The pet king of the city

Chapter 654: My Face Is Stepped On The Ground

"How can this be!"

Tojar saw that every cut of Chen Lie was so uniform and perfect, and stood there.

"Every piece of venison is exactly the same! This is amazing!"

"My God, what sword skill is this?"

"As expected to be the God of Cooking in the East."

Chen Lie's sword skills have long been recognized by the entire oriental food world, but it is different abroad.

When I saw it today, I was shocked.

At this moment, they all have a feeling of innocence in their hearts.

"You did a good job with the sword just now, but it can only be considered acceptable in the East."

"Because sword skills are the basic skills of Eastern chefs, yours is similar to our ordinary Eastern chefs."

Chen Lie took the opportunity to step on Tojar's face.

Without giving Tojar a chance to refute, Chen Lie continued: "Originally, this dish is prepared with aged Shaoxing rice wine. The effect will be better. But you only have cooking wine here, so I can only take it."

Chen Lie used cooking wine and salt to rub evenly the cut venison leg.

Then it will add a little soup, boil it with soy sauce, cooking wine, and salt, then pour it into a bowl containing venison, so that the venison just soaks in the soup.

At the same time, put the green onions and fresh ginger on the venison, and then steam them on a tray for 40 minutes, so that the soup, clove, green onion and ginger flavors are melted into the venison.

"This is the key."

Chen Lie actually removed all the venison seasoning, leaving only venison in the bowl, then drained the juice from the drawer, buckled the venison in a dish, and covered it with green coriander.

Then use oyster sauce, monosodium glutamate, starch, soy sauce, cooking wine, salad oil to boil to make a thick sauce, and then pour it on the venison.

The last platter is served.

Chen Lie wiped his hands clean and made a request.

Tojar eagerly stabbed a piece of venison catchy.


Others didn't want to miss it, and rushed for food.

As a result, they couldn't help but nod their heads.

"Fresh and mellow, not greasy."

"It's not greasy to eat, this is what I said."

Chen Lie's clove venison won high praise from the audience.

"To be honest, this clove venison just passed the pass in my eyes."

Chen Lie looked at Tojal and said, "In my eyes, the real clove venison will make people eat crazy, and they are reluctant to share it with others. Don’t be surprised, I can make it, but I don’t have enough materials. I don’t want to share some quintessential technology with outsiders like you."

Chen Lie's words were open and clear, leaving Tojar faceless.

"how about it?"

Chen Lie smiled and looked at Tojar.

"Are you convinced?"

"Aren't you very high-profile? Why are you dumb now?"

Many people are pressing Tojar.

It is estimated that many people have long been upset with him.

Tojar turned around and left.

"Haha, does he dare to be arrogant?"

"I have taken the video and am going to upload it online."

"The so-called top chef of a three-star Michelin restaurant has really been stepped into the ground by the God of Cooking."

The atmosphere of the scene is very cheerful.

It's completely one-sided.

It can be seen that this Togiardo is unpopular.

Chen Lie was puzzled and asked quietly, "Golden Spoon, what exactly did this Tojar do that even chefs from other countries hate?"

Jin Shaozi replied: "Before you came, he refused to accept the judges' evaluation and was making trouble."

Silver Spoon added: "It's all about making trouble, but the problem is that he still talks nonsense, actually saying that the food that is successfully promoted is not half as good as his food, which has offended many people."

"It deserves it."

"But his IQ is so low, no wonder he would provoke me in public."

Chen Lie actually figured out Tojar's character.


They basically have no chance.

Tojar suffered such a bitter blow, it is estimated that he has no face to continue the game.

"Any comments?"

"Since I'm here, I don't mind accepting a few challenges."

Chen Lie said eagerly: "There are not many opportunities to challenge me, you have to take it well."

Many people look at me and I look at you.

Chen Lie's words irritated many people, even the chefs in the East.

"Mr. Chen, I want you to comment on my porridge."

A middle-aged chef wearing glasses came out.

Chen Lie frowned.

Not because he is strange, nor because he is Oriental, but because he wears glasses.

It is necessary to know that there is a lot of smoke and water vapor in the kitchen, which can easily blur the lens and affect the cooking.

So most chefs don't wear glasses.

Even the nearsighted will choose to wear contact lenses, as far as possible due to blurred vision and cooking errors.

But the middle-aged chef explained to himself: "Mr. Chen, I am from the ancient east gate of Macau. I am now in charge of Macau's Congee Palace."

"Porridge Palace?"

Chen Lie asked excitedly: "Who are you from Congee King?"

"The Congee King is my father."

The middle-aged chef replied calmly, holding a bowl of porridge in both hands.

Congee King's Mansion, the restaurant created by Macau Congee King, is well-known throughout South China.

However, because the Congee King has been ill for nearly ten years, the Congee King's Mansion has lost its name, and its reputation has faded. In recent years, there has been no reputation.

It is said.

Congee Palace is about to be acquired because there is no successor.

But it seems that it is not the case at all.

"Since you dare to stand up, it proves that you have the determination to revitalize the Congee Palace."

Chen Lie took it and spooned it up.

He gently put the porridge with many ingredients in his mouth and chewed slowly. It tasted like an elephant, with a slight spiciness of ginger, but the slight spiciness made his mouth full of happiness. a feeling of.

"It's the master of the congee king-ginger and lean meat porridge!"

"The porridge king's ginger and lean meat porridge is known to make people feel happy."

Chen Lie said excitedly: "Dear guy, you did it, perfectly restored this feeling!"

this world.

Cooking food can be spiritually contagious, but very few.

Unexpectedly, today a bad middle-aged chef actually made it.

This is simply a surprise.

"What! The porridge king sign is born again!"

"Try me too. I have eaten ginger thin meat porridge many times before!"

Both gold and silver spoons looked very excited.

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