The rules for the first few rounds of the IWC battle for hegemony are simple.

That is, the judges give points.

Remove the lowest, only the average score exceeds 90 points to qualify for the third round of the game.

It is clear.

If this foreign celebrity chef wants to break through, he must face a more brutal make-up match.

The make-up matches are prepared for the celebrity chefs who do not perform well on the spot, but their fame and culinary skills are the top international chefs.

Avoid the legacy of the sea.

Watching the gold and silver spoons on the side could not help but sigh.

If it were them, they would certainly not speak so sharply, at least they would give 85 points as encouragement.

Now they finally know the second round of screening, why they can't even get into the qualifications of a judge.

that's it.

Chen Lie used a more harsh attitude, while tasting the food, while giving a pertinent and spicy evaluation.

Countless international-level celebrity chefs.

All came home in such an atmosphere.

Among the two hundred people who can pass the audit on this day, there are not even 30 of them.

But these chefs were all speechless.

Nowadays, there is a tendency in the food industry to change colors after hearing Chen Lie.

But these are not what Chen Lie needs to care about.

"Five purple bamboo shoots!"

Chen Lie looked at the bamboo shoots collected by Level 6 Zizhu in one day in surprise, his eyes full of bewilderment.

He condensed most of the celestial spirits without any dilution, and irrigated all of it to the purple bamboo body, that is, grade 6 purple bamboo.

He thought that 3 a day would be the limit.

Results 6-grade purple bamboo shoots 5 purple bamboo shoots in one day.

This completely exceeded Chen Lie's estimation.

"Five purple bamboo shoots a day, the expansion speed is five times the previous."

"Just give me one month, I can make Grade 5 purple bamboo grow into a forest."

Thinking of this, Chen Lie's heart was hot.

Zizhu is the root of everything.

As long as it can quickly become a forest, everything will come out.

"It seems that my change is right."

"Come on!"

Chen Lie immediately transplanted 5 purple bamboo shoots to other places.

Although this is troublesome, it is a necessary process.

After all, the paradise is so big.

Expansion to the outside is tantamount to compressing the activity space of the animals, which is simply a disguised way of giving up everything.

Therefore, Chen Lie can only gradually replace the old green bamboos to turn the paradise where the green bamboos have grown into the purple bamboo forest paradise.

"The land exchanged with Lao Li has been constructed for nearly a month now."

"The general project has been completed."

"At that time, we will move to live there, and we can transplant part of the purple bamboo here."

"Although it will take a long time to truly live in people, this period of time can completely make the purple bamboo grow into a forest, so why bother to buy an extra condensation machine and collect celestial condensation frantically."

Chen Lie was talking, looking at everything here with nostalgia.

He likes it here very much.

But with the rapid growth of fierce beasts such as fierce tigers and rice buckets, it is difficult to provide them with sufficient space for activities.

In particular, some complaints about persecution and delusions in the vicinity also make it more inconvenient for the fierce tigers and rice buckets to come and go.

Relocation is a move that must be completed.

The difference is just speed.

The phone rang.

It's Mr. Li.

"Little Lie!"

As soon as Chen Lie answered, Lao Li's eager voice came: "Xiao Lie, come here, there is a big dispute over the World Kitchen King Competition, and now only you can maintain the scene."


Chen Lie worked tirelessly and immediately agreed.

The IWC battle for hegemony involves too much, and even he is involved, so naturally he can't sit idly by.

Not to mention that he promised to go today.

It's just ahead of schedule.

Old Li actually said: "In 3 minutes, there will be a helicopter to pick you up. Please prepare quickly."


Even the helicopter was dispatched. It seemed that the matter was urgent.

The fact is also true.

It was close to two hours, but it only took 30 minutes before and after the helicopter arrived.

And came to the scene.

I found that the scene had become a quarrel, which made the judges unable to continue their work.

"The God of Cooking is here!"

"Mr. Chen is here."

People in the east saw Chen Lie as if they saw a savior.

"That is your Eastern Chef God, we didn't admit it."

"It's just a young man, who is qualified to be our God of Cooking?"

But some international celebrity chefs don't care, and some people with low EQ even express their disdain publicly.

"what happened?"

Chen Lie didn't have time to pay attention to this group of scum, and quickly asked the golden spoon.

Jin Shaozi replied: "This person claims to be the chef king of Ling Kingdom, who brought the most distinctive cuisine in the country, and wants to pass the qualification of the chef king to enter the third round directly. But the chef king of the Ling country is not him. So there was a contradiction."

"I am the new Ling Guo chef king."

"The one you registered was defeated by me three days ago."

Xinling Country Chef King proudly announced.

Chen Lie asked uncomfortably: "Since it's gourmet food, how difficult is it to decide the outcome by delicacy?"

"We mean the same."

Silver Spoon replied: "The delicacies he brings are very good, but they are all too common. We can't find a reason for promotion. If he is promoted, it will be disrespect for other chefs."

"Can you let me identify it?"

Chen Lie looked at the kitchen king of Xinling.

"no problem."

Xinling Country Chef King replied confidently: "I believe you can taste the feeling."

There are several kinds of his proud masterpieces, all of which are the most famous snacks in Lingguo.

There is no innovation, but it is well done, and the color, fragrance and taste are all.

Chen Lie first ate the famous mango rice in Lingguo.

"Yo, yes, the glutinous rice and mango are delicious!"

"Lingguo rice and Lingguo mango are well-known all over the world, and the Lingguo glutinous rice I ate is very fragrant, soft and chewy, and mangoes are also very fresh and sweet. The best part is that the advantages of the two are perfectly combined. Together, it makes the mango rice so delicious that you can't stop eating."

"The most important thing is that the price of this food is very close to the people. This is the core of everything."

When Chen Lie said this, he nodded and said: "Your intentions alone are enough to advance to the third round. Congratulations on your successful promotion to the third round, and I hope you will have even more surprising performances."

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