"This one……"

"It seems too much, after all, you have to take care of the other person's face."

Many people were ashamed, but they didn't expect Chen Lie to be so direct and unsparing.

Chen Lie sneered: "You dare to make trouble in front of hundreds of millions of viewers. What kind of face do they have?"

The silver spoon is relatively speechless.

They have no choice but to ask other people for help.

There were not many people who could persuade Chen Lie at the scene, except for Mr. Li, there were only ghost eyes.

But ghost eyes will not come out.

So Mr. Li is the only one.

"Warn those idiots a second time."

"If there is a third time, expel them directly, and post what they can't afford to lose."

After all, Mr. Li is the sponsor behind the scenes, and he has the obligation to come out and control all kinds of troublesome troubles.He acted directly on the basis of his own experience, and he quickly frightened those idiots.


Chen Lie's next performance was a bit too flat.

Even if it was the masterpiece of Leng Wushuang and others, he just glanced at it.

In the end, he even went to the backstage to breathe because his stomach was too full.


"This kind of food competition is simply a show."

Chen Lie shook his head and walked to the most open place in the background.

If it wasn't for him not to smoke now, otherwise he would definitely smoke one now.

"Hey, there are a lot of preparations. It seems that you are well prepared."

"Everyone has worked hard, let me make something for everyone."

Chen Lie then discovered that there were a lot of prepared chef's work stations in the backstage, and there were still a lot of prepared ingredients, and saw that the restaurant was approaching and a large number of staff were not yet allowed to rest.

You're welcome, cook yourself.

"But what should I do?"

"There are so many top chefs here, international chefs, I'm so ordinary and bad, it's a shame."

"But it takes time to do it well."

Chen Lie found that there were so many materials in stock, and he didn't know what to do.

"Whatever God of Cooking does, we will eat clean."

"That is, I was fortunate enough to taste the masterpiece of God of Cooking before, and I haven't forgotten that taste."

"Billionaires used one million yuan to ask God of Cooking to do it once and were rejected. We are really lucky today."

Many staff members here have met several times, and some have been transferred from other places.But without exception, everyone has high expectations for Chen Lie, and many people almost forget their jobs.

"Alie, what are you doing?"

Ren Qing finally finished his work and came to condolences.

of course.

Her condolences are simple, she just brought a bottle of water.

You must know that this is where the king of chefs is fighting for hegemony, and Chen Lie has multiple jobs, and he must have a full stomach.

But she felt that the water here must have failed.

Because she is accustomed to drinking fairy gel, she is not used to other water at all, even those mineral waters worth more than 10 dollars are not tasteful enough.

Comparing the heart to the heart, she brought a bottle of diluted fairy gel to quench Chen Lie's thirst.

"You came just right."

"Better is this bottle of water."

Chen Lie smiled brilliantly when he saw this bottle of faerie gel dew that had been diluted.

With this bottle of water, you won’t be afraid of simple food.

What will Chen Lie do?


And it is also the signature porridge of the king of porridge-ginger thin meat porridge

Said to make people feel happy, it is the same level of ginger and lean pork porridge as Memories.

But there are only lean meats that can be bought in the vegetable market, and high-quality rice.

And there were at least hundreds of people on the scene.

No matter which top chef in the world wants to cook food for 100 people, even a team will be exhausted.

Under so many unfavorable factors.

What can Chen Lie do?

He didn't make any preparations. He just washed the rice and cooked the porridge simply, and then put the ginger and lean meat in it. It was super simple.

If you insist on saying something different.

That is, he did not use a machine to chop meat and vegetables during the process of cooking the porridge. He personally chopped the pork into small pieces, and cut the ginger into thin strips without piercing.

Rao is so.

Chen Lie only spent half an hour before and after.

Two super porridge pots exude an attractive aroma of rice and meat.

"There are a lot of people, and it's not a dinner, so everyone has one bowl."

Chen Lie was too lazy to untie his apron, and with the assistance of Ren Qing, began to serve porridge for the staff in line.


Everyone can use disposable bowls and chopsticks to share a bowl of Ginger and Lean Pork Congee specially made by God of Kitchen.

"It's more magical than the legend."

"A lean meat porridge that can be bought all over the street is so delicious."

"I finally understand why someone pays a million yuan a meal for labor services at a high price. If I have the money, I would be willing to invite it like this."

"As soon as the weather gets a little cool, you can taste the ginger and lean meat porridge full of happiness."

After tasting the ginger thin meat porridge, all of them expressed sincere emotion, because their bodies and even their hearts have a comfortable warmth.

It is also the excitement here.

Attracted other staff, even the security guard at the door came to try something new.

"has it ended?"

Chen Lie heard the impassioned voice of the host outside and the noise, and thought it was over.

"It's almost over."

Ren Qing, who has been following the live broadcast all the time, said: "Almost 80 chefs have already submitted their answers. At present, Gudongmen ranks first, and the God of Cookery from Hong Kong is second..."

"Why are there more and more people?"

Chen Lie couldn't help frowning as he saw the increasingly lively and uncontrollable scene.

He looked towards the entrance.

More staff members came after hearing the news.

"Let's go back."

Chen Lie made a decision immediately.

"I've been waiting for your words."

Ren Qing took Chen Lie's hand, next to his body, and went out together.

And they just walked out.

There was a little disturbance at the conference.

"Damn it, how could this be!"

Ghost Chef looked at the ranking angrily, his eyes full of anger.

That's it for Gudongmen.

The fish king porridge was indeed too good, but he didn't think he was qualified to score higher than his own.

Seeing that I can't even get into the top 5.

Ghost Chef couldn't calm down.

"Go to the TMD game!"

"Such an unfair garbage game deserves to die!"


What is Ghost Chef going to do?

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