The pet king of the city

Chapter 620: Night Attack by Wolves


"It's perfect."

Chen Lie sniffed fiercely in front of thousands of fans, and sighed with full expression: "The aroma of mushrooms dissolves in the chicken soup, which greatly enhances the flavor of the soup. The tenderness and juiciness of the meat is also integrated into the mushroom The taste is more intense and appealing. The double effect is one, and they complement each other, and are perfectly unified."

"Unfortunately, there are no Chinese wolfberry and red dates, otherwise the nourishing soup will come out after a cup."

"Fortunately, I still have mountain pepper. The faint smell is removed, and the added faint pungency is best for this damn weather.

Chen Lie took another bite, showing contentment again.

"This pure and natural fragrance has a slight spiciness, which makes the taste even more outstanding."

"How do you say it? Uh, the imported soup is like a unique wine, bringing a touch of warmth in the cold."

"This kind of chicken soup cooked with shiitake mushrooms and performance. The effective ingredients in shiitake mushrooms are dissolved in the soup, which can quickly increase my absorption rate and quickly restore my strength."

"Unfortunately, it's gone after drinking today."

It's okay for Chen Lie not to add the last sentence.

As soon as I said it, the live broadcast room broke out:

"I haven't had chicken soup yesterday or today."

"Damn pet brother, my hatred towards you has reached 9999% now!"

"My pet is in the blessing and knows no good."

Facing Taotao's anger, Chen Lie just smiled and ignored it.

He has done such things a lot in the sea, and he still counts such a bit of hatred?

Satiate and drink.

That is already an hour later.

Although the extremely cold weather made Tang chill very quickly, Chen Lie controlled it well.

The weight of each time is just right.

Just enough to satisfy the digestion of him, the fierce tiger and the ghost squirrel.

Until all the sand and half chicken are consumed.

This dinner just ended.

Finally waited until the suffering was over, and it was okay to release the rocket, and then cautiously asked: "Pet brother, I don't think your package can contain much wild ginseng, are you really looking for it?"

He still remembers a fresh ginseng that has just been unearthed, and its efficacy is equal to 3 dry ginseng of the same age.

If Chen Lie's fresh ginseng is nearly 200 years old, if it can be used immediately, wouldn't it be equal to 500 years of dried ginseng?

"Shanren has a clever plan!"

Chen Lie smiled evilly and did not answer this question directly.

But then again.

Where is the ginseng he dug before?

There seems to be no ginseng in his package.

"The life items delivered to the exchange area will be frozen in time, so there is no loss of efficacy, etc."

"The secrets of the system will not be revealed."

After Chen Lie discovered the collateral effect of the exchange zone, he took this effect to its fullest.

And what did he pay?

It's nothing more than a few fan points.

"Brother Pet, don't talk nonsense with Rocket God, let's sing."

"I think it is possible to order a song."

"Take a Mao song, is there that time now?"

What the live broadcast room wants is not chat, but Chen Lie singing.

They all remember the taste of the two previous songs.


"What song do you want to listen to?"

Chen Lie, who was in a good mood, nodded without delay.

Time passes in this kind of tacit atmosphere.

The night was cold.

The far north without snow is still frighteningly cold.

Chen Lie felt that the warmth outside had disappeared. Knowing that the bonfire was about to go out, Chen Lie had no choice but to get up.

When he was together, the fierce tiger would react.

"It's okay, let's continue to rest."

Chen Lie patted the Huojiaohu's body, soothed it, and then went out.

The cold wind hit.

Chen Lie couldn't help but shocked.

"The atmosphere at this time is at most minus 20 degrees."

"It's really scary."

In this kind of weather, all creatures will shrink up, let alone living in the warm south all the time.


Chen Lie added a few sticks of dry firewood.

In order to ignite the flames faster, Chen Lie threw a little bit of animal oil down.

After a short while, the flame came out again.

"At this point in time, I really can't get up."

Chen Lie went to bed early last night.

Because it’s all dark before 5 pm, even if it takes a lot of time to make traps and eat dinner, Chen Lie still rests early.

He slept from more than 8 o'clock last night to less than 9 o'clock last night to more than 4 o'clock.

8 hours of rest time.

For his martial arts masters, it is purely a luxury.

Usually he can be full of energy when he sleeps for 6 hours.

Two more hours, it can be regarded as a remedy for the poor sleep yesterday.

It's just that I am energetic now, but it is at least 3 hours before dawn.

Waiting for 3 hours at this temperature is simply torture.

"Now I can't sleep and sleep."

"The egg hurts."

Chen Lie muttered.


Fierce Jiaohu rushed out.

The ghost squirrel also ran out nervously.

Regardless of the cold, they looked seriously at the darkness in the distance.

"what happened?"

Chen Lie said so, but still instinctively took out the dagger.


The fierce tiger roared like a warning.

Chen Lie quietly took out a special flying knife.

At the same time, a green eye appeared in the darkness in the distance.

Chen Lie turned on the searchlight on the live broadcast equipment and incidentally turned on the live broadcast.

"What's wrong with pet brother?"

"Scared me to death, I just turned off the computer."

Chen Lie's live broadcast room still has tens of thousands of hang-ups, many of which use the live broadcast room as a chat room to play, and some just happen to be offline, all of which are frightened by the sudden live broadcast footage.

"Everyone, I think I'm in trouble."

Chen Lie said to the camera, "Did you see it? The wolves are here, and the only good news is that there are not many opponents."

Five pairs of green eyes appeared in the darkness in a circle.

They ignored the warnings of the fierce tiger.

Because they are hungry.

Otherwise, they would not provoke the number one overlord here-the bear king, otherwise they would not be so cruel that they would even eat their own companions.

"I'm going! Are these all wolves?"

"Sure enough, there are benefits late at night!"

"Bless you MB! Brother Pet is in danger now, you actually treat it as a welfare!"

"I said something wrong, okay?"

"You still have time to fight? Take care of my pet brother!"

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