The pet king of the city

Chapter 622 The Reason for the Wolf Pack Attack

Chen Lie discovered that in a trap destroyed by violence, the leg of a small animal was crushed to death by the trap.

"It's the hind legs of Snow Rabbit."

"M's, it must have been the snow hare in my trap. As a result, the blood from the snow hare attracted the wolves."

At this point, Chen Lie finally figured out the cause and effect before and after, and he was a little depressed.

If he does not make traps, the wolves will most likely not follow the smell of blood.

But if he doesn't make traps, he won't have fresh wolf meat.

It's really frustrating.

So luck this matter.

Can't tell.

Chen Lie returned to the camp and started peeling again.

"The fur of the wolf fur is quite warm. It seems that their bodies also develop instinctively in order to adapt to extreme weather."

"This can be used to keep warm with a little processing."

Chen Lie peeled the wolf skin neatly and then began to mutilate the wolf carcass.

He still isolated the bloody lens as before, leaving only a voice to help him explain: "This juvenile wolf must be very hungry. There is almost no fat all over the body. It is all lean. Fortunately, there is a lot of meat, enough. We have eaten for more than a day."

"Know that this is wolf meat."

"As the saying goes, dog meat rolls three times and the gods are unstable. Wolf meat is also a kind of dog meat, this time I have to enjoy it."

Chen Lie cheerfully carves the meat.

If anyone sees his movements, he will definitely marvel at the knife technique of "Putting out the cow".

As soon as he cut it down, the wolf meat was separated from the bone.

Not one more point.

Quite a point.

This kind of sword skill is simply extraordinary.

Even if the world's top swordsmanship master comes over, seeing such swordsmanship will feel ashamed.

"Brother Pet, don't do that."

"We really want to see you peel it!"

"Those who complain about you are really damn! I have the urge to human them!"

It was around 6 in the morning, and many people were dreaming.

But Chen Lie's live broadcast room has already gained millions of popularity.

At least half of them are foreigners.

They all listened dumbfounded.

Even if there is a translator, I can't understand it.

Finally, it was after others explained that they learned that Chen Lie's skinning technique is the first in the world, and there are videos on the Internet.

Many people immediately operated in two lines, searching for videos of Chen Lie peeling snake and wolf skins.

Don't tell me.

At first glance, they were shocked, and they turned around to reward Chen Lie and joined the crusade.

"I can't help it."

"I thought about ignoring those warnings before."

"But in the end I couldn't withstand some annoying flies, so some bloody shots that can be avoided can only be avoided as much as possible."

Chen Lie is not lying.

He also made many warnings at the beginning, but still couldn't resist some jealous complaints.

And he can ignore this pressure, but Shark Live cannot.

Finally, under the bitter pleading of Qin Tiancheng and others, Chen Lie had no choice but to choose this way.

The live broadcast room is naturally unwilling.

The sigh became the subject of the live broadcast for a while.

What Chen Lie and millions of viewers don't know is.

far away.

The wolves fleeing embarrassedly broke out in civil strife.

Counting children.

"It's so cool!"

"Eating so much in the early morning, I wonder if I will become fat."

Chen Lie hummed forward happily.

The fierce Jiaohu and the ghost squirrel also followed with contentment.

They have a good breakfast.

Because he had plenty of time, Chen Lie used all the leftover dried mushrooms and so on to make a pot of wolf meat hot pot. The meal was so good that countless people were dumbfounded and salivated.

So Chen Lie's live broadcast room was full of grievances early in the morning.

Ignoring the crusade in the live broadcast room, Chen Lie asked, "You said, should I go to the squirrel's treasury a few more times? After all, it is so difficult to find fresh mushrooms now."

The sound of the crusade in the live broadcast room jumped one floor directly.

"It turns out that you are so enthusiastic, and that's how it was decided."

"It really is like-minded."

Chen Lie shamelessly regarded everyone's opposition as support, and said cheerfully to Guicai Squirrel: "Guicai, wait a moment if you smell mushrooms, wild pepper and other spices, remember to tell me."

How could the ghost squirrel resist, nodding repeatedly.

In fact, it missed the two meals last night and this morning, even if Chen Lie didn't order it, it would do it.

The following rhythm is very joyful.

The motivated ghost squirrel will find the berries that are only fruitful in winter this time, and will find the same kind of storage in that time.

Chen Lie walked for less than two hours.

His backpack actually bulged.

This is the result of Chen Lie only digging out each place once to avoid emptying out all the squirrels' food for the winter, causing others to starve to death.

If you are as greedy as the ghost squirrel, it is estimated that both backpacks are fully loaded.

Chi Chi!

Chi Chi!

No, the ghost squirrel has discovered something new again.

Chen Lie reluctantly reminded: "Ghost, you can relax, we have a lot of auxiliary ingredients, there is no need to dig other people's winter food."

But the genius squirrel was very excited, and kept pointing to the northeast of the woods, and pulled Chen Lie by the collar.

"What makes you so excited?"

The wondering Chen Lie could only walk over.

Chen Lie thought it would be a squirrel storage vault again, but this time he left.

They walked a short distance and walked straight out of the grove.

I came to a sloped mountain wall that was not very high, but ordinary animals couldn't get up.


There is nothing in the mountain wall.

The bottom of the mountain wall is full of white snow, except for the white snow above, there are trees. Does the ghost squirrel want Chen Lie to climb?

Chi Chi!

The ghost squirrel turned Chen Lie down and looked down.

Chen Lie had an idea and asked, "You want me to dig it?"

The ghost squirrel nodded repeatedly.

Chen Lie didn't doubt the ghost squirrel's words, and immediately dug Bai Xue.

Without digging a few times, Chen Lie touched a solid.

Quickly dialed away.

This is a large piece of irregular stones, and there is a honeycomb on the side of the stones.

"It's all frozen into ice."

Chen Lie knocked on the hive, sighing hard, and got up.

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