What kind of delicacy can make the golden spoon, which has been a super rich experience, stand in the oriental food world for nearly 50 years?

Because this delicacy is called fish king porridge.

It is one of the signature dishes of Congee King.

Seeing this porridge, everyone thought of the porridge that they could not forget.

"The congee king defeated the world's congee masters, that scene is vivid."

The former state banquet chef sighed.

Others too.

However, the internationally renowned chef knows more or less that there was an Oriental who was good at congee, and the whole world couldn't stand up in this field.

It's just that the netizens in the live broadcast industry are still too young.

Do not know the style of the year.

"Isn't it just a bowl of porridge, so surprised."

"That's right, it's just fish porridge. It's great to change the name?"

"Although they are all Orientals, I am not very interested in this kind of stuff that can be bought out of the street."

These comments naturally caused a lot of backlash.

But it's okay.

Including Chen Lie, none of the judges and guests were willing to explain.

Because wait a minute is the best explanation.

The former state banquet chef smiled and said: "The old man is getting old, and his body is obviously more tired recently than before. This fish king porridge can just restore my strength."

Fish porridge is suitable for the elderly with weak spleen and stomach and insufficient Qi and blood.

People who are prone to fatigue, loss of appetite, indigestion, etc. can also eat regularly, which is very beneficial.

The representative of the Royal Kitchen laughed and said: "Yes, fish is rich in nutrients and easy to digest and assimilated by the human body. It is very beneficial to the elderly like us. I love you together and want to eat it every day, but fresh live fish are hard to find."

These chefs are good at cooking and are naturally very particular about the food in life.

They eat fish porridge, basically looking for fresh live fish.

Never eat it if it is not fresh or alive.

"is that really so difficult?"

"It's just that you are lazy."

The former chef of the State Banquet and the representative of the Royal Kitchen are old friends, saying: "Look at me, I still cook myself and make a fish porridge from time to time to reward myself. It's just that I can't make the porridge king."

In fact, fish porridge is easy to make.

The whole process is to remove the scales and thorns of the fish, wash and cut into thin slices.

Wash the rice and cook the porridge, put the fish fillets in, add seasonings, stir well, and bring to a boil. Serve.

The whole process is so simple that everyone can do it.

If you want to be convenient, you can even go directly to the fish stall and let the chef deboning the fish, which is more convenient and trouble-free.

But the simpler the food, the harder it is to be top-notch.

Not to mention that everyone is applauded like Congee King.

And now.

Gu Dongmen, the descendant of the king of porridge, made this simple porridge dish extremely delicious.

The scent of rice and fish wafting out, making people involuntarily sniff out.

"Please taste!"

Gu Dongmen personally presented a large cup of porridge to Chen Lie.

"This smell..."

The porridge in this stew pot was still rolling, and the meat flavor quickly spread.

Everyone is a person with status, and the performance is fairly calm, just looking straight at the eyes.

At last.

Everyone can only look at Chen Lie.

Because Gu Dongmen's goal was only Chen Lie.

Now that Chen Lie did not speak, everyone else was embarrassed to come over and taste it first.

"Good porridge!"

Chen Lie didn't support it.

He served a bowl for the old seniors, especially the former chef of the state banquet who was particularly greedy just now, and it was himself in the end.

"I'm welcome."

The former state banquet chef took the lead in tasting, but his eyes were bright, and he couldn't help but admire: "It's so fresh, but the taste! I thought it was the rebirth of the porridge king!"

The representative of the Royal Kitchen smiled and said: "I have the same illusion, it seems that the heroes see the same thing."

"Simple but perfect, it's like eating porridge stewed with seafood."

"This fish fillet is as thin as silk, and it is smooth and tender. It tastes endless aftertaste, as charming as a lover. Really art!"

"Even the simplest porridge is so perfect, I really don't know how delicious the more famous [Shenxian porridge] will be."

"This is definitely a magical delicacy at the level of Memories of the God of Cooking. No, I can't stop, I have to have another bowl!"

"The King of Congee is reborn, he must tell the other colleagues about this news."

These are the comments of top international gourmets and international chefs.

From here, we can see how high their evaluation of this congee is, and they are even side by side with Chen Lie's memories.

"Not bad."

This time it was Chen Lie’s turn to comment: “It’s not water that cooks the porridge, but the fish and sheep soup made with fish and mutton. So the rice grains are delicious from the beginning, and finally they are paired with carefully selected fish. , Cooking magic in simplicity."

"I admire Mr. Chen more and more now."

Gu Dongmen sighed and said, "Your Excellency only took a bite and cracked the secret recipe of my delicacy."

I remembered that I had painstakingly researched for more than two years before I cracked this mystery.

Gu Dongmen's heart is bitter.

At this time.

With gold and silver spoons, Meng Jiajia and others also leaned over, grinning and wanted to share it.

Not only them.

However, the staff couldn't help but cling to the smell.

If it wasn't for the wrong time, the judges' station would not be able to watch, otherwise everyone would have gathered here and rushed to eat this fish porridge highly praised by Chen Lie.

"Very good, perfect food."

"Although I have eaten it before, this delicacy is nothing more than the rebirth of the porridge king."

10 points, whether it is an Oriental or a foreigner, a large number of 10 appear.

The 30 judges all tasted the fish king porridge, and 14 of them gave full marks.

This is definitely an extremely astonishing number.

Sure enough.

947 points.

This is the highest number currently.

Several chef kings have submitted answers before, but the results were all analyzed by many harsh judges, and none of them scored 90 points.

So far.

New Congee King Gudongmen scored the highest, and Huaguo Kitchen King Ghost Kitchen was second.

"This score!"

"I seem to see despair."

"It's just a porridge, and anyone can do it, is there a shady?"

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