The pet king of the city

Chapter 694: Congee with a score of over 110

Indifferent Chen Lie continued his cooking.

Seeing the time and grasping the temperature accurate to the second, let him open the lid of the stew cup.

Take out the fish and mutton wrapped in the gauze, and pour in the freshly washed rice.

Continue to stew.

"Impossible, how did he know this trick?"

Gu Dongmen, the heir of the king of congee, looked at Chen Lie in horror.

This trick is another top-notch porridge recipe, and it is also an exclusive secret recipe. It was actually cracked and made more delicate.

"It seems that our chef god is here to demonstrate today."

Bei Qiaoshan looked at the south urchin, with a hint of caution in his smile.

But Nantong was more calm and said, "I am old and can't keep up with the times."

This is soft service.

"You are old, but we are not old."

Leng Wushuang, the queen chef of Bingshan, stood up unhappy.

But no one agreed with her.

"I want to see the masterpiece of God of Cooking."

"Always aiming at God of Cooking, today is a good opportunity to check the gap."

"It's just a piece of porridge. I want to see what tricks God of Cooking can do."

Sichuan King and others looked at Chen Lie unconvincedly.

Although they had lost before, they felt that they had made significant progress in the past six months and they could compete with Chen Lie. Naturally, they were very confused by Chen Lie's sudden invitation.

It is in this atmosphere.

Time passed quickly.

"All right."

Chen Lie brought the stew cup up and said, "This is the porridge I cooked specially for everyone. It is definitely the one I have most carefully recently."

"We understand."

Nan Nan Tong is the most kind. After all, among the chefs on site, he is the oldest, most experienced, but also the least energetic.

"It's just a piece of porridge, there is only a little ginger, not even a bit of meat, I don't believe it can turn the sky."

The Sichuan cuisine king was most unconvinced.

He has been full of confidence since he had a stunning performance in the World Kitchen King Competition.

And his taste is heavy, not spicy or unpleasant.

Naturally, I don't like this kind of porridge without chili and even a little meat.

"I just drank so much tea from God of Cooking's house, and my stomach was hungry."

Although Fatty An was cheerful, he was also a little unconvinced.

Because he knew that Chen Lie's purpose this time was to persuade them, hoping that they would not play the final round.

Everyone got a bowl of porridge.


Chen Lie is confident.

Everyone puts down the spoon together.


The collective solidification, as if in time to pause the magic.

"How can this be!"

"A warm current flows through my body, which feels incredible."

"My throat has been very uncomfortable recently, but after eating it, it improved a lot in an instant. This is much more effective than the potent medicine."

In the end, everyone looked at Chen Lie with ghostly eyes.

Chen Lie smiled without saying a word.

Everyone continues to taste.

But with every bite, their feelings become more profound.

It is like tasting a delicious food with magical curative effect, which is both delicious and healthy.

"The throat feels better."

"When you eat it, what you get first is the enjoyment of warming your stomach, and then you get a peace of mind. This porridge is beyond the ordinary and does not belong to the realm of the world."

"Quietly chewing each grain of rice, as if each one is worthy of aftertaste."

"This porridge is magical, as if every grain of rice has an extraordinary charm."

"When I eat porridge in the future, I will immediately remember this delicacy today."

Everyone looked at Chen Lie with ghostly eyes again.

Take a deep breath.

The new congee king Gu Dongmen looked at Chen Lie and asked, "How did you do it?"

"It's just hard work."

Chen Lie gave a very perfunctory answer.

"I surrender."

Qiao Shan, who had always been straightforward, asked: "God of Cooking, you tell us the answer, otherwise we will not be able to forget the feeling this time in our dreams."

"First of all, I refer to the technique of concealing sheep in the fish belly and blend it in, so that this porridge can be full of meat without any meat, and it is extremely fresh."

"Secondly, my ginger shreds can get rid of the fishy, ​​and it warms the stomach, with the fresh feeling can be enjoyed."

"Finally, every rice here has been carefully selected. Maybe you don’t know the definition. You can understand it as a two-hour multiple screening. Even the top pearl rice will not exist in the end. One."

Chen Lie said, finally, he took a sip of tea.

"Every grain of rice embodies the earnestness of God of Cooking."

"The God of Cooking is right, it's really hard. If it were me, I would definitely not be so troubled."

"No wonder every grain of rice feels so perfect."

The chefs admired together.

But they are more or less unwilling.

"In fact, if this is the case, it is impossible to break through the 110 evaluation."

Chen Lie added: "The water I use is not ordinary water, but I can't explain too much. You can understand it as the best water in the world. Just to get it, I spent a day."

The water used by Chen Lie is naturally fairy gel.

And this is not the 4 times diluted Faerie Condensate they use daily, but only a 2 times diluted Faerie Condensation, the effect is beyond doubt.

With the current condensed level of the fairy spirit, it does take a lot of time.

"I know."

Nantong nodded and said: "I once heard that a super rich man drinks water every day from international super-grade spring water delivered from an island in Australia with little environmental pollution."

Bei Qiaoshan also echoed: "I have also heard that some of the top giants in China like to drink the unpolluted ice springs in the Himalayas."

Making a porridge is so harsh that everyone has to write the word "serve".

"For these, I don't care much."

Leng Wushuang asked, "What I want to know is how did you get your score? How did you know that your score exceeded 110 points?"

"Score, this is related to the state of food in my heart."

Chen Lie replied vaguely.

"Please enlighten me!"

Everyone realized that Chen Lie's standard is the real meat of today.

"If you use pure scores to divide the food realm, it would be a bit sloppy, after all..."

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