The pet king of the city

Chapter 626 Honey Grilled Fish

The big wild wolf that was beaten directly by the fierce tiger and flew across in front of Chen Lie, dead like the previous wolf carcass, was torn apart alive.

The body is still mutilated.

Those fleshy places were obviously eaten, leaving only some fleshless remains.

"A lot of wolf meat was eaten twice before and after. This brown bear must have a lot of appetite."

"In addition to the terrifying power of this big wild wolf, this brown bear must be terrifying, and it is very likely to be of the bear king level."

"Brother Pet, be careful!"

The animal expert issued a warning again.

"I will."

Chen Lie was also jealous.

But he was puzzled, and said: "By the way, this place is far from the brown bear's sphere of influence. Isn't it possible that brown bears hunt and kill like this, aren't they afraid of the revenge of other beast lords?"

The animal expert replied: "If the brown bear stands up to 25 meters high, then it does not need to fear the tiger. But if it is a 3 meter high bear king, then even if the tiger encounters it, it has to avoid it."

"King Bear, all right."

When Chen Lie thinks of the giant brown bear that is 3 meters high, he wants to smile wryly.

The power of bears is terrifying.

If the body shape is more prominent, it is basically the existence of sub-invincible.

This time it's not a giant wild boar.

Perhaps the weight of the giant wild boar is the same level as the bear king, but in terms of pure combat effectiveness, the giant wild boar will definitely be blown by the bear king.

No matter whether it is Chen Lie or the fierce tiger, no one can resist the bear king's slap head-on.

"It seems we have to do some evasion skills."

"The sensitivity of a bear's sense of smell is 7 times that of a dog. It's not too scary."

"With the sense of smell of a bear, even if it is a few kilometers away from the stone, it can still smell me according to the road I have walked, not to mention that I still have such a strong smell of wolf."

"So in order to prevent this bear king from tracking, I have to cross the creeks and rivers as much as possible to isolate the smell."

"Although the small streams and lakes are frozen, I still have a very crude method..."

After talking, Chen Lie rolled around on the snow.

Then rewind in his own footsteps.

Roll around again.

So repeatedly.

In the end, Chen Lie chose a direction that was neither upwind nor against the wind.

"Don't look at my actions a bit silly, but I can confuse the enemy's judgment."

"The more sensitive the nose, the more confused the judgment."

"As for the wind direction, the same is true."

Chen Lie drove the road for two hours so quickly.

Finally he stopped in front of a cave.

"This cave is good!"

Chen Lie looked at the small cave in front of him and said: "If I am a lost traveler and encounter such a cave, the first thing to do is to throw a small stone into it to test and see if there are snakes, lizards and other small animals. If you do, use intimidation, smoking and other methods to force them out."

"It will be safe after this treatment."

"That way you can live in it, prevent beasts from attacking, and wait until rescue."

Chen Lie then turned the topic back to himself: "Although I have a specific goal, I don't need to stay here. But it can provide me with enough shelter and a relatively safe place to rest."

Sit down and rest.

Chen Lie quickly started a fire.

Seeing this, he remembered the previous jokes of Rocket Shenhao and others, saying: "Many people like to see the scene of drilling wood to make fire. I have personally experimented in the desert before, so I will not toss. "

Although the ancient method of drilling wood for fire is well-known.

But it requires certain skills, and more patience.

Because even if it is very dry wood, very fine firelighter, it may take half an hour, or even more than an hour.

Sufficient resources.

Chen Lie, who had to be on his way for a long time, would naturally not be so tossed, spending precious time and physical energy on meaningless drilling for fire.

"Next I'll be simple."

"Make a honey grilled fish!"

Finally, Chen Lie said evilly to the camera: "Presumably you have never eaten honey-grilled fish. You have also seen or heard of it."

There was a wailing in the live room.

But Chen Lie was very simple.

Fish is readily available, and honey is also readily available.

Everything is perfect.

Chen Lie skewered all wild willow root fish into skewers and grilled three in one breath.

Chen Lie actually has the thought to explain: "Honey-grilled fish is more particular. First of all, the fish cannot be crucian. Eating crucian carp and honey at the same time can cause human body poisoning. If family members accidentally eat it, they should be given black beans and licorice in time. , Black beans and licorice can detoxify."

"Luckily the willow root fish is a carp, there is no conflict."

Chen Lie turned over as he said, added a little firewood, and continued: "Furthermore, the honey-grilled fish must be small and delicious. If it is too big, the meat inside will be unevenly roasted. And the kind of artificially cultivated fish. Most of the meat will be loose and old."

"The wild willow roots I have are just the right size and are best for barbecue."

"Moreover, wild willow root fish live in a wild environment without pollution. Every day there is a lot of movement due to the capture of animals, so the meat is exceptionally delicious."

"about there."

Speaking of the last, Chen Lie pulled out the three grilled wild willow fish, brushed it with a layer of just melted honey, and said: "Honey can't be heated at high temperature. It is just right to blend with the grilled residual temperature."

"good to eat!"

"It has the original sweetness of honey and the freshness of wild willow root fish, combined with the woody aroma of grilling, to create a not very complicated but refreshing delicacy."

"I can eat 10 fish like this in one go."

Chen Lie separated the remaining two grilled fish, the fierce tiger and the ghost squirrel, one person and two beasts.


Only halfway through the meal, the fierce tiger, who was full of oil and honey, suddenly abandoned the honey-grilled fish and looked fiercely at the distant woods.

The ghostly squirrel also exploded in an instant.

It is like a wild cat under attack, with all its hairs up.

It was the first time that Chen Lie saw a squirrel with such a mentality. No nonsense, he immediately threw away the honey-glazed grilled fish, showed off his homemade spear, and the flying knife was also ready to go.


The vigilant fierce tiger roared at the distant woods.

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