When Chen Lie said this, he nodded and said: "You can get at least 90 points for the evaluation, which is enough to get promoted to the third round. Congratulations on your successful promotion to the third round. I hope you will have more people in the future. Surprise performance."

The King of Xinling Kitchen is different from the celebrity chefs who were previously commented by Chen Lie as uncreative.

The mango rice made by the king of Xinling State Chef is delicious enough.

The aroma of rice and the taste of mango are almost perfectly blended. It is a simple and impeccable delicacy.

"What? How could this be?"

"God of Cooking, this seems a bit wrong, right?"

Others, including those international famous chefs, also protested.

They all think that such ordinary food can be promoted, which is simply a kind of sacrilege to the game.

"I believe that many people have eaten the cuisine of Lingguo Chef King."

Chen Lie asked piercingly: "Then tell me, is the level of Ling Guo's mango rice dish inferior to those who have already been promoted?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Chen Lie continued to ask: "A piece of food that has reached the promotion standard, and the price is very close to the people, can share the food with thousands of households, such an interesting food, do you think it is not enough?"

Many people have been persuaded.

"Good food, in the final analysis, besides being delicious, you have to agree."

"Otherwise, even if you cook it deliciously, but others can't eat it and can't agree with it, it's not delicious."

Chen Lie said: "The true meaning of food is to share. It is to bring a good taste to more people, so that more people can enjoy the happiness brought by food on the basis of filling their stomachs. And Xinling State Kitchen King If I did it, this is the best answer."

There was applause.

The international chefs headed by Steve all applauded fiercely.

Chen Lie was too popular.

But many chefs look at each other face to face.

Because they are focusing on the high-end route, they are all facing the elites and nobles who have a reputation in the society.

In their eyes, ordinary people-friendly snacks represent low-end and cheap.

But now it seems that they were very wrong.

If they continue to think like this, they will be eliminated sooner or later.

Many people were moved to change their minds.

But more people decided to conquer Chen Lie with better and more refined cuisine.


There is no shortage of people who want to be a blockbuster in this world.

Even the food world is the same.

A top chef from a famous restaurant in Illy clamored openly: "Mr. Chen, since he is here, how about commenting on my venison?"

"it is good."

Chen Lie naturally wanted to teach such people a lesson.

Otherwise, I am afraid that many people will know that Lord Ma has three eyes.

"The name sounds nice."

Chen Lie smiled coldly when he saw this famous Italian chef named Tojal: "Clove venison is just clove venison. Add a little sauce. If you mess with the last platter, it will be a new delicacy. Who will fool you."

Tojar's face turned red after hearing the translation.

But he was also stubborn and said: "I watched Mr. Chen's live broadcast exaggerating venison, so today I specially cooked this signature dish of our restaurant."

"Michelin three-star restaurant."

"It's very level, I hope your signature food can also meet the standards."

Chen Lie turned out the chopsticks handed over by the waiter.

Tojar sneered, "Mr. Chen, this dish is best to use a knife and fork."

"Hehe, I like to use chopsticks, what's wrong?"

Chen Lie replied with disdain.

Pick up a piece of venison, then scorch the sauce and feed it into your mouth.

Chewed three times.

Chen Lie then put down his chopsticks and asked the poisonous guests who were specially invited today: "How much did you rate it just now?"

Golden spoon replied slowly: "About 14 people tasted it, with an average of 86 points, which did not meet the promotion criteria."

He, Yin Shaozi and others are not judges, but special guests on TV.

But this does not hinder their influence on the scene and their right to speak.


Chen Lie looked at Tojar and asked, "You did this because I have cooked venison in gourmet food?"

The second round of scoring is very simple. The lowest score must be tasted by at least 11 judges, and the combined average score is considered the true score.

"Yes or not."

Tojar pretended to be mysterious.

"Too lazy to care about you or not."

Chen Lie asked seriously: "Do you want to listen to the truth or lies?"

"The truth!"

After listening to the translation, Tojar did not hesitate to choose reality.

"Venison should choose venison leg because the meat quality of venison is more delicate, the texture is more uniform, it is easier to eat and taste, and the taste will be much better."

"But what about you?"

"I chose meat, but I chose it according to the beef meat habit. At this point, I lose points."

After Chen Lie commented, he looked at Tojar like this.

Tojar was embarrassed.

Chen Lie saw that Tojar was still not giving up, and said, "Your cloves are also wrong. Although cloves have the effect of removing greasy, they are a very useful spice. But it has a strong smell. Put four or five grains on it. You can achieve the desired effect, but you have one more, and the taste is slightly heavier."

After hearing these words, many people looked at Tojal with flirting eyes.


The furious Tojar yelled, "Since you are so good, then make one for us to taste. I have seen too many so-called famous gourmets who only say that they can't do it."

Chen Lie asked: "Are you sure? If I do it, you won't even be able to keep your last face."


"And absolutely sure!"

Tojar gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Look at me!"

Chen Lie went directly to the chef's workbench in Tojar and asked, "Do you mind using your materials?"

"do not mind!"

Tojar happily replied: "Use the same material, so that you can more confirm your strength."

And this is exactly Chen Lie's intention.

The same materials and the same kitchen utensils can suppress the audience the most.

"Because of cloves, I use the most traditional oriental method to cook."

"It saves me being accused of stealing the teacher."

Chen Lie washed and cut the venison.

Every cut of his is so serious, every cut is so even.

"How can this be!"

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