"Brother Pet, the tiger is awake, run away!"

"Get a weapon quickly, don't care about what is illegal or illegal!"

"The tiger is going to eat people. If you can't defend properly, then I will go to the family who dare to judge you!"

As soon as Chen Lie got up, he opened the live broadcast room and greeted everyone.

However, hundreds of thousands of fans saw the Siberian tiger, which was not tied to the rope, and was awakened.


Chen Lie was indifferent, and then shouted to the Siberian tiger: "Don't sleep, I have raised you for one night, I don't want to continue to raise you. You must be able to go home and rest."

After the talk, Chen Lie deliberately dialed a pass of snow with teaching, and got a head of Siberian tiger.

Suddenly suffered a chilly attack, the Siberian tiger roared.

"It's over, Brother Pet was frozen last night."

"Why didn't you see me all night, so pet brother is so arrogant?"

"Brother Pet is making a big death!"

There was wailing and horror in the live broadcast room.


Seeing Chen Lie, the Siberian Tiger shrank.

"Jiaojiao, ghost, let's go."

Chen Lie shouted.

The genius Squirrel resolutely jumped on Chen Lie's shoulder, while the Fierce Jiaohu glanced at the Siberian tiger calmly and left.

Although it thinks the Siberian Tiger sandbag is good.

At least it wasn't so easy to bully in Paradise before, and I'm not afraid of hitting someone who hurts.

But after I abused it all night yesterday, it was a bit tired.


The Siberian Tiger hesitated, roared, and then quietly followed Chen Lie.

no way.

It has been attracted by Chen Lie's delicacies.

Asking it to eat back raw meat, even rotten meat, is simply disgusting.

"Don't follow."

"You belong to nature and cannot be with me."

Chen Lie warned: "If you follow, we will teach you how to be a tiger again?"

This time, without Chen Lie's order, Dao Jiaohu decisively translated.


The Siberian Tiger really shrank.

It thought for a while, and finally stopped, looking at Chen Lie like a grudge.

Looked for a while.

It found that Chen Lie didn't mean to turn his head, and could only turn his head and head in another direction.

But when it left, it still looked back and forth in love.

"What exactly happened last night? A radical change in attitude?"

"Unbelievable, this is completely impossible."

"I lived more than 70 years old, this is the first time I have encountered such a strange thing."

The front is what ordinary fans said, among them there are many trainers, zookeepers, breeders and so on.

The following sentence is naturally Professor Wang's emotion.

"Maybe this is Pet Brother."

It's okay to put the rocket staring dumbfounded, and sincerely sighed: "Conquer a wild tiger overnight. With this ability, in the future, who dares to doubt the ability of Pet Brother, who dares to say that Pet Brother is pure luck, I will slap him."

Chen Lie was too lazy to explain.

He is not subdued.

According to the degree of favorability, the Siberian Tiger's favorability for him is at most 40 points.

It was purely because he was afraid of Chen Lie's force and liked Chen Lie's food that he was willing to follow.

If it finds that Chen Lie has no food, 80% will leave.

of course.

If you give Chen Lie enough time.

It's definitely not difficult to have a good impression of 100 points.

after all.

The Siberian tiger is just the Siberian tiger, not a super pet.

In a way, it is better to deal with than super pets.

"If it weren't for yesterday's delay, I guess I could reach the destination in a little hurry last night."

"So today's itinerary will be relatively tight. After arriving at the second destination, I have to set off to find other targets immediately, and I have to pass through a mountainous flat land rich in species."

"The most important thing is to find a lot of food today."

Chen Lie talked about today's plan as he walked.

It’s okay to put the rocket in question: "Pet brother, you still had a lot of wolf meat yesterday."

"Not the Siberian tiger yet."

Chen Lie said in a huff: "If it wasn't for it to recover quickly, why should I sacrifice so much wolf meat."

"With Pet Brother's craftsmanship, even if it is casual cooking, it is definitely a rare delicacy."

"I now probably understand why that Siberian tiger would not leave."

It's okay to let the rocket come over suddenly.

Sometimes he is very clever, sometimes also very confused, it is pure state.

Like now.

He watched the live broadcast for a long time yesterday, and was tired. He went to bed early. Today, he rarely wakes up early. As a result, he has no energy at all and his thinking is naturally stupid.

"My current inventory is only for the afternoon."

"Of course, if I'm frugal, I can support it till night."

Chen Lie said: "But this is not my character, so I decided to hunt down today, even if it is a small animal."

"Visually detect that Brother Pet is going to kill him."

"Today is another bloody day."

Many fans are not only not disgusted, but very excited.

It seems that Chen Lie has successfully stimulated the hunting factor hidden in their bodies.

"Although it is in the hinterland of Xiaoxing'an Mountains, humans have already been here."

"By chance and coincidence, I got some special places, knowing that there are ordered mineral resources."

"There are good copper resources here, but because of the low copper grade, the small scale of the ore body, and because there is no possibility of transportation construction, the exploration work did not continue."

Chen Lie only wanted the convenience of the southwest as he said, “But there are small copper-rich deposits that are closer to humans there. The average copper grade can reach more than 2%, and it is accompanied by zinc, sulfur, The comprehensive utilization value of gold, silver, cadmium and gallium is not low."

"Mining here, you won't do it until your forehead is caught."

"This is a nature reserve. It is impossible to mine."

"Yes, Heilongjiang is not a named province, so it won't engage in the stupid thing of catching fish."

Fans joked about a province that was criticized by CCTV news.

Chi Chi!

The ghost squirrel called out suddenly.

It also pulled Chen Lie to point in one direction.

Chen Lie saw a panicked rat rushing into the snowdrift and finally disappeared.

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