory and hemostasis, and nourishing and strengthening. It is good for me to carry a little on my body, but now that the amount is so small, I don't need to fight with ghosts."

"But I have a way."

Chen Lie smiled and looked at the nearby pine tree, chose the largest pine tree, and said: "In order to avoid threats from the ground and the sky, the tree hole chosen by the pine tree will be as close as possible to the middle of the tall pine tree. In the canopy, or slightly lower."

"In this way, the beasts on the ground cannot come up, let alone push to the pine trees to catch them; and the raptors cannot cross the canopy to catch them, killing two birds with one stone."

"But don't you think that pine trees can be as kind as ghosts..."

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