The pet king of the city

Chapter 679 Red and Gold Wildcat

Not knowing what Er Lengzi thought of, he suddenly asked, "Brother Pet, can I go out with you to meet the world?"


Chen Lie patted Er Lengzi on the shoulder and said, "You should be a fighting star!"

Chen Lie directly refused.

It's okay if Er Lengzi is a beauty.


Let's go cool.

You must know that in his paradise, apart from him, everyone else is beautiful, even Xiaolan and Kexin are all standard cute little beauties.

How could Chen Lie allow Er Lengzi to blend in.

Chen Lie smiled and continued on the road.

There are already traces of the farmer's orangutan, and the next step is to chase it.

And Chen Lie happened to have two tracking masters, Xiao Hei and Yin Bao.

Don't worry at all.

"The farmer orangutan is born with supernatural power and dexterous hands and feet, is proficient in the cultivation of various crops, and is hardworking and hardworking.

"Of course, since they are creatures, they have personality. According to the introduction of the system, they like to live in the countryside and care for the crops from seed to maturity, and even wish to live in the garden for the rest of their lives. Growing crops is my life's responsibility, and I am extremely disgusted with all kinds of random planting and planting behaviors that ignore human health for money."

Chen Lie read the information about the farmer orangutan again, intending to learn some signs.

Don't tell me.

The more he understands, the more sure it is not the fault of the farmer orangutan.

It's just that there is no conclusive evidence yet.


At this time Xiao Hei cried excitedly.

However, the Silver Leopard was not nervous at all, jumping lazily over a big tree, and scared a cat out.

It is indeed a cat.

It's just a poorly thin wild cat.

And it is the endangered type.

"Golden cat?"

When Chen Lie saw this red-gold, beautifully colored wild cat, especially after seeing that the wild cat's figure was relatively thinner, he couldn't help but curl his mouth.

"Such a big wild cat!"

"How do I think it looks like a lioness one size smaller?"

"If I remember correctly, they were once mistaken as legendary beasts."

Chen Lie's live broadcast room has not recovered from the previous competition, and the chat atmosphere is a bit scattered.

In order to condense the atmosphere, Chen Lie introduced: "Everyone, this is the golden cat, one of the members of the "World Conservation Union" Red List of Endangered Species. As for the reason, I believe you can guess it without me."

"It's nothing more than poaching."

"I think humans cruelly compressed their living space."

There were quite a few fans who love animals at the scene, and they were all right.

Chen Lie said fascinatingly: "Some people like it because they have a name in ancient times."

This is a habitual appetite.

Seeing many people's questions, Chen Lie answered slowly: "They were called black clouded leopards in ancient times, a member of mythical animals."

"I wipe it, this is the black clouded leopard!"

"It's not as famous as meeting."

Immediately after the live broadcast room followed Chen Lie's intentions.

At this time, the silver leopard blocked the golden cat's upper escape space, and Xiao Hei was staring at the ground.

This lineup frightened the golden cat all over her body, both frightened and angry.

"Well, you two don't bother, let it go."

"It's not a prey."

Chen Lie calmed down and said to the live broadcast room: "This golden cat has obviously just left the family to live alone and has rich combat experience. If it is an adult, it will definitely escape now. You must know that in Funiu Mountain, not many animals can run. Pass them."


Chen Lie waved goodbye to Jin Mao.

Being enlivened by Chen Lie, the live broadcast room really recovered a lot of popularity.

No, Chen Lie’s hardcore is starting to tease again:

"Golden Cat said: It's so risky, I almost got blood."

"Golden Cat said: I definitely didn't read the almanac when I went out today, otherwise, how could I meet a top predator like Pet Brother."

"From the bottom of my pet brother's heart: Damn it, if it's a snake, Lao Tzu will definitely show you what a snake girl nemesis is."


Chen Lie was overjoyed to see these funny pop-ups.

Because Chen Lie killed a large number of snakes in the live broadcast, from small poisonous snakes to large Inca giant snakes, all of them were killed by Chen Lie.

So many people call him the snake nemesis, the natural enemy of the snake tribe.

All in all, the names are varied.

It’s okay to let the rocket idle and be bored, in order to: "Pet brother, the golden cat just now looks very cute, and the body is a little thinner, why not grab it and raise it?"

And this sentence is supported by many people.

It’s okay to release the Rockets, so many female fans feel loving.

"I know you feel sorry for its thinness."

"But this is the pain of leaving the big family and starting an independent life. Only after the winter can it be considered a true adult and independent."

"Although this is cruel, it is an inevitable natural elimination process."

Chen Lie said seriously: "By the way, a wild cat that has been living in the wilderness since childhood is an urban environment that will not accept restraints. That will only make it depressive and even irritable. I think some people present have adopted it. Through the experience of wild cats, I know how painful it is."

"Yes, wild cats are too difficult to tame."

"I was adopted and I was patient for two months, but in the end I was defeated."

"After the wild cats were abandoned, they revived wildly. They were guarded against humans and it was difficult to communicate."

Many fans with relevant experience have spoken out their heartfelt words one after another.

"In fact, golden cats are not suitable for home keeping."

"Because their hearing is terribly good, they are the most flexible type of outer ear activity in cats, and they can hear tiny sounds from all directions, like a live radar."

Speaking of this, Chen Lie asked seriously: "Just imagine, what kind of torture is it for such a species to live in a noisy city?"

The live broadcast room was collectively speechless.

Chen Lie continued: "Furthermore, their temperament is ferocious, brave and fearless. In ancient times, they have the alias of yellow tiger, which shows their aggressiveness. In the city, a lot of noise can easily cause their emotions to erupt, and the final scene It's imaginable."

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