Paradise One-The squirrel army smashed Xiao Jianmu mightily, and immediately scared away the many birds on Xiao Jianmu.

"Mr. Chen, you finally came."

Song Feng came to Chen Lie and sighed: "Mr. Chen, what exactly is your tree? I know so many trees, and I asked an expert to see it, but I couldn't recognize what kind of tree it was."

"I do not know either."

Chen Lie was too lazy to explain too much.

Talk to smart people, the more you explain, the more flaws you have.

"The strangest thing is that it's ostentatious."

Song Feng pointed at Xiao Jianmu with gritted teeth and said, “It not only attracts birds, but also other small animals, even snakes. Yesterday, I was almost bitten by a grass snake hidden inside. "

"Now there are snakes?"

It was winter in the south at this time, and the weather was very cold.

In this weather, snakes are hibernating, and it is impossible for snakes to appear.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jianmu's charm is so great that even snakes don't care about hibernating and come out to find a place.

"What did I lie to you."


Song Feng was very excited to show up the photo of the grass snake that was killed yesterday, and then pointedly found a snake hole under Xiao Jianmu to explain.

"Farmer, leave it to you."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense and let the farmer orangutan handle it.

The farmer orangutan who was transplanting Zizhu immediately stopped his work and happily killed Xiao Jianmu.

It doesn't take a few clicks.

The farmer orangutan appeared with a few dead snakes in his hands.

There is actually a poisonous snake that is not weak.

For farmers, snakes can catch mice, but the poisonous snakes hidden in them are natural enemies and must be eliminated quickly.

Therefore, the god-level farmers naturally possess superb snake catching skills.

"This one……"

Song Feng couldn't find a description for a while, and finally could only sigh with emotion: "Brother Pet's pet is really extraordinary."

"Here must always be staring!"

Chen Lie started to have a headache. He looked at his villa and asked, "President Song, when will the villa be completed? I remember it was completed in just ten days last time."

"Didn't you have additional requirements?"

Song Feng replied with a good temper: "You asked for the addition of underground buildings, and all aspects of equipment must be better than the paradise, at least more complete, after all, it is far from the city."

"I know."

"It was my negligence."

Chen Lie added in the end: "But how can you be far away if you drive less than an hour?"

Chen Lie is not a real wilderness here.

It's just a more difficult place in the suburbs.

But now that the road has been opened up, to Chen Lie's super pet shop, if there is not much traffic jam, it will be more than half an hour, about 40 minutes to 50 minutes.

If it was before.

If the road is not connected, an hour and a half will be enough.

Chen Lie cooperated with the government to open up this road, which greatly facilitated him and made it easier for residents of nearby villages to come and go. Many people secretly gave Chen Lie a thumbs up.

Seeing Chen Lie's expression, Song Feng asked, "Mr. Chen, are you so anxious to move in?"

Chen Lie nodded.

Song Feng reminded earnestly: “If it’s decoration and construction, it’s not difficult, just work overtime to catch up on the progress. But the decoration is done, unless you use pure natural materials like the last time and prepare in advance, otherwise this time You have to add time to degas and so on."

Chen Lie replied triumphantly: "You don't need to worry about this, Shanren has a clever plan."

This problem will be resolved in the future.

in the future.

In order to prevent the newly renovated room from affecting pets, there are special items to deal with this problem.

And the price is not very expensive.

Chen Lie doesn't care about this kind of problem that can be solved with dozens of fan points.

This is like a billionaire who would not care about the mere tens of thousands of dollars in consumption.


"Then I'll let someone work overtime."

When Song Feng heard this, he stopped entangled.

Chen Lie asked: "If I set up the garden now, will it interfere with your progress?"

"will not."

"And I also want to see who it is that is worthy of Mr. Chen's trust."

Song Feng thought that Chen Lie had invited a better garden expert, so he denied his design.

"You will see it soon."

Chen Lie slapped his palms and shouted: "Let's work together!"

Ho Ho Ho!

The farmer orangutan happily killed the depression near the two small hills on the side.

This depression is easy to accumulate water and must be operated.

But if it is cultivated, it must be extremely fertile land.


Song Feng got it.

But he did not support it.

After all, orangutans don't know any gardening techniques.

But Chen Lie didn't think so, and replied with a smile: "Not only the farmers, but the squirrels can also help. Anyway, just wait and see."


Song Feng looked at a small piece of bamboo forest that had already been planted, feeling very abrupt.

It is as funny as a small locust tree growing out of the rice field.

If Chen Lie hired a "garden expert" of such a level, he would never agree.

Song Feng said suddenly: "Speaking of which, it's called Great Paradise, it's too..."

"Easy to remember."

Chen Lie smiled and passed by.

"There is still something over there, you can toss it slowly."

Song Feng saw Chen Lie's naming ability and left with a sigh.

a long time.

Chen Lie placed the spy bee that had been cut out specially.

The old spy bees have all moved here.

And a small number of new, more high-end spy bees have also moved over.

He also plans to increase other defenses.

But after all, it hasn't been finished here, so it can only be so.


The farmer orangutan jumped down and fell in front of Chen Lie.

Chen Lie asked: "It's all done."

The farmer orangutan nodded.

"Then the last bit of work is left."

Chen Lie looked at the construction site.

It was late at this time, Song Feng had already left, and other decoration technicians also left and went home.

"I'm going to play a big one."

Chen Lie entered the system mall and ran directly to the sales point of the condensation machine.

The condensation machines here are large and small, and come in various shapes, and their functions are also classified according to the price.

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