The pet king of the city

Chapter 621 Completely crushed

Don't look at Chen Lie's live broadcast room at this time, there are still tens of thousands online.

But in fact many are on-hook.

It is estimated that there are not even 1,000 truly online.

But even with so few people, they can still quarrel. This is the characteristic of Chen Lie's die-hard fans.

At this time, where did Chen Lie have time to pay attention to the noise, he stared at the scene in front of him wholeheartedly, and said: "Fortunately, there are only 5 wolves. If I guess right, they should be wolves fighting with the brown bear. Group, the staff reduction is estimated to be very serious."

"Now they don't dare to provoke brown bears, but they are looking at me and pinching me as a soft persimmon."

"It seems I must tell them-why the flowers are so red."

Chen Lie's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Before he was hunted down by more than a dozen wild wolves, he didn't change his face, not to mention only 5 this time.

Now he is murderous.

The 5 wild wolves in front of me have been taken to my door.

"Ghost, you hide in, don't come out."

Chi Chi!

But the genius squirrel brandished its knife and fork, seemingly unwilling to back down.


"This is not a game!"

Chen Lie's words cannot be rejected.

The ghost squirrel hid back sadly.

Chen Lie asked, "Jiaojiao, are you ready?"

Fierce Jiaohu nodded.

"When the light comes on, you will charge me!"

"The right is yours, the left is mine!"

"They want to consume with us, but we don't want to play with them, we want to kill with one blow, you know?"


Chen Lie asked at last.

Fierce Jiaohu nodded solemnly.


Chen Lie shouted.

The live camera suddenly lights up, and the mini Apache in the sky also throws in a powerful searchlight.

The 5 wild wolves were instantly invisible.

break out!

Fierce Jiaohu flew out at the same time.

At this moment, the snow does not seem to be an obstacle, and the cold cannot cause interference.

The fierce tiger is really like a tiger coming out of the cage, and it's impossible.

But Chen Lie was even faster.

No one else arrived, the flying knife had already pierced through the air.

A hundred-shot flying knife cut through the cold snow and directly pierced into the right eye of the wild wolf on the far left hidden in the bush.

The horror followed.


The next moment.

The fierce Jiaohu changed two directions in succession. During the high-speed movement, and in the fearful eyes of the wild wolf who was not yet fully grown up, he completed an undefended attack:

Tiger cannon!

The standard tiger cannon blasted the defense of the juvenile wolf with one punch.

But the juvenile wolf completely underestimated the strength and speed of the fierce tiger.

The body stumbled as it shouldn't.

It flew out the next moment.

And it still doesn't know how it was attacked.

Climb to the sky!

This is not climbing the ladder, but climbing the knee.

A brutal movement similar to hitting the knee up.

This is a combat mode that transforms jumping power into impact, and at this time, Chen Lie uses it to deal with a big wild wolf that is flying over.

This big wild wolf is really big enough.

The size is nearly twice that of the underage wolf that the fierce tiger flies.

But its volley flying was completely captured by Chen Lie.

Dengtian's knee, which had no missing points, hit the big wild wolf's chin, knocking it into the air on the spot.

at the same time.

A big wild wolf flew past Chen Lie's eyes.

In addition to the fierce tiger, who else?

In an instant, there was only one wolves in the size of 5 wolves.


This wild wolf turned around and ran without thinking about it.

When they besieged the Bear King, although they were more numerous than they are now, they did not lose as disastrously as they are now.

They were directly beaten up.

But after waking up, all those who were able to move turned around and ran away.

Including the wild wolf that lost its eye, the big wild wolf that was beaten by the fierce tiger and flew past Chen Lie's eyes, and the big wild wolf that Chen Lie knocked into the sky with his ascending knee.

Only the underage wolf in the audience hasn't stood up yet.

"This is the end?"

"These wolves are too casual, right?"

"It's not that the wolves are weak, but the pet brother and the fierce tiger are too powerful."

"My Shaolin kick was too bright just now, even brighter than the master I've seen during the performance. It directly knocked the big wild wolf that leaped into the sky and flew into the air."

Chen Lie was not distracted, looking at him angrily.

After confirming that the wolves really ran away.

He just lifted his guard.

He approached the juvenile wolf who was still twitching, and looked at the pleading eyes of the juvenile wolf without any mercy.

The dagger acts as a flying knife, piercing directly into the head of the juvenile wolf.

The juvenile wolf kicked one last time and stopped moving.

"Very good, we have the ingredients for today."

Chen Lieyin smiled and walked over.


Pulling out the dagger, blood flew out.

But the blood fell to the ground and solidified immediately.

"We have to deal with it quickly, otherwise the wolf corpse will soon become a popsicle!"

"At that time I had a headache to deal with."

Chen Lie weighed the weight of the juvenile wolf and nodded: "Yes, it's enough for us to consume for two days."

"It's not too late."

Chen Lie looked at the time and felt that it was still early to start, so he immediately started.

He commanded: "Jiaojiao, you can drag me back. By the way, you and the ghost can find more hay and dry branches. I'll go and see the trap outside!"

Fierce Jiaohu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately showed his sharp teeth, bit the wolf's carcass and dragged it towards the cave.

When the ghost saw that the battle was over, he quickly came out to help.

Just watching the scene where the little man drags the wolf's corpse, Chen Lie can't help but want to laugh.

Not only Chen Lie wanted to laugh.

Many people are also laughing in the live broadcast room where the number of people is picking up rapidly.

It’s okay to release the rocket and say: “I was awakened before dawn and missed the most exciting battle scene. I was originally angry, but I am not angry at all when I see such a funny scene.”

"me too."

The queen drove up and complained: "The whole person was very tired, but now I smile and it is much better."

Chen Lie has come to the trap area.

The traps he made last night were for hunting.

But seeing the mess here, he knew that his traps were basically in vain.


Chen Lie saw a large pool of blood on the ground.


He also found that in a violent trap nearby, a small animal's leg was crushed to death by the trap.

Chen Lie instantly understood the cause and effect.

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