"It's impossible, it's just an ordinary porridge that anyone can make."

"Shady! There must be shady here!"

Most chefs, top chefs are shocked.

But they were fairly calm, forcibly gathering their spirits and continuing to cook without being disturbed.

However, some international celebrity chefs, the performance of the chef of a certain country is very average, and even publicly slander Chen Lie Zai Nei, the credibility of a huge jury.

Meng Jiajia saw Chen Lietian's sober posture, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Pet, don't you mind their unfounded doubts?"

"Why should I mind?"

Chen Lie asked back.

Meng Jiajia said: "They doubt your credibility."

"Relax, their suspicions have no effect on me."

"The saddest thing is that their suspicion has stepped on the tail of some people."

Finally, Chen Lie said, pointing to a dozen crooked nut judges with extremely ugly expressions, and said, "This one has stabbed a super hornet's nest."

Those slanderous fools really stabbed Malaysia's nest.

It is important to know that at least 10 of the 30 judges ate meals based on food reviews.

Because they are representatives of the top ten international gourmet media.

To doubt them is to doubt the credibility they have built over the years.

This is simply going to smash people's jobs.

Ever since.

These slanderers are remembered by them, and they will certainly not give them good fruit later.

The next thing is just as Chen Lie expected.

There are two distinctive signs of Gudongmen and Ghost Kitchen as a contrast.

Other cuisines pale in comparison.

In this world, no matter what field, there is no harm without comparison.

So a large number of foods with scores around 85 points appeared.

As for the world’s top chefs who have been slanderously slandering before, the chef of a certain country has also paid the price, the same delicious food, but each of them will be lower by 2 or 3 points.

More than 30 people in a row.

The atmosphere of the scene was both embarrassing and depressing to make people yawn.

The director of Pengcheng TV and so on saw the sluggish popularity, and walked around anxiously.

They hope that Chen Lie can stand up and enliven the atmosphere a little bit.

But since I tasted the fish king porridge of Gudongmen.

Chen Lie was very quiet.

After more than 30 dishes in succession, he only tasted 5 dishes, and basically just glance at the others.

Such a gesture.

How can it drive the atmosphere.

But the organizer did not dare to force Chen Lie, because Chen Lie did not sign any agreement with them.

In other words, Chen Lie came to save face, but it is reasonable not to come.

Just as the atmosphere of the scene is about to enter the stage of great loss of popularity.

One person stood up.

The Moroccan chef who has defeated three national chefs.


"The famous Pastia stuffing pie!"

Chen Lie was instantly tempted to see the Pastia Pie.

Bastia filling pie is a kind of carefully made meatloaf in Morocco, which is considered as a typical Moroccan delicacy and very representative.

If this is the case, then Chen Lie will not be tempted yet.

After all, Bastiya stuffing pie is only popular in one area, and its influence is less than half of the East.

But the Moroccan chef’s cuisine is magical.


The term magic is absolutely appropriate.

The general pasty stuffing pie is made with poultry meat, onions, almonds, sugar and various seasonings, wrapped in a thin crust, baked until charred, crisp and golden, and finally a delightful and delicious.

But the Pastia stuffing pie of the Moroccan chef uses the most delicious venison on the prairie, and the venison is specially marinated, so tender that it can flow out a lot of delicious juice when bitten.

Moreover, Pastia filling is not only made of sugar, but also a variety of strange spices. It uses sweet and sour recipes, and incorporates a recipe similar to sweet and sour pork ribs into special cuisine.

The taste will seem strange, but the various tastes are not conflicting.

"It's delicious!"

"The delicacy of the grassland is irresistible."

"I didn't like the sweet and sour taste very much before, but this time I overcome the psychological barrier and didn't choose the wrong one. This dish changed my view of sweet and sour cuisine."

Before Chen Lie tried, the other judges began to comment.

"It's really top food."

Chen Lie took a bite and admired: "The flavours blend perfectly, so there is no conflict. The delicious taste will not make any taster regret it."

With Chen Lie's words, this delicacy began to qualitatively.

901 points.

The current third highest score.

Perhaps because of the excitement of the Moroccan chef, a variety of top cuisines began to explode.

The best delicacies that are rarely seen in ordinary times are springing up like mushrooms.

The next one is the king of Sichuan cuisine.

And what he brought out is the pinnacle masterpiece of his life, and it is also a classic delicacy that everyone has at least heard of:

Mapo tofu.

"The Sichuan cuisine king's mapo tofu is not only spicy and delicious, but also colorful and eye-catching. The appearance alone is attractive enough."

The representative of the Imperial Kitchen is not praising others, but stating a fact.

After all, the Sichuan cuisine king is a little bit above the level this time.

The tender and white tofu lined up neatly on the plate.

The bright red hot sauce was like the coat of the team, and it looked like a fiery red flame, like a roaring red flame.

The minced meat in the middle exudes a strong smell of meat; while the green chopped green onion scattered on the plate, like green leaves, play a finishing touch.

This appearance, even Leng Wushuang, who is known for his platter technology, is nothing more than that at his peak.

"This minced meat has a flavour, it's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It has a wonderful taste. How did you do it?"

"There are bursts of attractive fragrance on the plate, which is mouth-watering!"

Two top East Asian gourmets who are proficient in Mandarin are also conquered by this dish of Mapo Tofu.

"The tofu dipped in chili sauce is like red flowers in full bloom. It is particularly eye-catching against the backdrop of the green leaves. With this appearance, it is the most beautiful tofu I have ever seen."

"I didn't expect tofu to be so exquisite."

Those top foreign gourmets also gave praise.

Chen Lie didn't talk so much nonsense.

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