"It's all frozen into ice."

Chen Lie knocked on the hive, sighing hard, and got up.

He looked at the mountain wall and found a trace of icing on the mountain wall. Compare the shape and size of the surrounding trace, and then measure the shape of the stone. There is a spectrum in his heart.

He said to the camera: "This big rock fell from the mountain wall, and the honeycomb is just a pond fish that was affected. As for why the big rock fell, it may be because there is a gap in the middle of the big rock. Water seeped into it and it froze, which forced the big rocks to crack."

The facts are like Chen Lie's guess.

But these are not the main points, the main point is bees.

Chen Lie struggled to pry off the ice honeycomb.

Chen Lie said: "Squirrels store a lot of pine nuts and dried fruits for the winter. Ants store a variety of food to support the cold winter. Even mice like to store food for the winter, and bees are one of the rare animals that store food."

"The bees are so fragile, and have supported them in winter?"

"I don't believe they can survive a cold winter."

"I don't believe it either."

Many people are skeptical.

But their main purpose is to let Chen Lie teach them to learn more.

"The bee is a very amazing animal."

"I have a document here. I will translate it for your reference."

Chen Lie then explained: "When many insects face winter, they have to choose to hibernate or migrate to spend it. But like humans, bees will store enough food and keep their nests warm. And, waiting for the arrival of spring."

"When winter comes, the worker bees will form a ball in the depths of the hive, squeeze together, and shake their wings in turn to increase the heat in the nest."

"At the same time, they will also carry out a similar rotation system and eat a lot of honey to increase calories to ensure they can survive the winter."

In the end, Chen Lie said with regret: "It's a pity that this honeycomb could have survived the cold winter by this magical way. Because there are forests in front of the sloped mountain wall, there is almost no need to encounter wind and snow, and because For the sake of height, don’t worry about being disturbed by animals."

"People are not as good as heaven."

"A small crack destroyed them and killed them."

Chen Lie picked up the honeycomb and said to the camera: "Under such weather, it has been buried in a snowdrift for an unknown period of time. The bees inside must have been frozen to death or suffocated."

Chen Lieliang took out the dagger and excavated directly.

have to say.

Chen Lie's special dagger is sharp enough, even if it is cutting a honeycomb that has been frozen into a hard piece, it can easily cut off the skin like tofu.

The bees inside were all dead as expected.

Chen Lie is such a simple one, a large number of sealed corpses poured out.

"Hey, pity those worker bees."

What Chen Lie poured out were many worker bees.

He said with deep feeling: "The worker bees in the bee family are hardworking and hardworking, which is synonymous with hard work."

"Usually I won't say much, just talk about some little-known ones."

"As I just said, they will squeeze into a ball in winter, but the outermost worker bees will die in the long winter because they can't keep warm. But they have no regrets for the benefit of the entire group."

"It's more than that. They are to ensure that the inside of the hive is clean during the winter. They do everything to keep the nest clean, so they will clean the nest on the warmer winter days and fly to a long distance to take a bath. Cruel process."

Chen Lie said in the end, sighing.

The live broadcast room was silent.

Even though the number of people now is several times as much as before, there are fewer chatters.

All things do not make sense: "Pet brother, what do you feel bad about? Is it possible that you want to eat these bees?"

"Bee is also a kind of food, you can also make wine."

"This natural bee is a good choice for making wine."

As Chen Lie was talking, he really searched all the bees.

This wild bee is used to soak wine, and the effect is first-class.

But the fans in the live broadcast room didn't believe it.

It's okay to put the rocket and say: "Pet brother, don't pit us. Bees are insects. Can insects soak in wine?"

"why not?"

"Bee wine has more effects. One can treat people who are prone to hypoxia, often headaches and migraines. Second, it can treat people with insufficient energy, fatigue, lack of concentration, and fatigue. It can also treat premature aging, People who are elderly, sick, and frail, who have recovered. In addition, there are people who have rheumatism or rheumatoid diseases, and even impotence and premature ejaculation are effective."

"But pay attention, mead is not a panacea. If you want to drink it, you should consult a doctor or someone who knows how to soak it. Don't toss about it by yourself."

Chen Lie paid special attention to the last one.

As for whether everyone listens or not, it doesn't matter to him.

No nonsense.

He didn't want so many bee corpses to occupy the place, all of them presented to the system exchange area for storage.

Because their value is very low, Chen Lie only needs to spend the most basic 1 point of fan value.

Super bargain.

"Wow haha……"

Chen Lie dealt with it to the end and began to deal with the hive, which made him laugh wildly.

Because there is still a considerable amount of honey inside.

Although the honey was frozen into hard pieces, it was more suitable for Chen Lie to carry.

Chen Lie said triumphantly: "My honey barbecue is gone."


"Damn pet brother!"

"What a low-end show off!"

A full screen of dissatisfaction exploded.

Chen Lie didn't bother to pay attention, and continued his pride: "I regret eating up all the sand half chicken now, otherwise I will have a good meal tonight. But it doesn't matter, honey can match many foods, there will always be a chance."

Chen Lie's confidence, accompanied by this picking up of corpses, was instantly full.

Don't think it's just an extra ingredient.

But the appearance of this food can greatly enrich Chen Lie's choice.

At least Chen Lie doesn't have to eat only spicy flavors.

"Next I have a very clear goal..."

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