It’s okay to release rockets to Chen Lie’s countless rockets, and with a strong sense of comfort and longing, he asked: "Brother Pet, can you sell me this hungry tiger flying eagle? I know it hurts my feelings to raise money, but I only have this. Up."

The queen drove upright and stood up: "No, this is the first time Pet Brother has carved a masterpiece in public. Don't grab anyone from me."

This sentence is very real.

But it showed a certain feeling of the Queen.

Some people have opinions about this.

To be precise, a certain group of people.

Not only Ren Qing and other women, but also female fans of the Million Hardcore series in the live broadcast also protested.

"Don't fight, this sculpture has given me a lot of inspiration, and I will not sell it."

"But since everyone knows that I can carve, I don't dislike it, then I will carve for everyone as a prize in the future."

Chen Lie smiled easily.

Today's discovery completely surpassed his imagination and opened a new side to his sword skills.

He used to just treat sword skills as a kitchen thing.

But now found out.

Some things are clear in one day.

Since knife power can be used to cut ingredients and cook food, why can't it be used in other fields?

The same is a knife.

It's just a difference.

"Knife skill in cooking is also a kind of knife."

"It is also an understanding of life and Tao."

"I don't need those wild ideas now, I just need to substitute the object into the ingredients, and it's enough to start from the heart."

Chen Lie put away the knife and got up slowly.

His final target was a relatively large piece of wood.

Xiaoxinganling is in the deep mountains.

Outside an unknown cave.

Chen Lie looked at the fierce tiger calmly.

The ghost squirrel who couldn't help but beat the iron plate to cheer Chen Lie, once again came to the other side of the fierce tiger, to avoid being hurt by the fish.

Chen Lie had previously understood the mystery of the chef's knife technique and grasped a little bit of truth.

Before that.

Chen Lie kept running in to control this truth.

And with the deeper understanding of the knife, especially after getting this kind of insight, with the practice, he more and more realized that whether it is the most basic kitchen knife practice or the most advanced kitchen knife mastery, it is almost the same as other knife methods. It is different in the same way.

Therefore, I have always had doubts in my heart, and this time I specially found the fierce tiger, just want to confirm it.

Of course, he didn't ask for an answer right away, he just wanted to find a direction.

How to confirm?

It's simple.


All things are true. After being tempered, it is only true.


The fierce tiger attacked first.

The surrounding snow cleared up.

The purpose is to achieve the verification effect as much as possible.

Tiger claws!

Claw down, fast and fierce.

Ordinary people don't say they want to block this trick, and even the reaction may not be able to react.


But Chen Lie's seemingly unintentional knife broke this claw perfectly.

Tiger shaved!

Fierce Jiaohu unexpectedly volleyed an extra move.

This was completely beyond the expectation of the ghost squirrel.

But Chen Lie was not surprised.


Facing a master at the level of the fierce Jiaohu, if it were the former Chen Lie, there was no chance of winning at all. Once the fierce Jiaohu was launched, Chen Lie would definitely lose.

But now it is different.

Chen Lie seemed to be a different person in battle.

The one cut that included the chef's knife technique actually perfectly cut the tiger's attack weakness, and even cut the strength and weakness of the fierce tiger, and ruthlessly broke this move.

This is the terrible part of the chef's knife.

The fierce tigers who were beaten back one after another were dumbfounded.


It is angry.

There is no roar, but the fierce tiger who broke out completely has an instinctive difference:

Tiger Wei.

The majesty of the king.

This is a suffocating and terrifying force.

Suppress Chen Lie like a tsunami.

However, Chen Lie is like a thousand-year-old reef on the seashore, standing still no matter the wind and waves.

Speed ​​bursts.

You can hardly see the concrete figure, you can only see the crooked afterimage in front of him.

This is Xunleibu.

The fastest Thunder step.

The master fights hard, not even a blink of an eye.

How could Chen Lie stand still.

His swordsmanship evolved in an instant, without a fixed trajectory, and no fixed routine. It seemed to attack or defend, which made people puzzled.

Ding Ding Ding...

There were successive crashes in the air.

In the end, the fierce tiger was shaken back.

do not understand.

It didn't understand why Chen Lie suddenly became so strong.

When the fierce Jiaohu hesitated, Chen Lie's sword suddenly changed and moved towards the fierce Jiaohu's devour.

This knife seems very simple, but it makes the fierce Jiaohu have an inevitable effect.


The knife broke, and the fierce Jiaohu was shaken back and flew away.


Chen Lie's mouth curled up with a bright smile: "I used to hear that the art of war is the sword, and the calligraphy is the sword. Now I have completed this step, it's just cooking."


Chen Lie's kitchen knife successfully evolved into a combat knife.

He proved it perfectly.

The surprise of the fierce Jiaohu and the repeated retreat are the best explanation.

You must know that Chen Lie's knife was only a wooden knife.

What if it becomes a sharp metal knife, or even a hundred old knife?

It is estimated that the fierce tiger will be over if it can't even handle 3 tricks, right?


Fierce Jiaohu yelled at Chen Lie, seemingly unwilling.

"Don't be convinced!"

Chen Lie raised the wooden knife that had been interrupted and said, "Think about how many moves you can block if I use the Hundred Swordsman, and then you won't be convinced!"

The fierce Jiaohu meditated.


The ghost squirrel thief laughed.

The fierce tiger glanced at the ghost squirrel.

The ghost squirrel shut up immediately.

Although it is genius, although it has learned most of Thunder Fist, its combat effectiveness is not even as good as Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard because of its talent.

Not to mention compared with the fierce tiger.


The fierce Jiaohu's body shook quickly.

"Not as fast as you?"

"I know."

Chen Lie said naturally: "You run on four legs and I have two legs. Naturally, you are not as fast as you. But no matter how fast your body is, it can't be faster than my hands and my sword. You have to know that my sword is equal to If you want to extend your hand, you have to have at least twice my hand speed to have a chance."

"I know you are not convinced..."

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