
This time it was not only a warning, but also a battle.

Fierce Jiaohu became nervous like never before.

The ghost squirrel didn't have any spirit this time, and ran directly to the nearby tree.

"Could it be that big brown bear is here?"

Chen Lie was nervous to death.



A tiger roar echoed the fierce Jiaohu's roar.

Siberian tiger.

A veritable Siberian tiger.

It's just that this Siberian tiger is a bit hungry. Although it is not skinny, it definitely deserves the description of thin.

"I went to heaven, and the South China tiger met the Siberian tiger. This scene is wonderful."

"This tiger is so miserable."

"Brother Pet finally met a wild tiger."

"Brother Pet, can't be added to your menu this time."

The live broadcast room exploded naturally.

The chat content is directly full screen, and the scrolling speed is faster than artificially pulling.

Millions of people are online, and at least a million people are chatting.

This is so spectacular.

The animal experts and others directly exploded.

They have never encountered a wild Siberian tiger. This discovery allows them to apply for funds to research.

of course.

Under the ice and snow, they naturally cannot take risks.

Based on the efficiency of the application and the speed of the administration, it is estimated that there is no one month that can not be approved. Then they will form a team to do preparatory work. Then the snow may melt.

"It's a headache."

Chen Lie didn’t care about the live broadcast room now. He looked at the hungry Siberian tiger silently, and whispered alertly, “I’m not going to have a head-on wave? This guy is a super protected animal, even if I have absolute The reason, you can't kill it at will."

If you can't kill tigers, you have to be restrained, and it's a lot of trouble.

But he has a mini Apache.

There is really no way to use the remote control capability of the Mini Apache.

You must know that the Mini Apache at this time has many super-conventional methods. Not to mention the others, only the death chili bullet and the poisonous flying needle of the poison dart frog can require the Siberian tiger.

Once Chen Lie is desperate, the Siberian tiger will definitely be unable to escape.


Fierce Jiaohu roared again.

The hungry tiger, as if being provoked, directly assumed an attacking posture.

Hungry Tiger is now a little nervous.

It felt the threat of fierce tigers, and even felt that Chen Lie, who should have been used as food, gave it a fear of not retreating or dying.

It doesn't believe this is true.

I thought I was too hungry.

As long as you eat one person in front of you, it will be normal.

Chi Chi!

The ghost squirrel kept barking in the tree, seeming to attract a little attention from the hungry tiger.


The hungry tiger never glanced at the ghost squirrel from beginning to end.

The ghost squirrel jumped with anger.

It regretted not opening its toy Wu went straight.

With the toy Wuzhi, let alone this hungry tiger, it even dared to face the bear king.

Because the weapons and equipment on the toy Wuzhi are not inferior to the Mini Apache.

The question is whether Chen Lie is willing to install the toy Wuzhi.

"Jiaojiao seems to be getting more and more roaring."

Chen Lie had a headache.

According to the current trend, it is almost a must-play.

"Jiaojiao, let's go!"

Since the hungry tiger is determined to eat himself, Chen Lie is too lazy to talk nonsense.

Decisively combined with the aggressive attack.

As for the life and death of the hungry tiger, that is not what Chen Lie needs to care about.

One left and one right.

Chen Lie and Fierce Jiaohu attacked the hungry Siberian tiger.

Hungry Tiger Perfection didn't expect that Little Tiger and the humans would dare to charge themselves, immediately furious, and mercilessly culled.


Hungry Tiger thought of himself too high-end.

What it sees before it is not the prey that would only tremble and wait for death before encountering it, or it is just the stupid beast that only knows how to run away and leave it behind.

It is hunting the fierce tiger and Chen Lie.

Yan Jiaohu and Chen Lie dispersed suddenly.

The hungry tiger was completely lost.

The price of this failure is tragic.

Strike Huashan!

The simplest and purest trick.

Chen Lie's spear was used as a stick and slammed the hungry tiger's leg bones so hard that it would lose its ability to move.


However, the extremely tough pewter rod became hard and brittle because of the dry and cold weather. It couldn't be supported at about 90 degrees and broke.


The hungry tiger screamed.

But it failed to finish the scream.

Tiger cannon!

Fierce Jiaohu doesn't know what it means to be merciful.

Face a family that is 5 or 6 times older than yourself.

Its response was extremely direct.

It was the most direct and domineering attack, with tiger-cannon-like fists hitting the hungry tiger's head.

The hungry tiger was hit and rolled in the air.


The hungry tiger hadn't fainted and could stand up.

You must know that this trick of the fierce Jiaohu can knock over a huge behemoth.

Unexpectedly, the hungry tiger has such a strong bearing capacity.

The two tricks of hard eating have not fallen.

But so is the hungry tiger.

It shook its head frantically, as if to shake off the dizziness.


But it has no chance.

Because Chen Lie had already issued an order to paralyze it with an anesthetic needle.

The dizzy hungry tiger shook.


With a "boom", he fell down.

Seeing that the hungry tiger finally fell, Chen Lie didn't dare to be careless, and lost his appraisal.

After confirming that it was really in a coma, Chen Lie immediately found ropes for climbing and tied the hungry tiger firmly.

"Brother Pet!"

"Brother Pet!"

The animal experts and Professor Hungry Wang from the National Wildlife Medical Team summoned Chen Lie madly.

"This guy can really resist beating!"

Chen Lie smiled at the fierce tiger and asked, "Except for the giant wild boar, it seems that only this tiger is more resistant to fighting?"

Yan Jiaohu nodded, gasping for breath with his tongue out.

Don't look at the battle for just a few seconds.

But in these ten seconds, the burst of physical strength was enough for them to climb a mountain.

"Brother Pet!"

"what's up?"

Chen Lie finally saw the call from the live broadcast room.

The animal expert shouted: "Brother Pet, that's a Siberian tiger, it's not killable."

"Who said I was going to kill the Siberian tiger."

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