The pet king of the city

Chapter 628 Pan-fried Wolf Meat

"Who said I was going to kill the Siberian tiger."

Chen Lie ignored the identity of the other party, and cursed unceremoniously: "I am not mentally retarded. I have just eaten and there are so many. It's okay to find myself happy?"

Many people are relieved.

But Chen Lie's next words almost exploded Professor Wang, animal experts and others.

Chen Lie then added: "Even if I want to kill the tiger, I have to close the live broadcast first."

"After all, Pet Brother."

"My pet brother in society, people are cruel and cruel."

"Brother Pet, how did you suddenly turn into a wretched style?"

This time not only the male fans have opinions, but also the rotten girls.

Their favorite is Chen Lie fighting, or serious scenes.

The temperament at that time was simply male god.

"Xiao Lie, don't mess around."

Professor Wang came out and shouted in person: "That is the Siberian tiger, a wild animal under national protection. You can't toss about it at will."

"Know it."

"I'm not that stupid."

Chen Lie responded and asked, "Professor Wang, and animal experts, can you give me an opinion?"

"Cure it."

"Waiting for rescue."

Professor Wang and animal experts also issued suggestions.

"It's all nonsense."

Chen Lie refused one by one: "Cure it, and then fight with it. Is this a cycle? As for waiting for rescue, it is even more nonsense. With the efficiency of some people, being able to come to me within 5 days is purely a sow on the tree. The level of rarity."

Rough words don't hurt reason.

Chen Lie's words directly turned over the audience.

Those who didn't laugh were secretly laughing, wanting to see how the two experts responded.

Professor Wang was not embarrassed.

He has encountered a lot of things, and if he shrinks from just such a thing, then he can't stick to it till now.

So he persuaded: "Xiao Lie, since you are unwilling to treat it, make sure it will not die before leaving."

"I know."

Chen Lie looked at the sky and cursed: "M's, I can't go anywhere after such delays. Just spend one night in this cave and deal with this stupid tiger by the way."

Professor Wang felt a little relieved when they heard Chen Lie's words.

Chen Lie made sure that his rope was strong enough.

He also specifically said to the fierce Jiaohu and Guicai Squirrel: "Jiaojiao, Guicai, you show me this big guy. If it awakens and dares to bite the rope, you will teach it to me."

After talking, Chen Lie began to make arrangements.

Dry firewood and stone for bonfire are naturally necessary.

And some early warning traps are also necessary.

There are two tigers here, the smell is so strong that almost you can smell it in the city.

Under such circumstances, no matter how hungry the little animals are, they will not come to die.

So no matter how good or perfect trap hunting is, it will not help.


The sky is still dark.

This means that Chen Lie wasted at least two hours of rushing time.

But he was very open.

"Just rest at that time."

Chen Lie was a little heartless at this time.

He stared at the hungry tiger, not knowing what he was thinking.

Professor Wang was so frightened that he always felt that Chen Lie's eyes were wrong, as if he was looking at food.

But the fact is also true.

Chen Lie actually said: "It is said that tiger meat is top delicacy, because they have top chewy and delicious juice comparable to top beef. If you bite it, the juice will be splashed out; and if you fry it a little bit, it will I can feel a fleshy feeling mixed with spices and rich in fragrance, but the specific feeling is beyond description."

"Brother Pet, don't say anything, you say I have to change my mind to persuade you to kill the tiger."

It's okay to drop the rocket and surrender directly.

Professor Wang knew that Chen Lie was joking, but he was still not at ease, so he persuaded: "Xiao Lie, don't think about it. Instead of having that time, you should think more about how to deal with it."

"It has no fractures."

"It was estimated that it was a concussion just now, but it was only mild, and it would be fine to rest."

"The main thing is that it is starving."

Chen Lie started cooking as he spoke.

With so much wolf meat, there are many choices to make.

But Chen Lie chose the simplest:

Pan fried.

However, Professor Wang did not have the relaxed mentality of Chen Lie, and immediately made emergency treatment: "Xiao Lie, the concussion can be big or small, listen to its breathing, look at its pupils, and let us listen if you can. listen."

"I said, it's just a slight concussion, no internal bleeding or anything."

"It's breathing and pulse are basically normal, and nothing else is special. You'll know it later."

Chen Lie used systematic medical identification and never made a mistake, but he was too lazy to explain too much.

He now needs to concentrate on cooking wolf meat.

The iron plates add up.

Brush up.

But he was not in a hurry to fry wolf meat, but to get the ingredients out first.

His dried mushrooms, wild peppers, etc. were first powdered or crushed, mixed with oil, and put aside.

Then he cut the wolf meat into a specific shape and put it on the iron plate.

The oily meat fragrant.

The hungry tiger's nose moved instinctively because of the strong smell.

But it hasn't awakened yet.

Chen Lie ignored him, Yan Jiaohu glanced at Hungry Tiger, and continued to stare at the iron plate blankly.

The ghost washes his hands with the snow on the ground, then prepares his own tableware and waits eagerly.

"Do you know why I cut into these two shapes this time?"

Chen Lie asked deliberately, but then asked and replied in a piece of "ha ha": "The reason is very simple. The thick ones are naturally what you want to eat now, and the thin ones are light snacks to carry with you."

"How come it seems to be the other way around?"

The queen drove to the question and said, "I remember that the fried meat slices are very thin."

"I used wolf meat as a steak."

"Because I now have enough time and some good materials, I can spend more time operating it more delicately."

Chen Lie explained carefully: "The thin ones are easier to eat and digest, and are suitable for busy times. Anyway, if I have more..."

Chen Lie's words came to an abrupt end here.


The hungry tiger moved.

This time it was not instinct, but the head moved a little.

This is the prelude to awakening.

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