"Where is the God of Cooking?"

"My score shouldn't be so low. I cook it again and wait for your comment."

The Singaporean chef, who had only scored 855 points before, was angry and did it again.

But this is his own decision.

After he cooked again, he searched left and right for Chen Lie.

Where can I find him.

"staff member!"

"Huh, where's the staff!?"

The chef of Singapore discovered that the staff who had been serving nearby were missing.


Even the judge seats are missing a few judges.

"Where are they all running to?"

"It seems to be the day after tomorrow!"

The chef of Xinjiabo saw that many chefs, especially the first and second-placed two, all walked to the backstage at the same time. He couldn't help wondering, and followed him.

"this is……"

"Impossible, he really made our ginger and lean meat porridge!"

Gu Dongmen tasted a bite of Chen Lie’s ginger and lean meat porridge. He was shocked and said, “What he said is true, and he can also make our house’s signature food.”

The God of Cookery eats more.

He quickly grabbed the staff responsible for serving the porridge and asked: "Tell me, what ingredients does God of Cooking use?"

"That's the material here!"

"But the water is mineral water from his girlfriend."

The congee staff answered very simply because this is not the first person to ask this way.

"How can this be!"

"Such an ordinary material, plus a bottle of mineral water."

Gu Dongmen looked miserable.

Because he lost.

It was a terrible loss.

He only listened to him with a miserable smile: "Think I want to cook a porridge, the rice is triple-selected, the pork is specially raised, and even the water is purified mineral water. The materials are all top in the world. The result is the same as others. It's ironic to use some common materials at will."

The God of Cookery also said: "It is even more ironic that Mr. Chen has served hundreds of people in one go, and the time taken is shorter than us. Whether it is efficiency or ability, he completely crushes us."

Gu Dongmen had nothing to answer, so he fell silent.

"I'm not as good as him."

Leng Wushuang turned around, not knowing what he thought of.

"Mr. Chen is more terrifying than before."

"After all, he defeated our God of Cooking."

Bei Qiaoshan and Nan Nantong looked at each other, their eyes were full of bitterness.

After their failure, they learned from the pain, worked hard to hone their cooking skills and delve into food.

I thought I could compete with Chen Lie.

As a result, I found out sadly that the distance between them was getting farther and farther, so far that it was almost impossible to trace.

"Slowly feel sorry for yourself here."

"I will continue to explode and replace you."

Although the king of Sichuan cuisine was also hit, he was brazen and wanted to fight right away.

Everyone looks at the king of Sichuan cuisine.

Without speaking, as if feeling a different atmosphere.

And what about Chen Lie?

He didn't bother to have the atmosphere or atmosphere.

When he got home, he started working.


He still has a lot of work today.

Take care of the most troublesome meal.


Chen Lie slapped the rice bucket holding the pot away, and cursed: "It belongs to everyone, not you alone. Now in the paradise, there is more work and more money. You are lazy today and deserve to be hungry."

Chen Lie didn't want the rice bucket to become like A Bao before, so obese that he was unhealthy.


The rice bucket is crying again.

But Chen Lie was the only one in the paradise.

The other super pets don't wink at it because of the occupancy of the rice bucket.

Seeing Chen Lie indifferent, the rice bucket looked at the rice pot aggrievedly.

"Don't even think about it."

Chen Lie will not relent.

Chi Chi!

The ghost squirrel clapped his palms happily.

The big brother hamster and the escaped hamster also clapped constantly.

How could they be like this when they were so good at talking?

The reason is simple.

Today, after a tiring day, their rations were snatched by their rice buckets after returning. It is strange that they can be kind.

This kind of scene is basically staged every day.

no way.

The stomach of the rice bucket is really bottomless.

No matter how much you can eat.

The most terrifying thing is that even if its stomach swells to death, it is still stuffing its mouth desperately.

"You grow up pretty fast."

Chen Lie gestured to the height of the rice bucket, and found that the rice bucket was at least two laps larger than the first time it came.

If it was a two-year-old child before, it is now a three-year-old child.

The growth rate is amazing.

"Your one month is equal to the growth rate of an ordinary bear in one year."

"It would be considered a freak going on like this."

Chen Lie thought for a while and murmured: "It's okay to lock you here, there will not be too much risk of exposure. But this problem must be solved, otherwise it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."


Rice bucket seems to have misunderstood Chen Lie's intention to abandon it, and really cried.

He kept rubbing Chen Lie with his head.


"I'm just worried about your growth, and I'm not trying to sell you."

Chen Lie touched the hairy head of the rice bucket.

Don't tell me.

Because of the superior living environment, the hair of the rice bucket also has a sense of flesh in its suppleness, which is very comfortable.

Chen Lie waited for time to put it down.

The rice bucket seemed to like this kind of touch, and he closed his eyes to enjoy it.

"I have to check the cultivation of Wulixiang."

Chen Lie handed Wulixiang to Dionysus before.

In the past few days, there will be an unexpected surprise with the combination of nutritious mud and fairy gel.

The rice bucket noticed Chen Lie's getting up, and was puzzled.

It's comfortable.

Wish to go on forever.

Chen Lie ignored the rice bucket he would like to enjoy. He walked to the Bacchus who was squatting in the farmland and observing the growth of ginseng, and asked, "Bacchus, where is my Wulixiang?"

Bacchus boredly pointed to the large balcony on the second floor of the villa with an area of ​​more than 30 square meters.


Chen Lie was puzzled.

There are a lot of flowers on the big balcony, all of them belong to Ren Qing.

It's just that these women were only curious for a while, and they ignored them after they bought them. The Bacchus also took care of them, and didn't want to take care of many superb flowers.

This is not.

There is an orchid next to it. It is estimated that if you take it out, you can judge a gold medal or something.

"How come you planted Wulixiang as a flower."

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