Fierce Jiaohu wanted to dodge Chen Lie's knife.

You have to see it first, then react, and finally the body evades.

How much time was delayed after the three links.

That's why Chen Lie said that the fierce tiger must be at least twice as fast as Chen Lie's hand speed to have a chance to suppress him.

"I know you are not convinced."

"But it's true!"

Chen Lie finally smiled and spread his hands.

The fierce tiger was immediately discouraged.

Two times the hand speed of Chen Lie, it couldn't do both.

Others don't know how fast Chen Lie's real hand speed is, but he knows it perfectly.

It was because it had seen Chen Lie cook a dish, using a special cooking technique, and the hand speed it showed at that time made it shocked.

"You eat more and grow up quickly."

"When you grow up completely, then I can strengthen you."

After browsing in the future mall, Chen Lie found that injecting pets with potentiating potions during their growth period would cause some unnecessary variables.

Some are better, but more are affecting the final growth.

Such as fierce tiger.

If Chen Lie injects it with ordinary strength potions now.

Then it may be a size larger than the ordinary South China tiger in the future, and in the end may only have the size of the ordinary South China tiger.

But if it is injected after the body is formed.

On the contrary, it is possible to promote the development of the body again.

This is the difference.


Fierce Jiaohu seemed to have found the target and roared excitedly.

With its roar, the hungry tiger violently struggled away.

Chen Lie looked at Yan Jiaohu and asked, "You said let it go now, do you have a chance to conquer it?"

Fierce Jiaohu nodded.

But this nodded a little hesitantly.

Chen Lie asked, "Jiaojiao, you can't cheat me. You know I can't kill it, so I fight it out."

The fierce Jiaohu learned from Abao:

The man stood up and patted his chest to make sure.

Although it was already an expression, Chen Liele was destroyed by the fierce tiger's cute appearance.

The atmosphere was devastated.

"Unfortunately, there is no live broadcast, otherwise this round will make many people laugh."

Chen Lie sighed and then came to the hungry tiger.

The hungry tiger did not struggle.

It looked at Chen Lie with fear.

It's already sober.

After the previous struggle was severely taught by the fierce Jiaohu, he had to be honest.

It turned out that Chen Lie completely suppressed the fierce tiger with wood, and immediately listed Chen Lie as the most dangerous object.


The knife flashed.

The rope on the hungry tiger's mouth broke.

"Don't be nervous, I won't kill you."

Chen Lieman glanced at Hungry Tiger carelessly.

But Chen Lie didn't say that, the hungry tiger still wouldn't struggle.

Because the hungry tiger could not understand Chen Lie's words, but seeing Chen Lie's condescending attitude, driven by fear, his mentality collapsed, thinking that Chen Lie was saying goodbye to it.

The hungry tiger, struggling violently, shook the rope off and screamed in horror.

"So irritating."

"Let it be quiet."

Chen Lie was depressed when he heard it, and ordered the fierce Jiaohu.


The fierce Jiaohu slapped over.

Just shoot the hungry tiger stupid and dare not talk anymore.

Throw over the delicious wolf steak.

The hungry tiger froze for a moment.

But when he was hungry, it just sniffed and started to gobble.

A piece of wolf steak that was enough for the fierce tiger to eat for a few minutes, and enough for the ghost squirrel to eat directly, was actually swallowed by the hungry tiger two or three times.

Hungry Tiger didn't know why Chen Lie gave himself food.

But it tasted the taste and looked at Chen Lie eagerly.

Chen Lieliang showed the last piece of wolf steak that had not been eaten, and asked, "I want to eat it, call it."

The hungry tiger is unclear.

Chen Lie realized that the hungry tiger in front of him was not his pet, and they could not communicate before.

But this is hard for Chen Lie.

Chen Lie said to Han Jiaohu: "You help me translate."

The fierce tiger made an inexplicable note to the hungry tiger.

The hungry tiger yelled at Chen Lie unhappy.

As the king of the jungle, when did he suffer such ridicule?


It has forgotten its own situation.

"It seems that its intelligence is not enough."

Chen Lie sneered: "I don't have enough intelligence, so experience can make it up. Jiaojiao, help me teach him a lesson and let him see the reality clearly."

Fierce Jiaohu just lost his first historic loss, and he was righteous.

When I hear that there is an opportunity to vent, where will I miss it?

Just listen to it walking over with a grin.

Not long.

The screams of hungry tigers one after another.

Chen Lie pinched the time.

"Well, it must have a long memory."

Chen Lie stopped the fierce Jiaohu.

But at this time the hungry tiger was hurt all over.

Although they were just skin injuries, they also consumed the hungry tiger's physical strength greatly, and the physical strength that made it finally come back was exhausted, and the dizziness was more intense than before.

"If you want to eat meat, just call me."

Chen Lie said, "Jiaojiao, continue to help me translate."

Fierce Jiaohu made a few weird sounds again.

Hungry Tiger hesitated this time.

At last.

It actually made a "vomit" sound.

"Scream clearly."

Chen Lie was very dissatisfied.

Han Jiaohu immediately helped translate.

With the beginning, the hungry tiger also shattered the jar and roared clearly.

"Give you."

Chen Lie gave the wolf steak to the hungry tiger.

"There is no food. There was a delay just now. Let's grill again."

"I can't fall asleep so early anyway."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

There is a lot of wood here, the weather is cold, and I don’t need to prepare more food, how can I cope with it.

Not to mention getting more food now, you can also train the hungry tiger.

It was so happily decided.

The next day.


"Sleep so comfortable!"

Facing the rising sun, Chen Lie stretched fiercely.

Then he looked at the hungry tiger who had eaten so much and hadn't woken up yet.

Oh, no.

He was trained for several hours last night and ate a lot of food.

So now I am not as hungry as before.

At best, it's not very full.

"Ready to go."

After Chen Lie was ready, he opened the live broadcast and greeted everyone: "Morning, everyone!"

"Tiger! Pet brother, the tiger behind you is not tied to the rope!"

"Be careful, pet brother! Ah! He woke up, run away!"

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