Hungry Tiger's head moved.

This is not a twitch of physical conditioning, but a prelude to awakening.

"Can't kill it, and worry about it suddenly exploding."


Chen Lie had a knife in his hand, as long as he went to the hungry tiger, the matter would be resolved.

But he cannot do this.

Finally looked helplessly at the camera and asked: "What countermeasures do you have?"

Many people started to give bad ideas.

But it’s okay to put the rocket and replied: "Didn’t the pet brother tie it up? Tie its mouth to death and don’t block its nostrils. I believe it will never die of starvation one night."

"A witty suggestion."

Chen Lie didn't say anything, took out the remaining rope and tied the hungry tiger's mouth a few times.

So even if it wakes up, there is no room for struggle.

"This Siberian tiger is so pitiful."

"I think it may be the Siberian tiger that has lived the most awkward."

"The invincible king of the jungle is like a cat in front of Chen Lie, and he feels a little happy to see and hear."

Many people are frolicking, and some are sighing.

But these are none of Chen Lie's business.

He continued cooking without any worries.

The right wolf steak, rolled with Chen Lie's sauce, bite down, the taste...

Cong Jiaohu couldn't stop eating.

Ghost squirrels can see a lot because they are too busy to eat.

Not to mention the atmosphere of the live broadcast room.

Obviously there was a crusade, but not many people left because of this. Instead, they swallowed their saliva and watched Chen Lie enjoy the food.

a long time.

"Haha, eat and drink."

"It's time to get some exercise."

Chen Lie looked around, immediately slumped down, and sighed: "But in this environment, I'd better take it easy."

no way.

This is the depths of Xiaoxing'anling, and the sky is already dark.

Even if Chen Lie was confident in himself, he didn't want to waste his energy at will.

"Forget it, let me get a spear."

"The spear was used as a stick just now and it broke."

Chen Lie picked up a piece of wood casually.

The result was an inspiration.

He involuntarily took out the dagger and looked at the dry wood in front of him. He didn't know what he thought of, and then rubbed it slowly.

He seemed to be thinking how to deal with it, but he seemed to feel the texture in it.

"What's wrong with pet brother?"

"Eat too much, I'm crazy."

In the midst of jokes, Chen Lie felt every inch of the wood, every streak.

In the end, Chen Lie seemed to get some inspiration.

I sat down quietly again, added a few campfires, increased the brightness, and started carving.


He suddenly thought of playing sculpting as an after-dinner activity.

And carving is also a kind of cooking.

"Huh, do you want to play carving?"

"This is the first time I have seen my pet brother playing carving."

Many people are surprised.

Including nothing to release the rocket: "I wipe it, my pet brother is so skillful! Oh my God, I can't imagine how dexterous a person's hand can reach this point, it's simply amazing."

Other fans, even if they were eating, drinking water, or drinking tea, after all they saw Chen Lie's carving skills, they all stopped in shock.

Seeing Chen Lie's behavior, the well-behaved ghost squirrel calmed down when he wanted to be naughty..

The fierce Jiaohu is also very well-behaved.

Without Chen Lie's order, it knows how to grab more wood to keep the flames.

Chen Lie's sculptures are not traditional ones.

The traditional carving style is mainly exquisite.

And Chen Lie's creation is purely based on his own inspiration.

He sculpted whatever he thought of, without any general thoughts.

For example, he just thought of the shape of two tigers in front of him, so he carved out the look of a hungry tiger just flying on the big carrot.

This is an animal sculpture.

But it is not so pure.

Because he felt the impulse of the hungry tiger just now, he described one form of impulse and hunger.

Immediately afterwards, he just thought of the form of a hungry tiger, so he simply carved out a hungry tiger who is hungry and unscrupulous for food.

The knife technique used this time is more exquisite.


Every change is so precise.

Each trimming can make the carving more vivid.

Every show is so amazing.

The hungry tiger swooping carved by Chen Lie is full of weird agility, and even the decisiveness of the hungry tiger swooping, as well as the hungry tiger's eagerness and greed, are vividly depicted.

Upon closer inspection, I really feel that it is the realization of the photo, which is amazing.

However, this is not the end.

Chen Lie actually used a knife skill similar to hollowing out to make the lines beautiful.

After everyone saw it, it seemed that the lines on the hungry tiger's body were so perfect that it was jaw-dropping.

Because it not only shows the violent aura of the hungry tiger, but also gives people a subtle feeling that they are about to be swooped.

This feeling was so real, it caused an inexplicable throbbing deep in the hearts of everyone present.

It is this mysterious and inexplicable throbbing that makes Chen Lie's masterpiece sublimate to another artistic conception.

Accompanied by Chen Lie's wielding, the twelve basic knife skills and thirty-six knife skills of a chef are alive in Chen Lie's hands, unpredictable and unpredictable.

This level of sword skill is beyond the imagination of a mere sword master.

This is already art and Tao.

Condensed with transcendent thinking and artistic conception.

Everyone present was sighing Chen Lie's sword skills, and they were always unforgettable for this extraordinary skill.

For some time, the fans in the live broadcast room finally recovered.

"This is the carving. All the carvings I have seen before can be thrown away."

"It's ironic to see the highest level of a carver in a chef."

"Unexpectedly, I was hailed as a master of oriental carving. I have studied carving for more than 40 years, but I saw the legendary realm of carving in a 20-year-old chef."

The dagger stopped, and the shape of the wood carving finally settled.

"Brother Pet, I can no longer describe the shock in my heart."

"Brother Pet, can you sell me this hungry tiger flying eagle? I know it hurts feelings to raise money, but I only have this."

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