The pet king of the city

Chapter 695 Chef's Realm

"It would be a bit sloppy if we use pure scores to divide the food realm."

"After all, pickles and radishes have their own advantages. But food can cross regions and hobbies, so this method of using scores to map the realm is desirable, at least there is a goal."

Chen Lie was the first to state the prerequisites for the scoring mechanism.

Seeing everyone agree.

Chen Lie continued: "If you say that the ordinary taste is good and can satisfy the general public, it should be called delicious, and the score should be between 70 and 79; then it surpasses the general public's appreciation level and can make ordinary people linger. The delicacy is relatively rare, and it is basically a sign of a large-scale gourmet place, that is, the level of 80 to 89."

Everyone nodded their heads again and again, and they agreed with this statement.

Chen Lie went on to say: "With an 80-point level, he can already be a five-star hotel and a master chef in a restaurant. But above this level, that is, with a score of 90 to 99, that is the same as the industry. I have to agree with the master class, they can occasionally make delicious food that is delicious on earth. Ordinary people eat it for a lifetime, and gourmets eat the best food that is full of praise."

Chen Lie immediately added: "At this level, everyone must resonate, and the level also cares about whether everyone breaks out occasionally or can make the best from time to time."

Everyone look at me, I look at you.

Because many of them are in this state.

The difference is that some people can only make it by bursting out, while those in the realm of North Qiaoshan, South Urchin, and New Congee King can be cooked at any time.

"As for full marks, I think everyone also resonates."

"But I want to talk more carefully."

Chen Lie opened a new field: "The realm beyond the perfect score involves the spiritual realm, which is what everyone calls the realm of the master, the level of the god of cook. The food in this realm has a magical power that can make you surging after enjoying it. A unique emotion; it can also be understood as a kind of spiritual detachment, or tranquility, whether it is spicy, salty or sweet; of course, it can also represent a culture or belief."

"The spiritual realm?"

"The memory of God of Cooking!"

"And the porridge king's ginger and lean meat porridge!"

Everyone followed Chen Lie's reminder and found the goal.

Because this is the legendary realm of God of Cooking.

Chen Lie continued: "And those with a score of 110 or more are truly extraordinary. It is obviously a simple food, but it can have unexpected effects. How to say it well, like this porridge, if you eat it often , It can nourish the internal organs, invigorate the energy and nourish the mind, and ultimately have the effect of prolonging life."

Everyone's expressions became weird.

Wang Yishan said weakly, "Isn't that just medicated diet?"


Chen Lie concluded: "Medicated diet is medicated diet, which has a completely different meaning. If you have to modify this realm, it will turn decay into magic."

"I vaguely understand."

Nan Nantong smiled and said: "Food is for people. No one, no matter how good the food is, it is rubbish. Therefore, if you can return to the world, you can eventually use ordinary things and have an extraordinary effect on the human body. That is the state. "

"Forget it, I still don't think so much."

Fatty An laughed at himself: "I can't even break through the full score, let alone 110."

Everyone agrees.

They only now know the gap between themselves and Chen Lie.

That is not a difference in a small realm, let alone the accumulation of skills, but a great moat of two big realms.

Chen Lie can do this with the simplest porridge.

What if he uses refined ones?

"God of Cooking, I take it."

"I will not participate in the next fourth round of the World Kitchen King Competition."

Bei Qiaoshan was very simple, and said, "When I break through to the realm of the master, I will challenge you again."

Bei Qiaoshan spoke very politely and directly used the honorific title.

Then he left with Wang Leiyuan, the little chef who had come over for a long time.

"God of Cooking, I am old."

"But I didn't give up the pursuit. I will either come to you after I break through, or find a descendant with the same talent and let him challenge you instead of me."

Nantong left after speaking.

Others saw the two master chefs of the East successively admit defeat and withdraw.


They had to accept this huge gap and retreated sadly.

However, Fatty An and the others were most at ease, and bid farewell happily, as if they had not suffered any setbacks.

After all, they know Chen Lie best.

The number of times to eat rice here is far more than other cooking gods present.

The scene quickly cooled.

Chen Lie looked at the new congee king.

Gu Dongmen pondered for a long time, and finally said: "God of Cooking, I still don't want to give up. I still have a hole card, and I want to use this hole card to compete with you."

"it is good."

Chen Lie did not refuse either.

Gu Dongmen's performance in the World Kitchen King is absolutely amazing.

If it weren't for him to be attacked, he would probably be the first one.

"Thank you for your understanding, I don't dare to bother, I'm leaving."

Gu Dongmen put aside his psychological baggage and went out.

Chen Lie reminded loudly: "You have to be careful, don't be attacked by some fools again."

Gu Dongmen paused, speeding up to go out.

Those who attacked are idiots, what is the ancient Dongmen that was attacked?

Watching Gu Dongmen leave, Chen Lie turned to the paradise.

At this time, the ghost is directing a group of newly trained squirrels and hamsters to clean up the scene.

Just 1 minute.

The paradise restored its previous nature.

"Train first, wait until you have mastered the skills, then pull out to practice, and do coolies by the way."

"It's a good routine."

Chen Lie praised the ability of the ghost talent.

At this time, Bacchus made a few strange syllables to the farmer orangutan.

Then the farmer's orangutan lifted the bulky Baiguo wine block out.

Then Bacchus yelled a few more times, and the farmer orangutan rushed into the kitchen hurriedly and drove out the Wannian Gongmi that the queen had brought over.

Chi Chi!

The ghost seems to want to join in the fun.

It shouted a few times, and the burly body of the farmer's orangutan resisted a large basket of fruit.

Then it ignored rest and went to work in the farm immediately.

"Sure enough, it's hard work."

"But I have to try..."

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