The pet king of the city

Chapter 619 Two versions of the classic

Chen Lie chose the once classic "Wen Farewell", and without any hesitation, he immediately cleared his throat to prepare.

The song "Wen Bie" is not too difficult to sing, but it needs to be interpreted with sufficient detail so that the emotion of this song can be sung, and the classic charm can be deduced.

"The past has become a cloud

Dissipate in front of each other

Even after saying goodbye

I can't see you a little bit sad

Give me everything


Chen Lie's words are very clear, not the kind of narration mode, that is not emotional, there are faint regrets in the singing, it happens that this emotion is also transmitted to every audience, and it quickly infects their hearts.

This is Chen Lie's previous sentiment and an interpretation of his life experience.

Such a level naturally shocked the audience.

Unlike the original singer's delicate and impeccable singing skills, Chen Lie's singing skills are completely based on the skills of the sound of the heavens monkey brother.

However, Chen Lie's natural sound made his singing bring out a kind of emotion, as if telling a story that can move the soul to the audience, which is more sharp than those simple imitations.

"I and you, don't be in an uninhabited street

Let the wind laugh, I can't refuse

Don't be in the frantic night with you, wen

My heart is waiting to meet the sadness"

The end of the song, cheers thunderous.

"Thank you everyone!"

Chen Lie didn't wait for everyone to react, and took the lead in expressing thanks, ready to leave.

The queen sighed when she drove: "My pet brother sings so deliciously. No wonder we are getting more and more addicted."

"Brother Pet is amazing."

It's okay to release the rocket, and he sighed: "Cooking and martial arts are so good, singing is so good, you are so versatile, it's really unreasonable!"

Quietly watching you actually confessed publicly: "Pet brother, you sang too perfect, at this moment I was completely captured by you."

"One more song!"

"We don't want the English version!"

Numerous praises cannot change Chen Lie's decision, but the enthusiasm of the fans cannot be disobeyed, otherwise it will be Chen Lie's airing.

Helpless Chen Lie could only follow the general trend and promised: "I just said that I want the English version, then I have to honor it. At the most I have eaten, and I will have another snow concert. How about?"

This was cheered and supported by countless people.

Perhaps Chen Lie was stimulated by the enthusiasm of the presence. This time, Chen Lie didn’t use the sound of nature, and felt that he was directly in the best and perfect singing state: "Thank you for your kindness, then I am not hypocritical. Please listen to the English version below. Don’t..."

This time everyone stopped speaking and listened quietly.








The English version of this song is performed in a romantic slow-rocking style. Although the singer is MichaelLearnsToRock, the lyrics are Jacky Cheung, and the composer and arranger are the original talents such as Yin Wenqi. Therefore, Qin Xiu easily accomplished that kind of fate. The perseverance and entanglement of the love are sung vividly, and the quality of the song is not lower than the previous one.

And the audience, including the queen drove to wait for the gods, Ren Qing and other women in the super pet shop, Li Lao Guiyan, etc., all used the most practical language and sighs, which truly reflected the level of Chen Lie's song.

"I almost cried."

"I almost cried."

"It's as touching as the original song! No, even better, at least the original song hasn't moved me so much."

The reaction of the fans was exaggerated, especially the foreigners.

Cooleyes directly use hundreds of rockets as expressions.

"Wow, overseas Shenhao was also conquered by my pet brother."

"Honeys of the East, you have competitors again."

Chen Lie's iron rod is empty and the world is not chaotic, constantly clamoring and provoking.

"Ignore it."

The Queen sighed when she drove: "Big Brother Pet is too good, both Chinese and English, I really don't know what else he can't do."

Looking at you quietly, I was even more confused and said: "No, I will be addicted to listening like this! What should I do? Pet brother is almost occupying all of my soul!"

The reason why a classic can become a classic is naturally justified.

And "Wen Bie" is inherently very infectious. The audience will gradually fall into the "emotional trap" in the lyrics as the lyrics evolve, and then develop a special sympathy for the singer.

Not to mention Chen Lie's blessing with the sound of heaven, it is even more so that the wind can't stop.

At the end of the song, everyone fell into Chen Lie's emotional trap, lingering for a long time, unable to extricate himself, even Chen Lie did not know the end.

"Brother Pet, sing it again, right?"

"No way, my chicken soup is almost boiled!"

Chen Lie strictly refused this time.

In order to divert his gaze, he deliberately sniffed, and then sighed: "'s so fragrant, the taste of this soup is nothing to say, I'm almost intoxicated in it."

"Brother Pet, you are not like this, we are still good friends."

"Quickly pull the chicken soup away, I can smell the fragrance through the monitor."

"Damn pet brother, you are poisoned again!"

Only then did the fans realize that the two songs just now were pre-dinner snacks.

Good food.

From beginning to end, it was Chen Lie's biggest killer move.

Next, Chen Lie took out all the chicken bones, and then fished out some of the foam.

Finally, add mushrooms and other accessories.

Add snow water and continue to cook.

Finally, the rest of the sand half chicken.

Not long.

A pot of stewed mushrooms and half chicken is born.


"The aroma of shiitake mushrooms dissolves in the chicken soup, which greatly enhances the aroma of the soup. The tenderness and juiciness of the meat also incorporates the flavor of shiitake mushrooms, making it richer and more attractive."

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