The pet king of the city

Chapter 700-Level 5 Authority

Chen Lie smiled, and was about to cut Zizhu. When he appeared as a porter, a sudden system prompt attracted him.

This is targeted.

In other words, someone specially sent this paid advertisement to Chen Lie's shop.

Paid advertising information is different from other advertising information.

This type of paid information is paid by the person receiving the information. If the person receiving the information is willing to read it and click on it, then the fan value attached to the advertiser can be obtained.

I can receive fan value after reading the information. Where can I find such a good thing?

So this type of information is everyone's favorite.

But because the investment is too big, basically no one plays.

"I want to see which local tyrant is willing to play like this."

Chen Lie clicked.

The result was stunned.

He thought it was a promotion in a large shopping mall, or an advertisement for a large-scale event, and even thought about a large-scale system promotion, but he never thought it was a request for purchase.

This is for purchase letters below level 7.

Because the buyer is just a level 6 customer.

This level 6 customer wants to purchase life-prolonging items and spiritual items other than medicines, but these items must be natural fruit items.

The client didn't mention why they wanted to acquire these two types of spiritual objects, but listed a number of items that were excluded.

These things shocked Chen Lie.

There are hundreds of kinds of psychiatric potions, meditation potions, soul condensing potions, life spring water, soul fluid, etc., all of which are ineffective.

Chen Lie didn't know what this client did that caused so many high-quality gadgets to be invalid.

But if all of them are taken to no effect, then it is really abnormal.

Chen Lie couldn't even think about how much fan value this customer spent.

"But then again..."

Chen Lie couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this client's move: "It's amazing, it's really bold enough to actually take the level 7 Dragon Blood Tree out for a deal."

Dracaena is not only a high level, but also a super treasure that enhances the purity of blood.

Just like Zizhu, this thing is not available for sale in the system mall.

It's pure luck.

Chen Lie sighed and said, "It is estimated that not many people can resist this temptation."

Those who dare to take out the dragon blood tree as a reward are definitely not the average rich.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me."

"I am still……"

"Ding, congratulations to the customer for successfully finding a suitable owner for a pet and completing the fifth [Super Pet] lottery draw. Does the customer have a Super Pet lottery?"

Before Chen Lie finished speaking, he was interrupted by the system's congratulatory reminder.

"This is level 5."

Chen Lie just remembered that it was nearly half a year since he was promoted to Level 4.

His channels are not comparable to before.

Boss Qi has developed the police dog market beyond Chen Lie's imagination.

With the advent of pet express delivery, Chen Lie's small pets can reach most parts of South China quickly, and it is estimated that they will be able to radiate most cities in China in the near future.

Basically, Chen Lie can sell 17, 18 pets a day.

If you receive a large order, it is not a problem to sell a few hundred large on that day.

It can be said.

Chen Lie's current increase in the number of tasks, that is, his credibility, has long been different from what it was a few months ago.


When Chen Lie saw the 100,000 credibility requirement of level 6 customers, his heart collapsed.

"It seems that the support for boss Qi must be increased."

Chen Lie's grasp of bitter fruit feed is equivalent to choking the neck of this industry.

So even if Boss Qi had any unusual thoughts, police dog training, and even the training of the entire dog breed, could not escape Chen Lie's control.


Boss Qi is very smart. He has always been happily expanding and earning a lot of money without thinking about those unnecessary thoughts.

"The potential of a small pet base is also great. It seems that we must find an agent of the boss type."

Because of the huge pressure of 100,000 credits, Chen Lie had to speed up the pace of industrialization.

Fortunately, there is a company called [Headhunting] in this world.

As long as Chen Lie can afford the price, the headhunting company will help Chen Lie to find the most suitable talent.

As small as a cleaner, as large as a Fortune 500 CEO.

All are on the hunting list.

After Chen Lie sent his request and treatment, and handed over the matter to others in the store, he ignored it.

Throw away the shopkeeper this trick.

He is familiar.

Everything in the outside world is proceeding in an orderly manner.

And the propaganda of IWC's battle for hegemony continues.

According to the truth, the time interval is so long, how the heat will disappear.

But the weird thing is that this time it is no longer the East doing propaganda, but the whole world doing propaganda.

The Flower Country, which had no food cells, was actually trying to sing this competition, as if they were already winning.

"Although I don't know your plot this time."

"But food is good food, no matter how high you brag, no matter how good the small methods are, it will not help."

Chen Lie naturally thought of the accidental injury of the new congee king Gudongmen, and even the accidental fire accident in the hotel where Bei Qiaoshan and others stayed.

These are naturally no coincidences.

"Your method is nothing more than controlling the referee, or interference before the game, or even sniping."

"But as long as I avoid these two, then I have a chance to win."

Chen Lie thought of the faces of some people and said with a smile: "But some preventive measures are still needed."

While speaking, Chen Lie raised his hand, and a bee flew down to Chen Lie's palm.

Chen Lie looked at the tail needles of the bees and murmured, "I really hope that there will be no one day when you attack."

These are spy bees, but more advanced.

It is a high-end product that Chen Lie spent more than 1,000 fans to buy. Its combat power is several times that of a spy bee, and the tail needle fired has a bullet-like speed, and it will melt when it comes into contact with blood, making it invisible.

The key is.

The inside of the tail needle is hollow, and Chen Lie added special material inside.

If this thing hits the body.

It will be fatal.

This is basically Chen Lie's last resort.

He didn't want things to this point.

But if this is the case, he will launch a lore command without hesitation.

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