Er Lengzi just stood like this, without even sprinting, his speed reached its limit.


This is simply the speed of a sprinter.

If he goes to a sprint, he can come back with a medal more or less.


However, Er Lengzi was driven away by a counter-shock.

Chen Lie forced Er Lengzi back with just one punch.

"Tiger-shaped fist!"

The discerning person at the scene immediately saw the artistic conception of Chen Lie's boxing technique.

"Your attack method is too direct."

Chen Lie shook his head.


"You are much better than I thought."

Er Lengzi almost screamed with joy.

Even in the village, no one dared to take up their onslaught, let alone beat oneself back.

At this moment, Er Lengzi felt his blood boil, as if his whole body was burning.

The village chief also looked at Chen Lie with horror.

He knew Chen Lie could martial arts, but he did not expect Chen Lie to be so strong.

This level.

He had seen it in one person.

And this person is now protecting a certain big man in Zhongnanhai.


The whole body of the Erzhuzi burst out and attacked again.

Whip the leg!

I saw Er Lengzi flew towards Chen Lie's neck in the air.

No mercy this time.

Not to mention human beings, even a calf has to be swept off its neck by this leg.

But Chen Lie avoided.

Chen Lie used a simple hind leg to easily dodge.

But Er Lengzi swayed in the air, the missed whip leg was a little on the ground, and the other leg swept over.

This move happened suddenly.

It's hard to guard against.

But Chen Lie's other hand came with an ingenious effort to unload the two exquisite legs of the two pillars to one side.

The landing Er Lengzi was not discouraged.

A homeopathic right hand swept away, and his arm swept towards Chen Lie like a stick.

Chen Lie was smiling from beginning to end.

He leaned back slightly this time, and his iron arms crossed in front of his eyes.

But Er Lengzi also turned around with this attack.

The most exaggerated thing was that when he turned around, a sneak attack fist came with his other hand.


The bottom-up fist was clasped by an unknown prophet Chen Lie.

"Let go!"

Er Lengzi Niu exploded, trying to break Chen Lie's imprisonment with brute force.

But no matter how hard he exerted his strength, Chen Lie held it firmly.


"So be it!"

Chen Lie's voice just fell.


Er Lengzi was pulled backwards by a violent force and plowed away, which was very wasteful.

The audience was dull.

Er Lengzi's attack in one go, they asked themselves that they could not resist, but they didn't expect that they were all easily cracked by Chen Lie.

Chen Lie was never attacked from start to finish.


Everyone thought Er Lengzi would be angry, and even the village head was prepared to suppress Er Lengzi in the past.

But Er Lengzi laughed suddenly.

Smiled happily.


"You are the best I have ever seen."

Er Lengzi smiled and said, "I am not your opponent!"

He surrendered simply.

The fans who were watching the live broadcast broke out.

"I rub it, it's too good! Is this a real master fighter?"

"It's the first time I saw master fighters fighting!"

"It looks very fancy at first, but when you think about it carefully, you can hear how terrifying the power is from the sound of breaking the air just now.",

"You are smart, with their power just now, it is estimated that a single punch can kill a calf. If it is an ordinary human body, it is estimated that a single punch can break the internal organs."

Many people watched the scene, unable to speak for a long time.

You must know that the scene has a lot of evidence.

For example, the footprints of Er Lengzi just came out.

That's on the ground. It is difficult for ordinary people to make a footprint even with tools, let alone just step on it.

"You are good."

Chen Lie patted Er Lengzi on the shoulder and said to the village head: "The village head, take him to a regular boxing. With his strength, he is only worried about not beating anyone, and it is estimated that the whole village can be supported by bonuses alone. ."


The village chief asked excitedly: "Can you be so rich in boxing now?"

Chen Lie nodded.

Sending the Buddha to the west, he asked the system for help, spent a lot of fan value, and found a few regular and rich fighting companies, and gave Chen Lie the general information and contact information of these companies.

"Thank you Mr. Chen."

"Unexpectedly, boxers can make money like this now."

The village chief and others did not expect the outside to develop so fast.

The speed of development of the world fighting industry has completely surpassed anyone's imagination.

As for the WWE Entertainment Wrestling, which many people have heard of, the outcome of this competition is basically a default. The wrestling in the ring is almost all comic fighting performances, and it is now the world's number one fighting league.

There are a large number of wrestlers and superstars like entertainment stars.

The real fighting ability of these super wrestling superstars is estimated to be inferior to that of a fighter who regularly trains, but the money they make every year is in millions of dollars.

The most important thing is that these super wrestling superstars can also go to make movies, advertise and make more money.


For example, MMA, which has become more and more popular in recent years, is also known as mixed martial arts. The biggest star in the UFC, the largest mixed martial arts league, earns more money in a year.

Salary plus bonuses, plus the share of live TV and so on.

The annual income is almost the same as the boxing champion.

Some people may say that this field is too far from the east.

Actually not far.

The East currently has a large number of non-formal, but fast-developing fighting alliances. If you get out there, the annual income of one million is not a problem.

If it can be developed in other fields, it will be even more powerful. It can participate in various variety shows like movie stars and make money from advertising.


After listening to Chen Lie's introduction, everyone in Wushu Village is yearning.

They all have strength, but they have no way.

"Ding, congratulations for gaining an avid fan and more than 200 true fans!"

"I wipe!"

Chen Lie didn't expect to be so kind for a while, and he would have such a reward.

More than 200 fan points.

It's almost equal to 100 times the fan value he spent out.

"It seems that good people are rewarded!"

Chen Lie sighed deeply.

Er Lengzi asked suddenly: "Brother Pet, can I go out with you to meet the world?"


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