The pet king of the city

Chapter 701 Food under Hedonism

"According to the official announcement of the World Kitchen King Competition Organizing Committee, the fourth round of the current competition, which is the final final, is still the same as before, a delicacy that can represent the country and the best signature delicacy."

"In order for all the players to be fully prepared, even to make a breakthrough, the game time will be delayed than expected."

"As for the lineup of judges, it will be larger and more objective than before."

The TV is turned off.

Guiyan put the remote control aside, looked at Chen Lie seriously, and asked, "Xiao Lie, the challenge this time is unprecedented. Are you confident?"

Lao Li sighed: "Yes, the seven kings representing the highest level in the world are the Huaguo Kitchen King Ghost Kitchen, Illy Kitchen King, Lanxi Kitchen King, Xiguo Kitchen King, JP Kitchen King, Xiangjiang Cookery God, and Aojiang New Congee King. , To jointly challenge you alone. This is an unprecedented feat and an unprecedented pressure."

Xiangjiang Cookery God and Aojiang New Congee King Gudongmen finally chose to stand up.

They have strength and also represent the local will.

So Chen Lie didn't blame them this time.

The opposite of.

He felt that it was an honor to compete with them.

Guiyan warned: "Everyone’s attention is on the ghost cooks, but you have overlooked Westland and Yili. The economic situation in these two gastronomical countries is very bad now. There is an urgent need to raise the food banner to attract more tourists. ."

Chen Lie asked: "So they will be crazier than anyone thought?"

Old Li was also wary: "I'm afraid they will use some unconventional methods, just like last time."

"Ha ha."

Pengcheng is Chen Lie's land.

If something happens to him here, then he will really go back the more he lives.

"Those two countries really need to pay attention."

"Xiguo and Yili popular hedonism, so their food culture is extremely prosperous."

"You should understand that clubbing, tapas, minimum wages and leisure time, dinner at nine o'clock in the evening, etc., these are amazing regulations for us, and they all show the situation in their country."

"Interestingly, these are all related to food, and their food culture can be reflected through these signs."

"Yili is a world-famous gourmet country. Let’s not talk about it. Let’s talk about Western countries. This gourmet country is dominated by many civilizations in history. Because of its unique history, its food culture is very tolerant. , It is naturally wonderful and full of many indescribable variables."

Mr. Li and Mr. Zhu, the ghost eye, said each of the seriousness and concerns.

"I know."

Chen Lie only nodded his head in an unmoved attitude.

"It seems that Xiaolie has the winning ticket."

Old Li and Ghost Eye glanced at each other, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Then we two old men will not be wordy."

Guiyan changed the subject: "Xiao Lie, thank you for your wine, the old man is ashamed. So just give it to you, even if it is unreasonable, the old man will not refuse."

He was referring to the mysterious ginseng wine that Chen Lie had secretly given him in return recently.

"Then we are settled."

Chen Lie has no mother-in-law.

A leisurely smile.

He only recently discovered that the higher the position and the older the person, the more afraid of death.

The pursuit of longevity is naturally strong.

Ghost eyes are pretty good.

Chen Lie had heard of a big figure in the imperial capital who was only in his 60s this year. He was so afraid of death that he was willing to spend 100 million yuan to buy health secrets, and even willing to spend 1 billion to buy treasures that can directly extend life.

and so.

Chen Lie's Shenling Wine is very precious.

You must know that the ginseng wine made by the mysterious wine that he took out before was only soaked with decades of wild ginseng.

At that time, the ghost eye only took a sip and felt a warm breath of life, moisturizing the old and degraded organ of the ghost eye with a silent gesture.

That feeling is the human body version of a long drought and rain.

And now.

The effect of Shenling Wine is even more terrifying.

Because this is the essence of hundreds of ginseng.

If Chen Lie's soaked ginseng wine is a grade 3 wine, then Bacchus's secret ginseng wine is grade 4, and Shenling wine is a veritable grade 5 wine.

Taking one cup a day for 100 days can prolong life for ten years.

If the ghost eye knew about the existence of Ginseng Wine, I am afraid it would be crazy about it.

"Xiao Lie, thank you for your hospitality."

"We two old men are leaving."

The two seniors succeeded in eating and drinking again, and left with a smile.

Why did Chen Lie mention Shenling Wine?

The reason is simple.

He intends to exchange ginseng spirit wine.

After all, the allure of Dracaena is too exaggerated.

Every time Chen Lie thinks that he can increase the bloodline power of all the pets in the pet shop, even if he has a little effect, he can't control the impulse.

The surroundings became quiet.

"Close the park temporarily."

Chen Lie tasted a cup of tea by himself, Xiao Hei immediately went over to close the door of the paradise, and sat down to the door, like a door god.

It is so reassuring.

Chen Lie said to the Bacchus: "Bacchus, take out the ginseng spirit wine, I want to replace it with a treasure tree that is beneficial to all the animals here."

Bacchus hesitated, then opened the wine cellar with a look of dismay and took out its treasure.

"Don't look disheartened."

Chen Lie reminded: "Now there are farmers in town, and a large area of ​​ginseng fields have been opened up in the Great Paradise. As long as you are diligent enough, it is not a problem to brew a bottle a month."

The main work on the Great Paradise has been completed.

of course.

This is all because of Chen Lie.

After all, the original mountain bag, grass and other designs took at least 3 months, but now they all died because of Chen Lie's will.

But because of this, Chen Lie and the others can plan bamboo forests and farmland at will.

Just like the other day.

After Chen Lie's transplantation many times and days, a small bamboo forest has appeared in the Great Paradise.

After all, there are 11 grade 5 purple bamboo shoots every day, and the accompanying grade 4 purple bamboo shoots are even more exaggerated. This kind of reproduction speed is no joke.

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